Goddess Isis And Queen Astarte - Alternative View

Goddess Isis And Queen Astarte - Alternative View
Goddess Isis And Queen Astarte - Alternative View

Video: Goddess Isis And Queen Astarte - Alternative View

Video: Goddess Isis And Queen Astarte - Alternative View
Video: The Truth about God the Mother | Pagan Queen of Heaven 2024, September

Osiris and Isis ruled the land of Egypt happily for many years, and no one could have imagined that their just reign could be interrupted in such a daring, insidious way.

In the morning, when the banks of the Nile were still covered with fog, a servant rushed into Isis' chambers and informed Isis about the great grief - the insidious murder of Osiris by Set.

- What happened? - asked the white Isis.

- Don't ask, run away! Seth comes here with his assassins to seize the throne. Having killed Osiris, he will not spare you either! Save yourself, goddess Isis!

Isis's legs gave way, and she fell into a chair, covering her face with her hands. Then the door flew open and the conspirators burst into the throne room.

- Are you still here? - Seth declared when he saw Isis. - Get out immediately! This is my palace!

- You will pay dearly for this atrocity! - Isis exclaimed. - Where is Osiris? Give me back my husband's body!

- - Do not even hope! I don't want you to bury Osiris and erect a stele at the burial site. Then people will worship him as a god, and I wish the memory of Osiris to disappear from human hearts.

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Leaving her home, Isis burst into tears. She was desperate, not knowing where to look for Osiris. As a sign of great sorrow, the goddess cut her hair, put on mourning clothes and went to look for her husband. She went around dozens of villages and cities, and one day she met children playing with pebbles, who told her about a mysterious chest that floated by on the river. Isis was delighted. and with the help of magical means she found out where the chest was. It was carried out to the expanses of the Green Sea, and by the sea surf it was thrown onto land near the Phoenician city of Gebala.

The chest remained near the young tree, and while the goddess Isis was in search, the tree grew, turning into a large tree with a chest inside the trunk.

Therefore, when Isis came to the right place, the tree was gone. It turned out that the king of Gebala Malakandr, walking along the coast, saw a beautiful tree and ordered it to be cut down to make a column for the palace.

- Woe to me! - Isis exclaimed and burst into bitter tears, thinking that she would never see Osiris again and would not be able to pay him funeral honors!

“Why are you so sad, beautiful stranger? - Suddenly she heard a voice behind her. Isis turned around.

Near her stood three women with beautiful jugs and looked at her sympathetically.

- Who you are? the goddess asked them.

“We serve our lady Astarte, the queen of the city of Gebala,” the women answered. - And you, apparently, came from distant lands? Your clothes are all worn out! If you have no loved ones in the city, let's go with us to Astarte. She is very kind and helpful. She will definitely like you, and she will leave you to live at the palace.

Moved, Isis thanked the good women with all her heart, and together they went to the palace. Astarte greeted them cordially. She asked the stranger about her trouble, but Isis decided not to give her real name until the time. It was enough to declare who she was and why she had come, and Astarte would immediately fall on her knees before her in great reverence. But Isis acted differently. Raising her eyes, which glistened with tears, she said:

- I came from Ta-Kemet. Robbers killed my husband, and I did not have time to give birth to a son who would avenge this atrocity. And so I wander through the cities, hoping that somewhere I will find shelter.

- You are sorry that you have no son - so you love children? Astarte asked sympathetically.

- Yes I love! - exclaimed the goddess. - Is it possible not to love children!

And she put her hands to her chest and wept.

- - I see you are a kind woman, - moved, Astarte said. - If you had not been overtaken by grief, you would have become a good mother. But you will be comforted! In my palace you will find shelter and food. And if you want, you can look after my little son. In such an unusual way, the search led the goddess Isis to the palace of Malacandra and Astarte.
