Figures - Happy And Fatal - Alternative View

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Figures - Happy And Fatal - Alternative View
Figures - Happy And Fatal - Alternative View

Video: Figures - Happy And Fatal - Alternative View

Video: Figures - Happy And Fatal - Alternative View
Video: George Michael - Father Figure 2024, September

Some consider this a pattern, others a coincidence. But hardly anyone will confidently say that this does not exist and cannot be.

In the life of each of us there are repeating numbers - in the date of birth, car or phone number, documents, days and months of significant events …

Such numbers are said to bring good luck - or, conversely, do not contribute to it. There are numbers that most people consider happy (7) or unfavorable (13). Why are individual figures given special fateful significance?

If 4 - be patient

The science that studies the connections between numbers and various objects or events is called numerology. Its main provisions, which have survived to this day, were developed in the 6th century BC by the ancient Greek philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras.

Pythagoras combined the disparate teachings about numbers and came up with the main principle of numerology: reducing multi-digit (consisting of several digits) numbers to single-digit (consisting of one digit). To do this, you need to add up the individual digits of a given number and, if the total is 10 or more, add these numbers as well, continuing the process until you get a number from 1 to 9.

Certain properties and characteristics are assigned to each single-digit number: 1 - internal energy, purposefulness; 2 - peacefulness, reliability; 3 - movement, determination; 4 - patience, organization; 5 - influence and leadership qualities; 6 - decency and responsibility; 7 - independence and creativity; 8 - changeability and instability; 9 - dedication and strength.

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In practice, the calculations look something like this. Let's say you want to know your number, which is calculated by your date of birth - for example, January 1, 1978. Write down your full date of birth: 1978-01-01. The sum of the numbers is 27. Add 2 and 7, the sum will be 9. This is your number, which determines the qualities of character and should bring you happiness.

Black Friday 2001

Numerological theory of Pythagoras speaks about the properties of other numbers. In particular, that two-digit prime numbers (which are divisible only by themselves and by one, for example, 11,13,17,19,23, etc.) have a certain negative impact.


For example, Pythagoras noted that if a dozen symbolizes the completeness and harmony of world space, then the number 13, exceeding a dozen, refers to the sphere of confusion and disorder.

The negative perception of the number 13 also has religious motives: at the Last Supper there were 13 people at the table, and Judas, who betrayed Christ, is considered the thirteenth.

In the Middle Ages in Europe, there was a sign that if 13 people gathered at a meal, then the first one to get up from the table should die within a year.

In some countries, when numbering buildings, floors or apartments, this number is omitted. British researchers have calculated that on the 13th day of the month, the number of accidents increases dramatically.

The Apollo 13 space shuttle made its only unsuccessful flight to the moon. At the same time, the oxygen tank exploded on board on April 13, and the ship started at 13:13 local time. Fortunately, all the astronauts survived.

Fridays, which fell on the 13th or 26th (twice 13), are especially notorious. They are even called black.

One of them fell on January 26, 2001. In Novosibirsk, due to a malfunction of the instruments, a Tu-154 plane, flying from Kemerovo to Moscow, made an emergency landing - and only thanks to the skill of the pilots, no one died.

At the same time, a private plane lost control and crashed in New Zealand, and the Ukrainian ship "Memory of Mercury" sank in the Black Sea near Cape Sarych. An apartment building collapsed in the center of Sevastopol due to an explosion of household gas. But the biggest tragedy of this day was the largest earthquake in India and Pakistan, which killed more than 100 thousand people.

At the same time, according to the numerological horoscope, the number 13 gives a person creative potential and developed intuition. In many Asian countries, this is a positive number - the Chinese character that signifies it is translated as "must live." The famous chess player Garry Kasparov, who was born on April 13th, considered him lucky and eventually became the 13th world champion.

Devil number

Recently, from about the mid-1960s, tragic properties have been attributed to the number 23 (note that it, like 13, is also simple).


Researchers have analyzed many facts and found that a huge number of tragic events are associated with the number 23.

Julius Caesar was stabbed 23 times before his death. The Roman Empire fell on 23 August 476. On January 23, 1556, a major earthquake struck China, resulting in massive loss of life. On May 23, 1618, the Thirty Years' War began.

Events closer to our time confirm this trend. On November 23, 1962, a Hungarian company plane crashed while landing in France, killing more than two dozen people. On the same day, two years later, a plane collided with an asphalt paver in Rome, killing 51 people.

On June 23, 1985, the largest air terrorist attack was committed - a bomb exploded on board an Air India aircraft, killing 330 people.

On November 23, 1994 and 2007, there were two air crashes - an Aeroflot Airbus A310 plane crashed near Mezhdurechensk and an Il-76 plane in Mogadishu.

On the sunken submarine "Kursk", in the compartment where the explosion took place, there were 23 people. The militants captured the spectators of 'Nord-Ost' on October 23.

Mathematicians point out that the fraction 2/3 = 0.666 (and 6 in the period) - that is, the number of the devil. Maybe the negative properties of this number are not accidental at all?

Tragic drumsticks

Another unlucky (and also prime) number is 11. Let us recall that it was on September 11, 2001, that the largest terrorist attack in history took place in New York. Everything that happened on this day is firmly connected with the number 11.

The name of the city of New York (New York City) - 11 letters. The name of the terrorist who planned this attack - Ramsin Yuseb - also consists of 11 letters. New York is the 11th US state.

The first plane that hit the tower carried 92 passengers: 9 + 2 = 11.

The second plane carried 65 passengers: 6 + 5 = 11 September 11 - 254th day of the year (2 + 5 + 4 = 11).

On November 3, 2004 (November 03, 2004), a terrorist attack took place in Madrid (3 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 0 + 4 = 11). This attack took place 911 (9 + 1 + 1 = 11) days after the explosion of the Twin Towers.


What is this mysticism? Accident? Judge for yourself.

"Under this figure, Pushkin guessed a duel …"

From school we know that the number 37 is fatal for poets, many of whom died at the age of 37 or immediately after reaching this age: Robert Burns, George Gordon Byron, Alexander Odoevsky, Alexander Pushkin, Velimir Khlebnikov, Arthur Rimbaud, Vladimir Mayakovsky, Daniil Kharms.

But among those killed for about 37 years - not only poets. The great artists Raphael, Van Gogh and Toulouse-Lautrec also passed away, having lived only to these years.

Psychologists talk about a midlife crisis, which creative people experience much more acutely - and for some of them, such a period may well become tragic.

However, a number of deaths of talented people can hardly be explained only by the inability to cope with depression - after all, many of them did not die of their own free will. And note that 37 is also a prime number!

Luck and Wealth Figures

The number 7, on the other hand, has been associated with luck and good fortune since ancient times. Pythagoras called her the most correct and argued that those in whose name there are 7 letters have extraordinary abilities.


Maybe because there are just 7 letters in the name. Opinion polls in England, Belgium and other countries have shown that the vast majority of people consider this number to be lucky.

But the number of luck can be not only seven. Especially in financial matters, where this number, on the contrary, is considered a symbol of loss, and the amounts 70, 700, 7000 cannot be stored, borrowed or borrowed, since they bring poverty.

Numerology experts say that, depending on the date of birth, each person also has a monetary number that determines his success in financial affairs. In this case, the number 1 corresponds to those who were born on the 1,10,19,28th; 2-2, 11, 20, 29th; 3-3.12, 21.30; 4-4, 13, 22, 31st; 5-5, 14, 23rd; 6-6, 15, 24th; 7-7, 16, 25th; 8-8.17, on the 26th; 9 -9.18 on the 27th.

The best money numbers for increasing income are 3 (for those who are not afraid to take risks), 6 (the most suitable for saving) and 8 (the number of luxury). For owners of other monetary numbers, it is recommended to use a few simple rules.

If you are investing or saving money, then operate only with amounts that start with your number. And try to make all large purchases for the same amount (if your money number is 7, use amounts starting with 6 or 8).

Modern psychologists have developed a very effective way to lift your mood. Its essence lies in the fact that a person associates a joyful event with the numbers that accompanied him - the date, time, house number or transport flight, etc.

That is, such an event is assigned a certain numeric code. And subsequently, meeting these numbers or remembering them, a person is in a state of joy and spiritual comfort.

