Ufologist Igor Volke Still Receives Signals - Alternative View

Ufologist Igor Volke Still Receives Signals - Alternative View
Ufologist Igor Volke Still Receives Signals - Alternative View

Igor Volke has been studying UFOs for half a century, of which 40 years - in an organized way. The ufologist, who recently celebrated his 70th birthday, spoke about his observations in the program "Eyewitness". The Estonian UFO Research Group, the backbone of which has been working together for 40 years, is collecting evidence of unidentified flying objects or aliens. “In my opinion, today the study of UFOs is primarily associated with the study and collection of folk tales and legends. This can be done on a completely scientific basis. This may reflect what people saw and felt, but this is not ufology and in no way proves the existence of UFOs,”said Mart Noorma, professor of space and defense technologies.

The UFO Research Society is run by former rescuer and now retired Igor Volke. His interest in the paranormal appeared in the late 1960s, which especially increased during the Khrushchev thaw and the wave of New Age from the West. Over time, the hobby has become a matter of life. Volka could not find the aliens, but this topic brought him together with Ira, who was carried away by the study of UFOs: for 45 years of marriage, the couple raised three children, thanks to whom they now have 11 grandchildren. “My world has become much wider. I see that the world is bigger than it seems to us,”says Ira.

Volke has essentially become synonymous with Estonian UFOlogy. In 1979, with his participation, the Commission for the Registration and Analysis of Anomalous Environmental Phenomena was created, which ended its activities with the restoration of independence. 15 years ago, EUFON (Estonian UFO Network) appeared - the Estonian UFO Network, which also practically does not operate. Wolke now coordinates a group of researchers, whose unofficial headquarters and archive is his house. He does not let outsiders, including the “Eyewitness” operator, into him. UFO research culminated in the early 1990s, but Wolke says he still receives 10-12 signals a year. Of these, 5-6 are so entertaining that the researchers visit the site. If necessary, resort to the help of experts and equipment, take soil samples and tissue samples. It happened that I had to resort to hypnosis,to release locked witness memories.

The stories seem even more incredible due to the lack of physical evidence. Researchers receive hundreds of images of alleged UFOs each year. The quality of the photos is usually poor, as everything always happens unexpectedly, people are confused, and the subject is far away. Volke and his team looked at thousands of images of dots, balls, shiny objects and other objects that can be either unearthly power or quite natural. According to Volke, he does not rack his brains trying to explain these cases, but tries to determine the sequence - he has a map on which all registered paranormal phenomena are plotted.

Author: Evgeniya Zybina