Dogon Myths And Sirius B - Alternative View

Dogon Myths And Sirius B - Alternative View
Dogon Myths And Sirius B - Alternative View

Video: Dogon Myths And Sirius B - Alternative View

Video: Dogon Myths And Sirius B - Alternative View
Video: Dogon Dama | National Geographic 2024, September

The famous astronomer Robert Temple in the book "The Mystery of Sirius" published the facts about the African tribe Dogona - an original people living in Mali on the remote Bandiagara plateau, which carefully preserves its ancient traditions and information about the brightest star in the sky - Sirius.

Based on the legends and amazing knowledge of the Dogons, Robert Temple believes that in time immemorial the inhabitants of Sirius or one of the planets included in this star system arrived on Earth.

It can be assumed that having met intelligent beings on Earth, the messengers of a distant star passed on some of their knowledge to the natives.

According to Temple, it was the aliens from Sirius who were the founders of the ancient Egyptian civilization and the first pharaohs of this state. According to another version, highly developed civilizations existed on our planet many millennia ago, which perished as a result of global catastrophes.

If we look at Orion's Belt (three stars located in one row), and trace this line down and to the left, we will see a very bright star, which is Sirius A.

The Dogon have information about another star orbiting Sirius, very old and very small, made of what they call "the heaviest matter in the Universe." The drawings in the cave, made about 700 years ago, clearly show the orbit and rotation period of Sirius B, the "white dwarf". According to Dogon information, this small star orbits Sirius in about 50 years. Every 50 years, the Dogons celebrate with special splendor a holiday they call "Sigui" in honor of the "beautiful star of Sigui" - Sirius.

Astronomers were able to confirm the existence of Sirius B, the "white dwarf", in 1862, and only fifteen years later they were able to calculate the orbit of Sirius B around Sirius A, which is 50.1 years.

How did an ancient primitive tribe obtain such accurate information about a star, the parameters of which could only be measured in the twentieth century? Business training, education, will increase the efficiency of your business, give your career the necessary impetus for further growth.

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Some of the researchers suggest that the Dogon tribe simply appeared "out of nowhere", other anthropologists consider them a version of Egyptian civilization, based on the similarity of some myths, in particular, the worship of Sirius.

This tribe stores information that, by any standards of modern worldview, they simply could not have.

Their information destroys all our ideas about ourselves as the only intelligent beings in the Universe. The Dogon claim that the knowledge was passed on to them by space aliens from Sirius, who flew in from the "heavenly earth" many years ago.

According to the Dogon information, the aliens were unusually tall, “fish”, breathed water and therefore were constantly in transparent “helmets” filled with liquid. The Dogons called the aliens “Nommo”, which in the language of the natives means “to drink water”, they have a rich mythology about the creator god “Amma”, they have complex ideas about the multilayered Universe and a certain experience of astronomical observations, including non-existent satellites of Venus.

Modern astronomers have proven that Venus has a quasi-satellite, an asteroid orbiting the Sun in such a way that an orbital resonance exists between it and Venus, as a result of which it remains near the planet for many periods of revolution.

Calculations of the orbital motion of this asteroid in the past and in the future have shown that it took its current orbit about 7000 years ago, probably as a result of approaching the Earth, and that it will remain on it for another 500 years. This asteroid can also approach a fairly small distance to the Earth.

On the star chart drawn by the Dogon, Saturn and its rings are marked, as well as Jupiter and its moons. The Dogons have four calendars: the Sun, the Moon, Sirius and Venus, they also know about all the other planets of our solar system, including Neptune, Pluto and Uranus, they defined the boundaries of the Milky Way and believed, like many ancient peoples, that our solar system consists of 12 planets.

For the first time, Sirius B was observed through a telescope in 1928, and it was possible to take a picture of it only in 1970. Scientists were also interested in whether the substance that makes up the white dwarf is “the heaviest substance in the Universe,” as the Dogons claim. It was established by the methods of modern science that Sirius is indeed a double star, and its second component is a "white dwarf" - Sirius B, the density of which can reach 50 tons per cubic centimeter.

The Dogon also know about red and white blood cells and have various kinds of information about the physiology of the human body, explaining the source of this knowledge to the drawings in the cave, which show a "flying saucer" and creatures that look like dolphins. The diagram from the Dogon Cave is identical to the model of rotation of Sirius B around Sirius A for a specific time - from 1912 to 1990. The dolphins, or whoever the creatures were, passed on this scheme to the Dogons, dating back to the present time, at least 700 years ago.

The Dogon claim that at the moment of the coming of the "Nommo" a new star lit up in the sky, which was five times brighter than Venus. According to the general belief of the Dogons, “Nommo” will definitely return to earth, but this time in the form of people.

One of the hypotheses is about an alien ship, the other is about a supernova explosion, possibly in the Sirius system. The Dogons also have indications that Sirius was once in the place of our Sun. Mention is also made of Sirius C - the "Star of the Woman", which is to become the new center of the world. The existence of Sirius C has not yet been confirmed by astronomers.

There are different opinions on this matter. The most incredible and at the same time the most widespread is the version about the so-called paleocontact, i.e. the hypothesis of a visit to the Earth in the distant past by representatives of an extraterrestrial civilization. This is evidenced not only by the myths of the Dogons, but also by the legends of the Sumerians about the “Anunnaki” - Gods who descended from heaven. Perhaps aliens from Sirius really visited our planet in prehistoric times and, seeing signs of intelligent life here, decided to pass on some of their knowledge to the nascent civilization.

There is another version based on the assertions that once upon a time there was a highly developed civilization on Earth, which perished as a result of a monstrous natural cataclysm. Perhaps the Dogons are the heirs of a great people who once possessed great knowledge.
