Cloning The Antichrist: DNA Experiments - Alternative View

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Cloning The Antichrist: DNA Experiments - Alternative View
Cloning The Antichrist: DNA Experiments - Alternative View

Video: Cloning The Antichrist: DNA Experiments - Alternative View

Video: Cloning The Antichrist: DNA Experiments - Alternative View
Video: Proof That 5G Is Going To Make Us All Sick? 2024, September

“When the thousand years are over, Satan will be released from prison and will go out to deceive the nations …” It seems that this prophecy, recorded in the Revelation of John the Theologian, is beginning to come true. And mysticism has nothing to do with it. The scientists got down to business. They want to clone Christ. But, without knowing it, they can receive its spiritual opposite - the Antichrist.

A sensational confession was made by Alan ADLER, a famous chemist who studied samples of the Turin Shroud of the legendary fabric, in which, according to legend, Jesus Christ, who was killed on the cross, was wrapped.

There is blood on the Turin Shroud, the scientist said, and it belongs to a man who died a violent death.

And at the Center for Advanced Genetic Technologies at the University of Texas (USA), DNA was isolated from blood stains. Victor TRYON, head of the Center, confirmed that this genetic material is human. It was divided into several samples and sent to different laboratories for further research.

The results have not yet been advertised, but it is obvious that they are. Dr. Leoncio GARZA-VALDES, one of the few scientists who was allowed to personally touch the shroud, is already writing a book with a simple but shocking title "DNA of God."

The Shroud of Turin is a linen cloth, the posthumous veil of Jesus Christ. The length is about 4 meters 20 centimeters, the width is a little more than a meter. (8x2 cubits, by biblical standards). Since 1578 it has been kept in the city of Turin (Italy) in a special metal box - crayfish.

It was believed that the first mention of the shroud dates back to 1354. However, an investigation by renowned historian Ian WILSON recently revealed that there is earlier evidence dating back to 1200. They describe a canvas, in all respects similar to the shroud. But then the relic was known as the Edessa fabric, since it was kept in the Turkish city of Edessa.

The first photograph of the shroud was taken on May 28, 1898 by a man named Secondo PIA. It was in his photograph that the images of the body and face, barely distinguishable on the fabric, first appeared quite clearly.

Promotional video:

Pia nearly dropped the photographic plate from his shaking hands. “I see the face of God,” he whispered. The shroud almost burned down twice in 1532 and more recently, in April 1998. Recent studies of the image on the shroud made it possible to determine the height of Jesus Christ at about 1 meter 80 centimeters.

In the monastery of the Spanish city of Oviedo, a piece of ancient linen cloth with traces of blood is kept. Researchers Alan and Mary HANGER recently conducted an examination. And they found that the blood is identical to that found on the Turin Shroud. Traces are also similar.

The dimensions of the fabric are 83x53 centimeters. Scientists believe that the very handkerchief was found that was removed from the head of Jesus Christ and lay rolled up in a coffin next to the body.

According to the chronicles, the headscarf was taken out of Jerusalem in 614 during the war with Persia. He appeared in Oviedo in 1113.

Copy of god

A couple of years ago, people were calm about the combination of three letters of DNA. And now he's worried. After all, DNA is the basis for cloning. Having the DNA of a creature, you can make a copy of it, but in fact itself. This has been successfully demonstrated in practice. The famous Dolly the sheep became an exact copy of the sheep from which the genetic material was taken. That is DNA.

It soon became clear that cloning a person was also not a problem. Professor Richard SID undertook to solve it in time for the end of the millennium. It was up to a worthy candidate for cloning. And now he was found. The one whose blood was shed on the shroud.

In an interview with Time magazine, Garza-Valdes summed up a decade-long debate over the authenticity of the Turin Shroud. “I have no reason to doubt that the Turin Shroud was the posthumous veil of Jesus Christ,” the scientist said. I have no doubt that it was his blood that was found on the tissue."

And they were arguing about this. In 1988, three laboratories in England, Switzerland and the United States passed a verdict: the fabric of the shroud was woven in the XIV century. Such results were given by the analysis carried out by the radiocarbon method. It turned out that the shrine was forged. It was only recently that the offensive conclusions were refuted. The largest contribution to this was made by Russian scientists. They removed the very reason for doubt.

With the help of experiments, it was possible to convince colleagues, says Dmitry KUZNETSOV, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, that they were mistaken in determining the age of the tissue. And the results of the analyzes were distorted by the "extra" carbon that the fabric absorbed in the fire. In fact, the shroud is much older. According to our data, it is at least 2000 years old.

The number of the beast "666"

The links of the chain add up one to one. Strings of events and discoveries. But prophecies are also remembered. Personally, my hair stands on end from horrible coincidences. The second coming of Christ is foretold. But the coming of the Antichrist is also predicted. The Bible directly records that he will come to Earth precisely in the image of Christ and in his flesh. Will be his fake double. This can indeed happen as a result of cloning.

Moreover, the Antichrist will first kill two witnesses to his appearance. The first victims will probably be the scientists who cloned him. And then the "cosmic usurper and impostor wearing the mask of Christ", the "man of sin" will embody the absolute denial of the commandments of God, will play off peoples in mortal battles.

"Who is the Antichrist?" - asks the Byzantine interpreter of the New Testament Theophylact BULGARIAN. Isn't it Satan? “And he immediately replies:“No, but a certain person who has accepted all his power.”He will establish the kingdom of Satan, where“people will be selfish, covetous, proud, arrogant, revolting, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, ungodly, unmerciful, untrue to their word, slanderers, incontinent, ruthless, alien to the love of good, traitors, arrogant, pompous, loving pleasure more than God.

Yes, we already live in such a kingdom. It remains only to lead it.

John the Theologian, predicting the appearance of the Antichrist, seemingly neither to the village nor to the city, associates with him a certain number of the beast: “He who has a mind, count the number of the beast, for this number is human; his number is six hundred and sixty-six."

For a long time, this puzzle was completely incomprehensible. Many people generally interpreted it literally. Like, a person will come, who, say, will have "666" written on his head.

Or his name will be such that the numerical values of the letters (?) Will add up to "666".

And only now there are suspicions that the number of the beast is somehow connected with the genetic code, expressed in digital form. I would not be surprised if it turns out that the number "666" encodes a sequence of genetic DNA signals. Or fragments of it necessary for the success of cloning.