Damn Pet Shop - Alternative View

Damn Pet Shop - Alternative View
Damn Pet Shop - Alternative View

Video: Damn Pet Shop - Alternative View

Video: Damn Pet Shop - Alternative View
Video: The Best Damn Pet Shop In Town! 2024, September

My best friend Irina and I graduated from the veterinary faculty of the Ural State Agrarian University a year ago and decided to work in a pet store. We had 2 options: the first option was a pet store in Sredneuralsk next to her house, the second was a pet store in Verkhnyaya Pyshma next to my house. We wrote profiles in both pet stores and were invited for an interview. First we went to Sredneuralsk. I didn't like this pet store right away. When I went into it, I immediately had a headache. In addition, there were only two buyers during the time we were there (which is about 3 hours).

I went to the interview first. The interview was conducted by a pleasant dark-haired woman in her 40s with big gray, kind and sad eyes. While we were talking, she never even smiled. It was clear from her that she was feeling very bad, but I felt even worse and there was nothing to breathe. Then my friend Irina went to the interview, and I looked at fish, animals and birds. You can't even imagine how many dead fish I saw. Some were already dead, they had not yet been noticed and pulled out, others had died in my presence. Even aquatic plants, which until recently were green, somehow wilted, wilted. One finch died in my presence.

After what I saw here, I firmly decided that I wanted to work in the Verkhnyaya Pyshminsky pet store, where I later got a job. Irina got a job in a mid-Ural pet store, since it is located next to her house, besides, she is a skeptic and does not believe in any devilry.

The first shift she worked with the seller Svetlana, a pleasant blonde girl, who told her that the owners of this pet store were husband and wife, and the second veterinarian was an elderly woman Tatyana Pavlovna, mother of the owner of the pet store Olga Viktorovna. She hated her son-in-law Stanislav Viktorovich, who is jealous of her daughter to every pillar and treats her rudely. Once he was jealous of his wife for the buyer in front of his mother-in-law Tatyana Pavlovna, this led to the fact that she cursed him.

Olga Viktorovna consulted a novice aquarist to a pleasant man who for the first time in his life wanted to buy an aquarium. They talked for a long time, he joked, complimented her, she smiled at him. Stanislav Viktorovich saw it all. He started yelling at Tatyana Pavlovna and the saleswoman Svetlana for the fact that Olga Viktorovna advises the buyer, although this is the duty of employees, they are paid money for this.

Svetlana went to advise this buyer, and Stanislav Viktorovich called Olga Viktorovna out into the street and there he began to yell at her and insult her, when he hit her in the face she went into the office and burst into tears. Tatyana Pavlovna reassured her, wishing Stanislav Viktorovich death. She said she would curse him.

She kept her promise, 4 days after this incident, Stanislav Viktorovich began to have health problems, he had more and more headaches, a breakdown, and his lower back began to hurt. Previously, he himself brought the goods and made delivery to customers. Recently, Olga Viktorovna began to bring goods to her, her mother and classmate Artyom helped her. Stanislav Viktorovich practically could not do anything, he tore off his back, he had a constant headache and he drank pills by handfuls. It became unbearable for everyone to be in the boss's office - everyone began to feel bad there. Animals, birds, fish began to die, plants began to wither. There were much fewer buyers, employees began to quit, as the salary had to be lowered due to the small revenue, besides, Stanislav Viktorovich took off at everyone with or without reason.

Once I myself witnessed the phenomena that take place in this store. I came to Irina's work, we got into a conversation and did not notice how Stanislav Viktorovich came. He started yelling at her, at the whole store, saying that she had no brains and she only knew how to chat. The situation heated up and spray fell on him from the cabinet, which stood far from the edge and he could not fall half a meter forward. He hit Stanislav Viktorovich very hard on his already sore head, which led him into an indescribable rage, he started yelling and swearing even louder and more violently, after which he hit the closet with his fist, broke his arm and ran out of the pet store.

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It all happened in front of shocked buyers. It all ended with a blackout and we felt uncomfortable. In addition, the door jammed and we could not leave the store. The buyers were in a panic and had to be reassured. Then the light came on and we noticed that the rabbit and budgerigar had died. They lay with their necks rolled.

After that, my friend Irina finally believed that something was happening at the pet store, but that it was damage directed by the mother-in-law to the boss or the lining. This has not yet been found out, but Irina does not quit because she wants to find out, but animals and birds and fish continue to die, plants wither, expensive drugs fall from the shelves, the lights are turned off, and Stanislav Viktorovich has not been running the store for a week. His head has been splitting for a week now and Olga Viktorovna is in charge of the store, who also has a 4-year-old daughter and a sick jealous husband in her arms. It's good that my mother helps her in everything. She does not even know that her mother has damaged her husband, because she thinks that her mother said it in a rush.