The Phenomenon Of Abducted By Aliens And Its Perception By Psychologists - Alternative View

The Phenomenon Of Abducted By Aliens And Its Perception By Psychologists - Alternative View
The Phenomenon Of Abducted By Aliens And Its Perception By Psychologists - Alternative View

Video: The Phenomenon Of Abducted By Aliens And Its Perception By Psychologists - Alternative View

Video: The Phenomenon Of Abducted By Aliens And Its Perception By Psychologists - Alternative View
Video: What "Alien Abductions" Say About Our Brains 2024, July

The total number of UFO sightings since the early 1980s around the world has been steadily declining. This decline was particularly noticeable in the United States, which once gave rise to the "cymbal boom."

American ufologists, puzzled by such a strange phenomenon, decided to analyze the situation more deeply. They found out that the number of “kidnappings” in the United States has increased enormously over the past ten years. At first, it was assumed that the meeting of people with "aliens" and the notorious transfer of them on board the "starship" for "medical examinations" were purely random.

Recent work by American ufologists, among which Bud Hopkins' research should be noted, seems to refute this claim. It seems that the candidates for the "abduction" were selected in advance, from a very early age, and that their experiences with "aliens" last a lifetime.

According to Hopkins, contacts of the third kind usually begin with 3-4-year-old children, when cell tissue is taken from them. From that moment on, the “abducted” person finds himself in the position of a person who constantly feels some kind of control over himself. Further contacts continue, ostensibly in the interests of special genetic experiments.


Memories of these events usually remain "buried" in the subconscious of a person, and not without the help of the "kidnappers" themselves.

Hopkins discovered a number of oddities in his conversations with numerous survivors of the abduction. In one case, for example, the "victim" experienced an incredible fear of spiders. At the age of five, he somehow in the middle of the night saw a light web with several spiders and was very frightened. According to Hopkins, the cobwebs were actually the pale face of the "alien", and the spiders were his huge black eyes.

Hopkins concluded that most of the mental disorders described in the medical literature could be attributed to abduction experienced in childhood and remained only in the subconscious. However, in Europe there are ufologists, such as John Reamer, who believe that the experience of abduction is only symptoms, and the reason is a change in personality. Meanwhile, Bud Hopkins and writer Whitney Steeber have set up community foundations to support the kidnapped.

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One of the main figures in this movement is the psychotherapist Rima Leibow, the organizer of the international conference "Treatment and Research of Abnormal Trauma", which is constantly operating in the USA.

The American approach prompted even such a serious ufologist as John Schessler to propose to create a new direction in science under the auspices of the UN - aesopsychology. It is about "studying and anticipating the behavior, attitudes, character and thoughts of aliens."

But what kind of aliens? In the early 1970s, the abduction scenario consisted of only a dozen characteristic episodes. In the next decade, this number increased to a hundred. Now it is several thousand.


The comparative analysis given by the ethnologist, folklorist, ufologist Thomas Ballard when studying 270 episodes before 1985 gives a rather contradictory picture. First of all, almost 50% of cases occurred in North America, 24% in South America and only 17% in Europe (of which almost half in England). It was also noted that the number of "abducted" men was exactly twice as many as women.

Considering only well-studied reports of "superior quality", according to Ballard's definition, in 74 cases hypnosis was used to restore the incident, and only in 30 cases the victim's memory was "spontaneous". When using hypnosis, the story about the "medical examination" on board the UFO turned out to be significantly longer and richer in details.

The greatest contrast between the two categories of victims is seen when comparing the descriptions of the aliens. People who recalled the "abduction" without hypnosis, in the overwhelming number, spoke of tall humanoids with normal facial features.

As a result of hypno-testing, the narrators described short bald creatures with small noses. According to Ballard, "hypnosis is partly responsible for characterizing aliens."

Interestingly, the appearance of the kidnappers depends on the geography of the incident. Evidence from North America, for example, is dominated by small humanoids. From England, tall, human-like creatures are often reported. In South America, tall humanoids are "concentrated". However, it is strange that different types of aliens each visit their own specific geographic area and avoid others.

Thomas Ballard came to the conclusion that the individual details of the narrated episodes depend on the level of culture of the "abducted", as well as on the psychological properties of the hypnologist. Probably the most difficult part of ufological research is to find out the mechanism of these dependencies.

An interesting analysis was made by Elizabeth Slater, observing five men and four women and not knowing that they "visited" the aliens. It turned out that all of these are intelligent, extremely whole individuals who do not suffer from any mental disorders. In other words, “abducted”, according to Hopkins, are completely normal citizens.

But at the same time, almost all of them, undoubtedly, belonged to the category of "eccentric" or at least strange people, distinguished by high intelligence, rich imagination and complex inner life. This circumstance has allowed some researchers to classify the "abducted" as a person inclined to fantasy.

For twenty years now, psychologists have united in this category a group of people (they account for about 4% of the population), differing in special characteristics. For example: they easily succumb to hypnosis, in childhood they live in a fictional fantasy world, in adult life they pay a lot of attention to "experiences outside the body", "waking dreams" and other paranormal hobbies. Nevertheless, these are perfectly normal people.

It is quite typical that in most cases the victims experience temporary memory loss. Similar conditions, however, are sometimes noted in ordinary people.

At the same time, a person, as a rule, does not lose clarity of perception, is aware of himself as a person, is capable of meaningful actions. But then, usually for several hours, he forgets it all, and later regains his memory. There remains, however, a certain gap in the memories of the victim, for a long time unsettling him.
