New Weapons Of Parasites Against The People - Alternative View

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New Weapons Of Parasites Against The People - Alternative View
New Weapons Of Parasites Against The People - Alternative View

Video: New Weapons Of Parasites Against The People - Alternative View

Video: New Weapons Of Parasites Against The People - Alternative View
Video: All Tomorrows: the future of humanity? 2024, September

What Lies Behind the Promotion of Homosexuality?

An article was published in the United States that revealed the mechanism of imposing the ideology and practice of homosexuality on the world by the super-rich. Why is this pronounced physiological pathology actively imposed as the norm on all mankind? …

The respectable American monthly First Things (FT), which reflects the views of traditional faiths - Catholics, Orthodox Christians, Anglicans, Protestants and Jews - published an article titled "Billionaires Are Behind the Sex Minority Movement." This courageous publication by its significance draws on a kind of "Protocols of the Elders of Zion." For it is about open information that is easy to double-check and which, in fact, is in plain sight. Just keep in mind that sex minorities (lesbians, homosexuals, bisexuals, transgender people) should be read instead of the “wise men of Zion”.

The article speaks first of all about the Americans, as well as about international structures closely connected with America, but any Western country and even partly Russia recognizes itself in the painted picture, because everyone has enough of such "goodness".

Indeed, even by historical standards recently, homosexuals and lesbians were everywhere "outsiders", a pathetic and despised minority, "sometimes subjected to discrimination and abuse." However, these days they are not at all like a "group of persecuted outcasts." “The Sex Minority Rights Agenda has become a powerful force of aggression in American society. Its defenders are at the pinnacle of the media, academia, professions and, most importantly, big business and big philanthropy,”writes FT, proposing to consider with specific examples the monstrous power these people have already gained over the United States and the rest of the world.

How it's done?

Among the "owners of money" American businessman and homosexual John Stryker is absolutely his own man. In 2000, he created the Arcus Foundation, a non-profit foundation, putting it in the service of sex minorities. For the period from 2007 to 2010 alone, writes FT, Arcus allocated over $ 58.4 million for this purpose, making it one of the largest sponsors of this kind in the world.

Promotional video:

Stryker has two sisters who help his brother sponsor the target audience. His sister Rhonda is the wife of William Johnston, chairman of the Greenleaf Foundation. She is also the vice chair of Spelman College, which Arcus recently awarded a $ 2 million grant to the right people. Rhonda and Johnston donated $ 30 million to the institution, the largest living donor gift in the college's 137-year history.

Representatives of sexual minorities in all countries of the world behave aggressively and have not been a “victim” for a long time
Representatives of sexual minorities in all countries of the world behave aggressively and have not been a “victim” for a long time

Representatives of sexual minorities in all countries of the world behave aggressively and have not been a “victim” for a long time.

Stryker also has another sister, Pat. She worked closely with homosexual Tim Gill, who "runs one of the largest sex minority nonprofits in America and has been close to the Stryker family since John created Arcus."

These people, along with two other wealthy "philanthropists", once decided to "change the color of Colorado from red to blue (here, first of all, it means that they wanted to turn it from a Republican, whose color is red, to a state ruled by Democrats, whose color is considered blue-blue. - Approx. Constantinople) ". To do this, they began pouring half a billion dollars into small groups defending the interests of sex minorities, who, if anyone in Russia does not know, mostly sympathize with the Democrats, and very fanatically.

Both in the USA and around the world

For Stryker, however, the US is … too shallow. According to the FT, by 2015 he “had already built the political infrastructure to promote the ideology of gender identity and transgenderism around the world, donating millions to small and large organizations”. Including ILGA, an organization of sex minorities "for equality" in Europe and Central Asia, in which 54 countries participate. And also Transgender Europe - the “voice of the transgender community” in Europe and Asia, which includes 43 countries. Financed by Stryker and smaller target organizations like TENI (Transgender Equality Network, Ireland).

Further more. In 2008, Arcus founded the Arcus Operating Foundation, a division of the foundation that organizes "conferences, leadership programs and research publications." In the same year, at a meeting in Bellagio, Italy, "29 international leaders committed themselves to expanding global philanthropy to support the rights of non-traditional groups."

Michael O'Flaherty, one of the speakers of the so-called Yogyakarta Principles, which since 2006, under the auspices of the UN, has provided protection from international legal norms and the integration of sexual perversion and the notorious "gender identity" into this meeting, along with Stryker and others like him, took part in this gathering.

At the Bellagio forum, a detailed plan for the bestialization of humanity was developed. There, Arcus Stryker, the heir to a $ 13.6 billion American medical corporation, created MAP - "a project to promote a non-traditional movement to track a complex support and funding system that would promote gender identity / transgenderism in culture." In addition, according to the FT, there was formed the "Core Group of Sexual Minorities as an informal cross-regional group of United Nations member states to represent human rights issues of the gay, lesbian and transgender community to the UN."

“Members of the Arcus-funded Core Group include OutRight Action International and the Human Rights Commission. Members of the Core Group include Albania, Australia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, El Salvador, France, Germany, Israel, Italy, Japan, Montenegro, Mexico, New Zealand, Norway, Spain, United Kingdom, The United States, Uruguay and the European Union, as well as the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights,”the American monthly reports.

All of them “promote gender identity and transgenderism by educating leaders in political activism, leadership, transgender law, religious freedom, education and civil rights.” The FT goes on to list a huge list of Arcus-backed organizations “that are promoting this theme: Victory Institute, Center for American Progress, ACLU, Transgender Legal Center, Trans-Justice Funding Project, OutRight Action International, Human Rights Watch, GATE, Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA), Council for Global Equality, UN, Amnesty International and GLSEN."

The main "prophet" of "modern values" is George Soros, but "values" alone are not enough for him and his supporters - they are interested in power
The main "prophet" of "modern values" is George Soros, but "values" alone are not enough for him and his supporters - they are interested in power

The main "prophet" of "modern values" is George Soros, but "values" alone are not enough for him and his supporters - they are interested in power.

But that's not all: The Sexual Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS), in partnership with Advocates for Youth, Answer, GLSEN, Human Rights Campaign Foundation (HRC) and Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA), has launched a human rights campaign to raise awareness of cultural change approaches to sexuality and reproductive health. Sixty-one additional organizations have signed a letter supporting the revision of existing curricula.”

Look for Soros

It is clear that the money of one or several of the above-mentioned American moneybags - supporters of Democrats - is not enough for this. Among the sponsors of homosexuals, transgender people and lesbians, the trail of the powerful "philanthropist" George Soros was bound to be found. And he appeared: “In 2013, Adrian Coman, a veteran of the George Soros Open Society Foundation (the driving force behind transgender ideology that has taken initiatives to normalize transgender children), was appointed director of the international human rights program at the Arcus Foundation to advance the ideology of gender identity worldwide. Coman previously served as Program Director for the International Commission on Gay and Lesbian Rights. And in 2015, Arcus worked closely and funded the NoVo Foundation's programs for transgenderism. NoVo was founded by Peter Buffett,son of billionaire Warren Buffett. " Here comes another billionaire sponsor!

Oh God

And then the terrible begins: “These programs and initiatives promote the ideology of gender identity by supporting various religious organizations, sports and cultural associations, police curricula and educational programs in primary and secondary schools, as well as universities and medical institutions, including the American psychological foundation (APF). The Arcus Foundations help APF… develop attitudes for creating trans-positive psychological practices. This money "encourages" psychologists to modify their understanding of gender by expanding the range of biological reality to include abstract, medical identities."

Stop! Do you understand what this is about? Billionaires “powder” the brains of immature schoolchildren, disfiguring their souls forever, and corny bribing (“encouraging”) scientists “to modify their understanding of sex,” that is, to recognize all this diabolism as natural and even progressive.

But this is still, alas, not all: "At the same time, Arcus is promoting the ideology of gender identity and transgenderism in the market, encouraging businesses to invest in the affairs of sexual minorities." Everything, as we can see, is put on a solid material basis. To assert “modern values”, the market and business are involved, which are forced to finance this ugliness.

From all of the above, the FT, for obvious reasons, draws the most non-alarmist conclusion: “As the example of the Arcus Foundation shows, the civil rights movement of nontraditional groups has turned into a merciless behemoth associated with the medical industrial complex and global corporatists. The Pharmaceutical Lobby is the largest lobbying group in Congress. Although activists portray the nontraditional movement as a weak, powerless group suffering from oppression and discrimination, in fact it has tremendous power and influence - a force that it increasingly uses to change our laws, schools and society.”

What was it?

So, we have just read in detail a terrible article that reveals the mechanism of the methodical, purposeful takeover of the world by billionaires through the establishment of a dictatorship of sex minorities. The fact is that homosexuals, lesbians and Co. not only move each other, but also aggressively discriminate against normal people who do not approve of their behavior or are simply not like them. Because they believe that man was created in the image and likeness of God, that men and women complement each other, play different roles in life due to their different physiology and mentality. These roles are no better and no worse than each other, no more and no less honorable - just different.

Robots and transgender people will be "heirs" of homosexuals and lesbians
Robots and transgender people will be "heirs" of homosexuals and lesbians

Robots and transgender people will be "heirs" of homosexuals and lesbians

The notorious “tolerance” that they demand for themselves does not apply to ordinary people: the closely-knit “non-traditional community” that has turned into a real mafia for the slightest disagreement with their opinions and activities, sidelong glances subtly poison, survives from work, destroys reputation and career … He can even put him behind bars now. Opponents of sexual minorities, who are automatically labeled fascists in the West, are not recognized as having any “freedom of speech”. And this happens not only at the national level, in this or that country, the USA, for example, where the "sex community" openly interferes in politics, but also at the international level, on a global scale, with the involvement of the UN and various international structures.

What is not mentioned in the article?

In an exceptionally honest and informative article of the American edition, only one important question is omitted: why do homosexuals and lesbians do it so “well” for some time now?

Because the globalist elite, the richest people on the planet who want to have it completely in their pockets to seize total power over the world, that is, over the vast majority of the world's population, have to rely on "minorities" that differ from the majority in organization and mutual support. The communist revolution in Russia, where there were only 24,000 generously funded Bolsheviks from the West at the beginning of 1917, showed that a disciplined and fanatical minority, with a lot of money, can do whatever is needed to those behind it. Therefore, the world's wealthy sincerely sympathize with all "minorities", including sexual ones, generously finance them, consider them their allies, a kind of "socially close element." And in the conditions of the approaching, according to many Orthodox saints,at the end of the world they are really good at it. This is the first thing.

Second, the super-rich also do not want the peoples they robbed to speculate about the injustice and illegality of their fabulous wealth and power. Therefore, everything is being done to introduce false values in society, to desecrate people, to divert their attention to far-fetched problems: "gender", all sorts of perversions, and the like. Naturally, no money is spared for propaganda and the imposition of these "values" on the world, starting from school.

There is another important reason for such generosity, and this is third: Earth's resources are limited, the population is growing, from the point of view of globalists, too fast. This means that even here homosexuals and lesbians, who cannot have their own children, are allies. In general, no matter how you look at it, billionaires act quite logically.

Author: Latyshev Sergey, source

Where does homosexuality come from and why is it presented as a norm of behavior

Once Svetlana and I were waiting for our train, and a group of lesbians appeared at the bus stop next to us. Of course, we already knew that the beautiful city of San Francisco is world famous as the capital of homosexuals. But even knowing this, it was a surprise to see a woman cut like a man, in men's clothes, holding another woman's hand like a couple in love! In the Soviet Union we had never seen anything like it, and it was a shock for us to witness such a manifestation of violation of the laws of nature with our own eyes! Now I will not dwell on this phenomenon, which is a natural pathology, a disease, although I know the reason for this phenomenon. I'll just make a little sketch on this issue.

The thing is that such, contrary to nature itself, the behavior of men and women is not normal, as they are trying to instill certain forces in everyone else. If a person's thyroid gland is doubled, for example, then such a person is announced that he has Graves' disease, and they begin to treat him, up to the surgical removal of a part of the thyroid gland. The reason for such actions is that an overly enlarged thyroid gland produces such an amount of hormones that a person begins to behave inappropriately, and his body works "at the wrong speed." So, for example, the SIZE of the pituitary gland of a homosexual man is FOUR TIMES MORE THAN THE SIZE of the PIPE OF A NORMAL MAN! In a normal woman, the pituitary gland is twice the size of the pituitary gland in a normal man. And this is understandable: after all, a woman is a future mother,and her body must be able to ensure not only its own normal functioning, but also the development of the unborn child! And then, such a natural necessity leads to the fact that women are constantly under hormonal "pressure", the maximum of which just falls on special women's days. On these special days, many women do not behave completely balanced, due to the powerful influence of hormones.

One can only imagine what kind of hormonal "pressure" men find themselves under, whose pituitary gland is TWICE MORE THAN WOMAN'S Pituitary gland! The behavior of such a man is simply inadequate! This is a serious pathology that must be treated! And this is not an assumption! On a tomogram (MRI), such a pathology is visible very clearly, but no more than twenty percent of doctors in the United States know about it! And the rest just don't even know about it. The only question that arises is: who benefits from declaring the phenomenon of homosexuality as the NORM OF HUMAN BEHAVIOR?

And even if with such a pathology, people do not bulge their eyes, as in Graves' disease, due to the fact that the pituitary gland is "hidden" in the center of the head, and even if desired, most people without special devices are not able to see this very pituitary gland through the powerful bones of the skull! But such a position of the pituitary gland inaccessible to the human eye does not mean that the central hormonal organ of a person enlarged several times is not pathological. This is a pathology, moreover, very serious, and such people need help so that their body functions harmoniously, without which harmonious development of a person is impossible, and which leads to serious mental disorders and inappropriate behavior of a person with such a pathology!..

And again I was "carried away"! Well, I just can't "pass by" something so-so! And besides, how to "pass" by such phenomena as, for example, homosexuality, without lightening the soul and not giving a correct understanding of this phenomenon? After all, it is painful to read, listen and see the lies about it pouring through the media all over the world, when, starting almost from kindergartens, children are hammered into their heads with the idea that homosexuality is the norm! The norm of behavior, the norm of life, in general, is the norm in every sense! And they bring all this to the uttermost absurdity, when in schools, literally from an early age, these perverted concepts are imposed on children. So much so that children begin to feel uncomfortable if they do not support same-sex love with their own example! Surveys of schoolchildren suggestthat 90% of them have tried same-sex "love" at least once! And they did it mainly because behaving differently is simply NOT POPULAR! Thus, physiological pathology, moreover, pronounced, is presented as a NORM to all of humanity!

And this is done for one simple reason - among the modern so-called "elite" homosexuals of all stripes make up a very large percentage. And they really do not want to admit that their sexual orientation is a pathology and a sign of degeneration. And that with such a pathology, in which a person is under powerful hormonal pressure, there can be no adequate reaction, and therefore, people with such a pathology SHOULD NOT EVEN GET CLOSE TO SOLVING THE ISSUES ON WHICH THE LIFE AND DEATH OF MILLIONS DEPENDS. And many people with such a defect make up the very elite that makes just such decisions. And so that no one asked them to leave their posts, they came up with their own move - they declared homosexuality an absolute norm and even a sign of the "HIGHER RACE"!


And now even children are beginning to talk about their “own” homosexual “nature”, when in fact homosexuality is one of the clearest signs of DEGENERATION! And that is why it is necessary at least to tell someone the truth, the truth based not on some dubious "conclusions", but on real facts, such as the fact that the pituitary gland of a homosexual is four times larger than the pituitary gland of a man of normal orientation. And no matter what phantom explanations may be invented for the recognition of this phenomenon as the norm of behavior, such behavior cannot be the norm on the basis of real physiological processes!

It just so happened that the wonderful city of San Francisco, with its fairly even and mild climate, was chosen by homosexuals as a base for themselves, and it is reputed to be the world capital of homosexuals and lesbians. Apparently, they really liked this city, which, from my point of view, did him (the city) a disservice.

For us, who had just arrived from the Soviet Union, such an open demonstration of our unnatural inclinations caused by a pronounced hormonal pathology was unusual and caused more surprise than condemnation. If a person is sick with something, and even when the disease is caused by such a serious hormonal imbalance, or rather, even a pathological hormonal imbalance, causing serious changes in a person's behavior and in his psyche, then he deserves only sympathy, not condemnation. And, of course, if this is approached correctly, a thorough treatment. But … modern medicine not only cannot treat such pathologies, but even hides from the public the very fact that such behavior of people is a consequence of the pathological development of the human pituitary gland for the reasons indicated earlier.

I cannot say that I did not hear and did not know in the USSR that homosexuality exists, but … then homosexuals did not openly demonstrate their inclinations. Quite possibly, the reason for this was criminal liability before the law for sodomy. One way or another, I didn’t feel anything but misunderstanding and regret when I saw walking men holding each other's hands, or two women, one of whom portrays a man, but anyone and everyone understands that there is a woman in front of him. One way or another, the favorite neighborhood of homosexuals in San Francisco was the Castro area, which if I crossed, then by car, so that San Francisco remained in my memory a beautiful city, which was not influenced by the fact that homosexuals chose him as their center. But, nevertheless, it was simply impossible not to notice such a phenomenon …

An excerpt from Nikolai Levashov's book Mirror of my soul Volume 2. It's good to live in an American country …

Author: Latyshev Sergey