Europe Has Declared About The Great Harm Of Homeopathy - Alternative View

Europe Has Declared About The Great Harm Of Homeopathy - Alternative View
Europe Has Declared About The Great Harm Of Homeopathy - Alternative View

Video: Europe Has Declared About The Great Harm Of Homeopathy - Alternative View

Video: Europe Has Declared About The Great Harm Of Homeopathy - Alternative View
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The Scientific Advisory Council of European Academies (EASAC), following the example of Russian and American colleagues, separated homeopathy from medicine. According to Old World scientists, homeopathic products can cause serious harm to humans.

As you know, homeopathy is a type of alternative medicine, which involves the use of highly diluted drugs that cause (according to the idea of the ideologists of such therapy) in a healthy person symptoms similar to those of the patient's illness. The concept is based on the pseudoscientific principle "like like". Clinical trials have been conducted repeatedly, showing that the effect of homeopathy is roughly comparable to the effect of a placebo - a substance with no apparent healing properties.

With all this, this does not stop the supporters of homeopathy, fans of this type of alternative medicine can be found in any corner of the Earth. Respected scientists are traditionally skeptical about homeopathy, often pointing out that seemingly “harmless” drugs can cause serious harm to a person.

In February 2017, experts from the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) dealt another blow to this type of alternative medicine. The RAS Commission for Combating Pseudoscience presented a memorandum in which homeopathy was openly called "pseudoscience." The interdisciplinary working group that made the conclusion included 30 scientists, including psychologists, physicists and chemists.

And now experts from the Scientific Advisory Board of European Academies have released a statement, which also sharply criticized homeopathic remedies. "Advertising and use of homeopathic products can be very harmful," the statement said.

The twelve-page document summarizes the available research findings, reviews, and parliamentary reports showing the ineffectiveness of homeopathic remedies. According to European scientists, the harm from this type of alternative medicine may be due to hindering homeopathy from finding effective medicines in the treatment of a particular disease. Also in the document, scientists warn people against using any kind of so-called. alternative medicine.

The Scientific Advisory Council of European Academies was created in 2001 as a platform for consultation of researchers from around the world, as well as for the implementation of scientific expertise and legislative initiatives. The council includes representatives from 29 national and international European academies. Here, in particular, there are scientists from the Royal Society of London and the Swedish Academy of Sciences.

Ilya Vedmedenko

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