Pictures Are Energy Traps - Alternative View

Pictures Are Energy Traps - Alternative View
Pictures Are Energy Traps - Alternative View

Video: Pictures Are Energy Traps - Alternative View

Video: Pictures Are Energy Traps - Alternative View
Video: Your brain is wired for negative thoughts. Here’s how to change it. 2024, October

In their paintings, brilliant artists do not just depict a landscape, a person's appearance or an event. There is a mystery in them that no science can either solve or explain. This mystery can mean anything: joy, meditation, and even death.

The mysteriousness of the portrait of La Gioconda, which was painted by the world famous artist Leonardo da Vinci, has been attractive for those who appreciate real art for many centuries. A mysterious "stranger", smiling, as if with a magnet attracts people to her.

La Gioconda is one of those paintings that have been copied more than once by various artists and students as well. However, none of them was able to achieve success in this. No matter how they tried to repeat the full depth of the eyes of the mysterious woman Leonardo, no matter how they tried to depict the mystery in a smile, nothing happened.

However, what was the surprise when it turned out that in addition to admiration, the image of Gioconda also had a negative impact. This is evidenced by the stories of many people who came to admire the work of art, created in truth by the master of his craft, Leonardo Davinci. A similar situation happened with the famous French writer Frederic Stendhal. When he approached the picture in a dense one, he began to gaze intently into the eyes of a mysterious beauty, into her bewitching smile. Then a moment and he loses consciousness!

I wonder who is this stranger depicted in the painting by Leonardo? This question worries many researchers, and most of them are inclined to the version that the artist depicted on canvas the 26-year-old Mona Lisa Gherardi, who lives in Florence. And in fact, quite often you can hear about this picture as "Mona Lisa". However, now researchers often cite a different version. According to this version, the portrait is the image of Pacifica Brandano, the mistress of Giuliano Medici, who was the brother of the famous Pope Leo XI. The woman chosen by the talented artist as a model had a bad reputation. Despite the external attractiveness, Pacifika could seduce any man in Italy.

Work on his creation was started by the artist at the age of 61 and ended when he was already 67 years old. However, the picture, in which Leonardo was invested so much, did not become happy for him. In his diary, he recorded that he was created and destroyed at the same time by the Medici.

Experts on unknown facts believe that this record concealed a very deep meaning. It was no secret to anyone that Pacific was spoken of as an energy vampire. Those who were with her constantly seemed to melt. The death of her husband occurred when he was at the peak of the career ladder. And the death of such a famous lover Giuliano Medici came as a result of consumption.

And so it happened that this strange energy also emanated from the portrait of Pacifika. Sometimes the artist himself does not know that his work is filled with the negative energy that he splashes out, creating a canvas. The genius artist Leonardo da Vinci not only revealed the inner essence of his model, but also transferred it to the canvas with the picture.

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And the painting depicting the Gioconda is not the only one that has mysterious powers. Such paintings can have a negative effect not only on their creators, who paint them at moments of special inspiration, but also on those who just come to see them at exhibitions. They can very well bring grief, failure, and even death.

Much has been said about the well-known fact of vandalism that happened to the painting by Ilya Repin "Ivan the Terrible kills his son". However, few people know that Repin for a long time simply could not draw blood in this picture. He said that every time he started to work, something stopped him. He became ill and stopped working.

But he also could not refuse the picture, he attracted him with some of his unprecedented strength. But no matter how hard he tried, the picture did not look vital. He managed to bring this "life" when on the street he accidentally saw a woman hit by a carriage and her bloody face. The artist's model, from whom he painted the son of Ivan the Terrible, also had trouble. Vsevolod Garshin died, rushing into a flight of stairs.

Emperor Alexander III on the territory of Moscow first introduced a ban on showing the painting "Ivan the Terrible kills his son." Then it was partially removed, and the picture was available for viewing only to the male representatives. Women and children were not allowed to be shown.

Years passed, and it turned out that the foresight of the Russian emperor was absolutely justified. The image of blood flowing from a person, the look of people in the balance of death, has tremendous energetic power. And so it happened in the case of student Balashov, his psyche simply could not stand it. He furiously began to cut the painting canvas, not giving an account of his actions. The court recognized the young man's insanity. The poet Maximilian Voloshin said at the trial that the blame for what happened lies with the artist himself, who saturated the whole picture with his aggression.

Their wives and lovers suffered from the talent of famous artists. The more talented the artist was, the more terrible the end of women's lives. For example, with regard to the life of Harmenszoon van Rijn Rembrandt. His wife Saskia died of consumption at the age of 30. She was his muse and can be seen in many of the artist's paintings. He lost three children when they were still in infancy, his son Titus passed away at the age of 27. He lost his second wife, too, when she was still young.

The most famous paintings of the world famous Spanish artist Francisco Jose Goya are the works "Naked Maha", "Dressed Maha". The role of the model was assigned to the Duchess of Alba, who became famous for having recaptured the royal lover. The aging master was passionately in love with the Duchess and painted many of her portraits. And three years later, the sudden death of the duchess occurred, despite the fact that she was a completely healthy person.

It is known from the life of Pablo Picasso that only one of his women was lucky, and nothing happened to her. His first wife was Olga Khokhlova, who could often be seen in the master's paintings. Each time she personified a new image. She appeared in the form of a pensive maiden, then in the form of a devil. She went crazy. The Yugoslav artist Dora Maar went mad. Marie-Teresa Walter, from whom the artist had a daughter, died by hanging, four years after the death of Picasso himself.

With the last wife, too, everything ended tragically, she committed suicide by shooting herself 13 years after the death of the master. Nothing happened only to Françoise Guilot, who left him after they had lived together for ten years.

Many people know about the success of the capital's museum of Alexander Shilov. But only a few know that the painting depicting the artist's daughter Masha, which is so popular here among visitors, is fraught with a terrible story of her life. Masha died of an illness that could not be cured. She was only 16 years old. Many people associate the death of the girl with the activities of her father.