Where Do Witches And Black Magicians Get Vitality And Youth From - Alternative View

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Where Do Witches And Black Magicians Get Vitality And Youth From - Alternative View
Where Do Witches And Black Magicians Get Vitality And Youth From - Alternative View

Video: Where Do Witches And Black Magicians Get Vitality And Youth From - Alternative View

Video: Where Do Witches And Black Magicians Get Vitality And Youth From - Alternative View
Video: Black Magic Potions and Spells That You Should Probably Not Cast 2024, June

It is believed that black magicians, using demonic rituals, are able to obtain additional vitality and youth. Experts in the paranormal constantly talk about the fact that young and physically healthy people do not need to seek help from magicians and witches. Actually, what problems can a young and handsome person have? Love? Yes, well, this is temporary! Problems with work? A healthy person can always find a job! But turning to a black magician for help, you can easily lose your health, youth, and even life.

Law enforcement officers have repeatedly investigated cases involving the disappearance and murder of young people. Criminals were found, but not all of them were mentally ill. If these are not maniacs and robbers, why should they kill?

Witch. The terrible story of Ekaterina Vasilievna

It happened back in 1947. Then I was still very young, only 19 years old. One day in May my best friend Masha went missing. This strange disappearance rocked our entire village. Two weeks later, another young girl from our village disappeared. It was decided to report the incident to the police. A local precinct officer came to the village, stayed for two days, took a statement, and without really doing anything, left. The matter is clear, in the post-war years the police had more important things to do.

In July, two more young girls went missing. And again the same district policeman came, turned around the village, and left for the city. Tormented by grief, the mother of one of the missing went to Anastasia's path, who lived on the outskirts of our village. Vorozhka spread the cards, paused, and said that the girl was no longer in this world.

Gradually, the villagers began to forget about what had happened, but in early September the peasants were stirred up by the news of another tragedy, this time the headman's daughter disappeared. The whole village was buzzing like a disturbed hive. The headman personally went to the city to demand the most decisive actions from the authorities.

Two days later, a young investigator and several of his assistants appeared in the village. The villagers looked at the policeman with disbelief - he was too young. However, the detective managed to win over the villagers and began to meticulously write down all the testimonies and collect evidence.

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He also asked me.

- Tell me, Katya, who lives in that house on the edge of the village?

- A local fortune teller, her name is Anastasia. The whole village is trying to bypass this house.

- Precisely bypass? Judging by the trodden path, they go to visit her, and very often - the detective chuckled.

Then I had to admit that all the women from our village go there, and I have been there, and my girlfriends. And the last time I saw Masha was when she was getting ready for the path. Her boyfriend disappeared in the war, she wanted to find out everything.

After questioning me, the policeman, along with his assistants, went to the witch's house. She was not at home, just that day she left for the city to go shopping. The policeman decided to secretly inspect Anastasia's house.

Later, the young investigator said that he found an entrance to a deep basement in the witch's house. Descending into it, under the faint light of a kerosene lamp, he found a small secret door in the basement, behind which he found human bones.


Anastasia was arrested on the same day. The examination did not reveal any mental disorders in her. But in her house they found a lot of occult literature on the topic of rejuvenation and gaining physical strength through the ritual murders of virgins. The court sentenced the witch to death. But, by some miracle, she managed to escape from prison. How many people she still took their lives, only God knows.

What experts say

Indeed, black magicians use the energy of healthy people. Very often, with successful clients, they are like an energy vampire sucking vitality. Thus, turning to a witch for help, you can get not the desired, but the opposite effect. Where should witches take energy somewhere? Cases of obtaining vitality through ritual killings are extremely rare. However, there are ancient occult scriptures for performing such rituals, with the use of the victim's blood and meat for food.
