Why Does Silver Heal? - Alternative View

Why Does Silver Heal? - Alternative View
Why Does Silver Heal? - Alternative View

Video: Why Does Silver Heal? - Alternative View

Video: Why Does Silver Heal? - Alternative View
Video: Silver nanoparticle risks and benefits: Seven things worth knowing 2024, July

Silver (Argentum) is one of the most famous noble metals, which belongs to the group of heavy metals.

As early as 5000 BC in China, Persia, Egypt, people noticed that silver has a wound healing effect. Thus, the ancient Egyptians applied small silver plates to open wounds. Then the wounds healed much faster. In addition, ancient people knew about the bactericidal properties of silver. So, in the VI century, the Persian king Cyrus ordered his soldiers to carry water only in silver vessels. This greatly reduced the incidence of intestinal diseases that were so common in hot climates.

In medieval Europe, it was believed that water from silver vessels greatly reduced the risk of contracting cholera or plague. Then the Europeans attributed the most incredible properties to silver, even the ability to protect against vampires!

If the ability of silver to protect against vampires (as well as their existence) has not been proven by science, then the antiseptic properties of this metal have long been scientifically explained. Silver, as a heavy metal, has low toxicity. Silver ions have a depressing effect on the enzymatic ability of microorganisms and bacteria, depriving them of their ability to reproduce. It is believed that silver ions kill only harmful bacteria - but this is not the case. In water saturated with silver ions, all microbes die.

People use the miraculous properties of silver today. For example, a suspension of microparticles of silver (colloidal silver) is used in medicine for the preparation of protargol and collargol, which are used to treat sinusitis and rhinitis. Colloidal silver is a very active substance that can cause burns on the skin.

Also, today silver is used for the manufacture of antifungal and antimicrobial hygienic clothing, such as underwear and socks. For this, thin silver threads are glued to polymer fibers woven into cotton fabric. A person in such underwear feels most comfortable.

Scientists have established a link between drinking water with silver ions and increasing human immunity. In order to obtain "ionized" water, you can put a silver coin or a simple ionizer in a jug of boiled water. The ratio should not exceed 10 grams of silver per 1 liter of water. But you need to be careful, because an excess can turn water into poison.