Pyramids As Power Plants - Alternative View

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Pyramids As Power Plants - Alternative View
Pyramids As Power Plants - Alternative View

Video: Pyramids As Power Plants - Alternative View

Video: Pyramids As Power Plants - Alternative View
Video: Cosmic-ray imaging finds hidden structure in Egypt’s Great Pyramid 2024, September

The pyramids are a mystery, but we have everything to solve it …

The number of versions of what the pyramids of Ancient Egypt actually were is multiplying every year almost exponentially. Some supporters of alien versions claim that the pyramids were used for intergalactic communication, that the so-called ventilation shafts are nothing more than directions to certain star systems. And, supposedly, the connection was carried out on them. “Hello, chief?.. How do you hear? Everything is lost!.

Others argue that the pyramids worked like power plants, pumping electricity with Tesla coils. Supporters of the traditional funeral processions of the pharaohs came up with the theory of the elevator, thanks to which Cheops, aka Khufu, is still buried in a pyramid under the King's Chamber. But the main thing is that a prehistoric elevator was running in the pyramid!

There are many theories (very diverse, including exotic ones), but all of them do not consider the structure of the pyramid as the main instrument for transforming and accumulating energy, and they very poorly develop the topic of the very energy on which the pyramids work. And these are the key points for understanding the purpose of the pyramids.

For any power device to work, three components are needed: a source, a converter and an implementer. Sometimes there is also a drive. All these components are found in the pyramid. Let's take a look at them.

The pyramids of Ancient Egypt work on the bioenergy of the Earth and Space. It can be called in different ways: biological, subtle, qi, these are all names for the same type of energy. It has subspecies, but in this aspect it is not so important, we will not dwell on this.

All biological objects, including humans, animals, insects, plants, crystals and the Earth itself, exist consuming, transforming and giving away bioenergy. From this point of view, the pyramid is the same biological object, but with programmable properties.

The source of energy of the pyramid is the vertically directed streams of bioenergy going from Space to Earth and from Earth to Space. Classic pyramids work on both at the same time …

Promotional video:

The video will present one of the theories:

This is how it works …

The earth, as a biological object, is literally permeated with energy channels. They look like parallel energy walls, on average 20 cm wide (up to 60 cm in "places of power"), entering and leaving its surface and directed from north to south every 2 meters and from west to east every 2.5 meters (Hartmann grid) … In this case, every second channel, at every moment of time, works in the opposite direction from the neighboring one. The process is most intense during the day, at night it slows down, before dawn everything freezes.


The intersections of these walls - the points where energy enters turbulence - are negative for all living things. The channels themselves (as well as points) remain constant, changing their configuration only with a change in the geological structure of the Earth's surface. These channels and points can be found by dowsing or some modern devices.

In addition to the Hartmann grid, there is also a diagonal Curry grid, as well as more global networks. The direction of the channels of these networks follows the crystal structure of the Earth's core. The higher the level of the network, the more powerful the flows passing through its channels. The most powerful streams form a regular pento-triagonal structure resembling an icosahedron.

Thus, there are very specific centers for the exchange of bioenergy between the Earth and the Cosmos on the Earth, through which the Earth “breathes” energetically, and on which the construction of pyramids is expedient. Moreover, a correctly constructed pyramid works in both directions - both on the ascending energy of the Earth and on the descending energy of the Cosmos.

The pyramid, powered by the bioenergy of the Earth, must be oriented to the north for its most effective work. For the simple reason that the energy source is oriented to the north.

The energy walls of the Hartman grid, which pierce the pyramid, from which it takes energy for its work, run from north to south and from west to east every 2-2.5 meters. That is why, if at 230 meters of the side of the pyramid it cuts such a wall diagonally, which means that the same thing happens with all the internal structures of the pyramid, then its effectiveness drops sharply. Consequently, the one who built the pyramids was obliged to master the method of biolocation, and it was with this method that he oriented the pyramid to the cardinal points with amazing accuracy without any compass …

Another short video about the purpose of the pyramids (theory):

This is how it worked even before the Flood …

It is for this reason that each pole shift rendered the old pyramids ineffective, shifting them away from the energy centers and rotating them in relation to the cardinal points. It is this property that can be used to date some pyramids as "antediluvian" or "post-Flood". Also, having two antediluvian pyramids, you can calculate the location of the old pole. In our case, the old pole is in the center of Greenland, which, obviously, was part of the legendary Hyperborea …


Thus, the pyramid is installed on the "nodes" or "edges" of the Earth's bioenergetic grid (there are not so many of these places) and must be precisely oriented to the cardinal points. However, the last rule has its exceptions.

In addition, not all pyramids operate only on regular energy flows. Some pyramids are located at the outlets of special rays corresponding to the nodes and edges of the Earth's grid. The power of the energy of these rays is such that it suppresses biological objects, literally “blowing off” energy from them with its “draft”. Or, with skillful use, it allows you to move to a different energy level, inaccessible under normal conditions.

On one of these "rays" is the pyramid of Khufu, absorbing its energy. This ray was known long before its construction and was designed in the form of a cave with an entrance inside the rock, which then became part of the Khufu pyramid. And the cave in the pyramid became known as the "Grotto". Exactly above the exit of this "ray" is the lower underground chamber and above it the King's Chamber. Thus, this source of energy still passes through both chambers. The king's chamber is made of Aswan granite specifically to conduct energy.

The main purpose of the so-called "unloading chambers" above the King's Chamber is to absorb the energy of the energy beam while it goes up.

Finally, an important element of the pyramid is the top stone, the pyramidion ("Ben-Ben stone"). The rising energy of the Earth, collected from the entire area of the pyramid, was concentrated on the pyramidion, which determined the properties of the pyramid. These are upstreams. The descending energy of the pyramid is maximally concentrated in the so-called focal point located at 0.2929 relative height of the pyramid, which in the pyramid of Khufu corresponds to the King's Chamber.

A short video will tell you about the pyramidion: