Medusa Gorgon - Myth Of Ancient Greece Or Real Character - Alternative View

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Medusa Gorgon - Myth Of Ancient Greece Or Real Character - Alternative View
Medusa Gorgon - Myth Of Ancient Greece Or Real Character - Alternative View

Video: Medusa Gorgon - Myth Of Ancient Greece Or Real Character - Alternative View

Video: Medusa Gorgon - Myth Of Ancient Greece Or Real Character - Alternative View
Video: Medusa: Victim or Villain? | Monstrum 2024, July

Everyone knows Medusa Gorgon from the mythology of Ancient Greece. She is a humanoid creature, more often an evil character who, if you look into his eyes, turns the unfortunate person to stone. The Gorgon has a specific appearance - on the head instead of snake hair, green or golden skin, often a snake's tail or its likeness instead of legs. Many sailors and brave men tried to defeat this creature. By the way, "medusa" is translated from Greek as "protector, mistress, guardian." As you know, the glorious Perseus defeated the Gorgon. She was also mentioned in the Odyssey (XI 634). It is also known that many of the myths of Ancient Greece were based on real events. Could such an extraterrestrial being be real?

Gorgon - myth or reality

At the end of the 50s of the last century, a certain "Holy Letter" was circulating around the world. It contained information about an incident that occurred in Samara on New Year's Eve (1956). This case, it must be admitted, is too fantastic, so it is difficult to believe in its reality.


A certain Zoya decided to celebrate the arrival of her lover. For this, she gathered her closest friends, who decided to come to her with their other halves. Zoe lived in a small house with her mother, who would now be called a devout mother.

On the evening before the holiday, Zoe's mother went to church. Zoya and her guests had fun, waiting for the arrival of her beloved. He lingered, which greatly bothered the girl. The guests, in turn, danced carefree, drank wine, had fun and talked. For some reason, suddenly a strange thought arose in Zoya's head: to dance with an icon on which St. Nicholas the Pleasure was depicted. Zoe thought: if God exists, then he will certainly punish for such an act. The blasphemous test was effective. During the dance with the icon, a roar was heard in the room, accompanied by a blinding lightning.


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Further events developed very strangely. The guests quickly ran out of Zoe's house, and the hostess herself literally turned to stone. At least this is exactly what it says in the Holy Letter. Doctors who arrived in the ambulance tried to provide medical assistance to the victim. Even an elementary injection could not be done, as the needles broke on Zoe's skin. A few days later, Zoya began to show nocturnal activity. During the day she stood motionless, and at night her screams excited and frightened the neighbors. Gradually, the rumor about the petrified girl with a living heart spread throughout the city. Zoya turned into a "museum exhibit", to see which the residents of Samara came to see. Very quickly, the rumor about the unfortunate woman reached other cities. Various doctors, believers and ordinary onlookers tried to solve the riddle of the stone lady, but to no avail. No doctorsMoreover, the priests could not help Zoya in any way. She stood for 128 days, after which she came to herself. The exhausted girl was put to bed, and three days later she died unexpectedly.


Thus, God allegedly punished the blasphemer. Many scientists have tried to figure out exactly what happened to Zoya. The priests, as usual, attributed everything to a miracle. The saddest thing is that no one could help the unfortunate woman. A certain patriarch of the Orthodox Church suggested that Zoya was punished by Nikolai the Ugodnik himself, since she disrespected it precisely to his image. If so, then only the saint himself could save her. However, it is hard to believe that a good-natured old man-Pleasant is able to punish so cruelly. In all legends, he is described only in a positive way. From the "Holy Letter" it is known that once an old man in strange clothes approached the house of the petrified Zoe. Unfortunately, he was also unable to help the victim. The reason for this was the peculiarity of Zoe's death, since it was a karmic death. Karma is irreversible punishment for atrocities committed. If a person deserves such a punishment, then he will have to suffer. Even the patron saints cannot save him.

An example of karmic punishment is the drought that occurred in Sicily in 1893. Most likely, the locals paid for their sins in this way. Various methods have been tried to make it rain, but to no avail. As a result, people reached an extreme degree of despair: men and women, as well as their children, lay for days in front of the icons of the saints and prayed. The saints were unable to help the unfortunate, so human anger fell upon them. People destroyed statues of saints, burned icons, destroyed churches. And even for such blasphemy they did not suffer the fate of petrified Zoe. Why? Perhaps "petrification" is not karma or punishment?

The ability to turn people into stone - where did it come from?

The image of the Gorgon is, of course, completely fictional. But the ability to turn people to stone (in a certain sense) could really exist.

In the myths of the Chibcha-Muisks (ancient Indians), almost all the leaders of the tribes were descendants of the sun god. Hence, they possessed supernatural powers. For example, the leader Fomagata, defending his tribe, could turn the enemy into a stone statue. The legend does not indicate what exactly and how he did it. Perhaps this ability appeared thanks to high technologies, which we - modern people do not yet know about. The "Gorgon Head" could well have been a high-tech weapon - an artificially created apparatus that could convert one substance into another. By the way, the ability to make people freeze could be an ordinary hypnosis, which to ancient people, most likely, would seem like a miracle.


Thus, it can be assumed that in reality the Indians described ordinary people to whom the "gods" passed on secret knowledge and technologies. “Gods” in this case could be representatives of highly developed civilizations, our predecessors, representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations. By the way, in stories about unidentified flying objects (UFOs) it is often mentioned that they could release a beam that makes all eyewitnesses "petrified" - freeze in place and stand still. This theory may be quite plausible. Perhaps the ancient Indians inherited the technology to “turn people into stone” from alien beings. It is also possible that to this day these alien creatures visit our planet and demonstrate their skills.

In 1963, in Trancas (Argentina), three dogs and more than twenty chickens were paralyzed for 40 minutes by a reddish-purple ray emanating from the bottom of a UFO. In August 1977, 40 cows and a shepherd with a dog were paralyzed in the village of Pelhem (United States) after a UFO impact. The animals and the shepherd were found in such a state in the morning by local residents worried about the loss of livestock. Some cows died after "petrification".


People who have experienced the paralyzing effects of UFOs say that they experienced something like an electric shock. Often the paralysis subsided within a couple of hours after the UFO encounter, but sometimes it could last for several days. Ufologists believe that unidentified flying objects paralyze people with specific radiation, similar to a microwave. There have even been experiments with small laboratory animals that have turned to stone (paralyzed) by such radiation.

The Mahabharat explains what Medusa's head could be

The Indian Mahabharata describes a weapon capable of paralyzing an entire army with one blow. It is known that it produced two rays, which were called "fiery eyes" in the ancient work. By the way, the ancient descendants of the "gods" used this weapon. Thus, it was quite real and functional. It was because of him that the legend of Medusa Gorgon could arise. Moreover, the Mahabharata even describes a counter weapon against this paralyzing weapon.


"Mahabharat" says that the attack with a paralyzing weapon could be secured by special shields, covering with hundreds of images of the moon. Several characters owned this weapon. Most likely, in reality, these devices were just metal - shiny, reflecting light, so ordinary people thought that they depicted the Moon. The color of the standard polished metal really resembles the color of the Earth companion.

The legend of the Gorgon said that Perseus defeated her with a shield similar to the one described above, which reflected her gaze. Perhaps the legend of Ancient Greece describes the same medicine for the fossil as in the Mahabharata.


The events in which weapons and counter-weapons unknown to modern science were used are quite logically called in the Mahabharata - the war of the gods. Perhaps the authors of this work have witnessed a real war with the use of high technologies. By the way, it was with the help of such technologies that a highly developed civilization-predecessor could easily destroy itself on its own. This explains why these technologies have not survived to this day - they were too dangerous for humanity, so they preferred to forget about them.