Nationality? Banker! - Alternative View

Nationality? Banker! - Alternative View
Nationality? Banker! - Alternative View

Video: Nationality? Banker! - Alternative View

Video: Nationality? Banker! - Alternative View
Video: FATCA: The First Prosecution & Convictions of Foreign Bankers & Service Providers 2024, September

Until now, the path of development of civilization, in general terms, omitting details, seemed to be a process quite understandable. Everyone was taught that it was like this: God created man, he multiplied, and after an attempt to build a tower to heaven, the builders were dispersed throughout the planet and stopped understanding each other, they suddenly started talking in different languages. It would seem, what is wrong? On the example of sufficiently reliable historical data, this is exactly how it was. First, feudal fragmentation, then - unification, consolidation, deepening and broadening. So we are told. And they offer to believe. Quite recently it was said that communism would soon come. Then they began to say that freedom and universal happiness is capitalism. Logic suggests that no one has ever told the truth, why should we take our word for it?

Well, firstly, if God created man in his own image and likeness, then why is he suddenly portrayed as a grandfather in a white nightgown with a gray beard? Are we all like him? What about children? Why not assume that God was a mischievous red-haired boy, for example? But that's not the funniest thing. What gender was God? If someone remembered now the tales about the fact that Eve was created from the rib of Adam, then let them take the "holy" scripture and make sure that it is about an operation under anesthesia, during which the genetic material was taken from Adam for creation of Eve.

Secondly, even if God created humans from the dust of the earth, i.e. both Adam and Eve were created from the mud, how could they be fruitful and multiply from each other? Does Holy Scripture Promote Incest? But this is a matter of ethics, let's leave it. The point is different. People, multiplying from relatives, degrade instantly by historical standards. There would be no humanity if people tried to reproduce from two individuals - Adam and Eve.

Meanwhile, in the Bible itself, several times there are statements that allow us to conclude that the first people were created by a specific God, who was offended that he did not have his own people. Yes Yes!!! I will not bore you with quotes, since everyone can find the information they need. This story shocked me even during the first reading of the Old Testament. More precisely, during the first attempt, because from the first word to the last, I never mastered the Old Testament, I skipped whole paragraphs so as not to waste time on countless enumerations.

It turns out that other peoples already existed, only that God who created Adam and Eve did not have their own people. The text repeatedly confirms the same thesis. The biblical story is the chronicle of one single people, which has nothing to do with Europeans. God repeatedly says that he is the god of the Jews, the god of Abram and David. So why does our patriarch call to pray to God, who called himself the lord of Abraham and David? And here we who call ourselves Russian? We are the descendants of those who knew about their origin a completely different story, according to which man was created by the Genus, which is not a lord, but considers its creation, i.e. us with you, your children!

What follows is the inevitable conclusion that the creator was not alone. Each created his own people. And this explains why on one planet, in fact, in one "communal apartment", there are so many species:


Promotional video:

- Yellow (children of the rising sun), - White (children of the day), - Black (children of the night), - Red (children of sunset).

Everything fits into the framework of the new version of the “great migration of peoples”.

Map of Hyperborea according to the project * Mercator *
Map of Hyperborea according to the project * Mercator *

Map of Hyperborea according to the project * Mercator *.

But … It is not clear what was happening at the opposite pole at that time? People also lived there.

Map of Antarctica according to the project * Piri Reis *
Map of Antarctica according to the project * Piri Reis *

Map of Antarctica according to the project * Piri Reis *.

Here, however, clarification is required. The four races only exist in our textbooks. In fact, other races live next to us, which can only be considered hybrids at a stretch.


Even outward differences with Asians are evident. I think that most of us will never confuse the Aleut with the Vietnamese.

1) "Chukche-Aleuto-Yakut-like", i.e. indigenous peoples of the north, who are they? Science says that these are Mongoloids, who for some reason got tired of eating free bananas, and they went north, roaming along the Siberian rivers. Uh-huh … I readily believe. And then these extremals settled throughout the Arctic Circle, i.e. across the globe, along the seventieth parallel.

It seems to me that it would be more accurate to say that they did not come from anywhere. They have always been here. Since then, when there were no ice caps at the poles of the Earth, and the climate on them was the same as now in the Kuban. Conditionally, of course. Judging by the thickness of the deposits of petrified plants, the forests here were so dense, and the trees in them were of such diameters and heights that now there is only a miserable semblance of the vegetation that surrounded the Samoyeds and Sami. Now something similar is found only in the tropics. And people, after climate change, did not go anywhere, but learned to survive in harsh conditions. Right. Other peoples lived to the south, who would agree to let the unwelcome refugees come to them?





2) And from what “pole” did the Semites come?

Undoubtedly, this is one people, once divided into two branches. Geneticists fully confirm this. But for some reason, these geneticists are silent about the fact that Australian aborigines are not really people at all.

Aborigines of Australia
Aborigines of Australia

Aborigines of Australia.

This is not a chauvinistic statement. Speaking about the fact that they are not quite human, I do not mean at all that they are even a little worse than others. No, not worse and not better. They are what God created them to be. Stop…!!!

3) What kind of God created them, the same one who created us all? Hard to believe. The anthropological differences between whites and aborigines are colossal. Aborigines cannot donate blood and organs for any of the races, only for representatives of their people. Yes, the gorilla and the monkey are monkeys, and the Russian and the aboriginal are humans. What's next? Are we the same? Someone would argue that if Australia had not yet been discovered by Europeans, then the aborigines, developing separately, would also use cars and microwave ovens now? I doubt very much.

I have no doubt that animals are as intelligent as humans, some of them vastly superior to humans, whales and dolphins, for example. Their lack of excavators, quite possibly, indicates only their higher level of development.

Then it turns out that you need to turn the criteria for assessing civilization upside down and recognize that the natives were created more perfect than we are. They can live in the wild, and the "lords of animals, fish and birds" will not live even six months without a sewing needle or knife. Are you still proud of the achievements of science and technology?

4) I can hardly believe that Europeans and Indians were also created in the same laboratory.


What race should the Indians, inhabitants of Oceania, Madagascar belong to?

Linguistic and cultural closeness to the Aryans is not at all necessarily evidence of their relationship, but can easily be the result of close interpenetration in the past. That is why the term "Indo-European group" is so difficult to understand. Not. After all, this is a separate race, and within each of the races there are still a lot of clans, tribes and families.

These four races: Semites, Aborigines, "North Polarians" and "Oceanians" - despite the claims of scientists about the mixing of blood over millions of years, it is quite possible to add as independent to the four canonical races, no matter what the enlightened academics say. Maybe they came from the South Pole?

So. Let's summarize the intermediate result:

All bipedal walkers who use language for communication are human and human. The difference between them is significant.

Human humans are divided into two types: carnivorous and herbivorous. Here we are not talking about the structure of the intestines and the shape of the organs for grinding food in the mouth, but specifically in the species difference at the level of the structure of the higher nervous system. The difference is the same as between a dog and a wolf. It seems that both species belong to canines, but some are created for hunting, others for peaceful coexistence with other species, even with such unbearable from the point of view of both dogs and wolves - cats. Only if a dog out of necessity endures a cat living with it under the same roof, then the wolf will never put up with it.

Types of people-people are divided into races, races into clans, clans into tribes, and so on. Any objections?

If my presentation is correct, then the conclusion is inevitable: each genus has its own unique creator, or there is only one creator, but he created everyone at different times, in different moods. For some "consignments of products" God has nothing to reproach himself with, but there are those for which it is not enough for him to tear his hands off! Well, okay, who doesn't happen to? Even God can come to work one day after a hectic feast or in frustrated feelings and screw it up so that later he will lose his summer vacation and his thirteenth salary.

But that creating carnivores alongside herbivores is a manufacturing defect, I don't agree. This is part of a single plan. That's what the pike is for, so that the crucian does not sleep - everyone knows that. In the conditions of a paradise pond, where no one bites and has plenty of food, the crucian carp quickly degenerates, becomes smaller, and in one hot summer it will inevitably die out. So, whether we like it or not, there will always be predators, and herbivores are doomed to an eternal struggle for survival. The hardest thing, of course, is for white herbivores, because they have to fight simultaneously on all fronts. Against parasites, against predators-tribesmen and against foreigners, who are no worse, but they need food and living space, they multiply with amazing speed and conquer more and more territories.

The situation can be compared to a grain field. The grain grower threw a handful of grains into the fertile land, and they began to grow, produce crops, multiply and feed others. But from the edge of the forest they are advancing sow thistles, dimples, weeds and nettles. They do not need weeding, fertilization, watering, etc. They exist in nature by themselves. And if the farmer goes on vacation, he will find his once cultivated field upon his return, captured by weeds and degraded remains of cultivated cereals.

Means what? This means that we will all degrade and die out if the "Khleborob" does not return from vacation in time. Let me clarify: it is our God that we need, and not the God of parasites and weeds. God, who created Adam and Eve, wanted to spit on us from the high bell tower. But … We have so many clans, tribes … Is it true that we all have one father? They say this, because language and culture were once the same, all the facts just scream about it. Maybe there are other facts that suggest otherwise?

It seems to me that I have found such facts. Admiring the wonderful views of the world made using autochrome technology at the beginning of the twentieth century, I became interested in the history of the invention itself, as well as the history of purposeful expeditions aimed at capturing as many fragments of the surrounding world as possible in color. What? For reference:

For a start, just admire this beauty, maybe some thoughts will come in the process?

Innsbruck. Tyrolean singers. 1910 g
Innsbruck. Tyrolean singers. 1910 g

Innsbruck. Tyrolean singers. 1910 g.

Girls of the alpine village Styrya. 1932 g
Girls of the alpine village Styrya. 1932 g

Girls of the alpine village Styrya. 1932 g.

Austria. The town of Heiligenblut. Woman with sickle and basket. 1929 g
Austria. The town of Heiligenblut. Woman with sickle and basket. 1929 g

Austria. The town of Heiligenblut. Woman with sickle and basket. 1929 g.

Tyrolean costume. 1929 g
Tyrolean costume. 1929 g

Tyrolean costume. 1929 g.

Poland. 1929 g
Poland. 1929 g

Poland. 1929 g.

Norway. Fagerlund hotel. 1910 g
Norway. Fagerlund hotel. 1910 g

Norway. Fagerlund hotel. 1910 g.

Sweden. 1910
Sweden. 1910

Sweden. 1910

Greece. 1910 g
Greece. 1910 g

Greece. 1910 g.

Russia 1909
Russia 1909

Russia 1909

Russia 1914
Russia 1914

Russia 1914

Russia 1896:


So: after looking through hundreds of photographs of the end of the year before last - the beginning of the last century, I became convinced of the extraordinary diversity of peoples captured by an impartial camera. Within one country, there is a great variety of peoples, respectively, customs and, probably, linguistic differences. Moreover, the areas of use of the same clothes do not coincide with the geographical boundaries of the countries! By the way, today we can also observe a huge difference in the language and customs of Western and Eastern Ukrainians.

Then I remembered the fact that nationalities practically did not exist until the thirties of the twentieth century. The people identified themselves by religion and citizenship. To put it simply, the difference was whether you were registered in the church at birth, mosque or synagogue, and which king or king you pay taxes to. No nations existed !!!

However, the language differences were stunning. Examples today are the Caucasus or Turkey. In Dagestan, each village has its own language, and the inhabitants of one aul do not understand the language of the inhabitants of the neighboring one. It turns out that it was the same all over the world!

Here's what I was able to find out by studying the history of the emergence of a series of autochromes filmed at the beginning of the twentieth century:

There was a man, in the lands that are now called France, whose name was Albert Kahn. He was a banker by nationality, and … Oh, a miracle! Philanthropist! Have you ever met a loan shark who is a generous sponsor? If you have met, then by all means tell me, I also want to see this miracle. But in general, this is from the realm of fantasy. The concepts of "usurer" and "philanthropist" cannot even accidentally appear side by side. The chances of photographing the Loch Ness monster are much greater than meeting a banker - a disinterested sponsor.

Just think about these numbers: In 1909, Kahn, with his "own" money, equipped FIFTY expeditions around the world in order to capture the diversity of folk customs in colors and colors. He hired the best photographers of the time, such as August Leon, who captured the life of the peoples of Sweden and Norway, whose photo is presented above.

Before the Great Depression, Kahn's messengers managed to take about 72 thousand autochromic photographs and shoot 183 thousand meters of black and white film.

How does it feel? Can you imagine what funds were spent on this project? And you believe that all this is on the money of an honest banker? I do not believe. Kahn was only a cover, the head of an ethnographic data collection company, whose true goals no one now knows. Especially suspicious is the end of Kahn himself. He went bankrupt and died strangely during the "fascist occupation." Ends in the water, as they say. But his mother probably warned him in childhood, so that he never got involved with the Freemasons. Didn't listen, poor fellow.

Be that as it may, the results of the expeditions are now publicly available and we can draw conclusions ourselves. I have already said that the differences in costumes of Europeans are simply amazing. Let’s stretch our imagination, and now we can easily imagine that the traditions and customs of small groups of the population in local territories differed just as radically. And if you strain the convolutions a little more, then the assumption inevitably suggests that they all spoke different languages, and the linguistic areas did not coincide at all with the borders of the states.

Now for a surprise!

Yes! Yes! One of the results of the expeditions leaked out of the closed archives. I myself could not believe it, but this fact was recorded by one of Kahn's expeditions to the Apennine Peninsula.

Only 3% of the inhabitants of Italy spoke Italian in 1910 !!!

Now, knowing this, the purpose of all these expeditions becomes clear. It was a large-scale intelligence gathering operation on the eve of World War I. It was the results obtained by Kahn that formed the basis for the redistribution of the world. Those who planned the First World War, already then determined what the political map of the world would look like in the next century, at least.

The result of the redistribution is the current political map of Europe. The Second World War ended the process in the late sixties, when Britain allegedly lost most of its colonies.

Now the mechanism and the exact date of the emergence of borders, states and nations becomes clear. Having fenced off a land plot, a chairman (in English "President") is placed on it, who performs a contract for the production of the nation. A single language, culture, traditions, customs, in general, everything that allows you to identify a person on a national basis. On the one hand, we see what is commonly called globalization, on the other hand, we understand that the opposite is happening on a global scale: the division of the people into various groups, united according to the principle of accounting in the tax office. So it's easier for them to keep accounting. It makes it easier to cut coupons from slaves who, like madmen, are proud of their nationality.

There are no nations. There are earthlings, humans. Each genus is unique and unrepeatable. Each clan has its own FOUNDER GOD. The founders lived in peace with each other on the land that they originally inherited. The destruction of the memory of Gods is the result of the activity of parasites seeking to take possession of the land of their neighbors illegally.

Just don't make hasty conclusions regarding the objectives of this article. I am not suggesting at all to split into clans and families. Cohesion, more than ever, we all need, without it we will be cut out one by one. But I propose to rethink the principles of uniting people, goals and objectives. The main thing is to whom and against whom to unite. To understand this, you need to realize who destroys whom, what methods are used for this.

In practice, there is no doubt that the targeted destruction of the white race is being conducted throughout the earth. And if we have not completely degraded, then we will unite, defend our moral values. We will protect our land and protect it from parasites and those who willingly or unwillingly help them. But for this, we need to stop looking for the culprits of our troubles. Even if they are found, no one will fix the situation for us anyway.

Author: kadykchanskiy