Curiosities Of Thermodynamics. Closing Technologies - Alternative View

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Curiosities Of Thermodynamics. Closing Technologies - Alternative View
Curiosities Of Thermodynamics. Closing Technologies - Alternative View

Video: Curiosities Of Thermodynamics. Closing Technologies - Alternative View

Video: Curiosities Of Thermodynamics. Closing Technologies - Alternative View
Video: 2nd Law of thermodynamics - Principles of Refrigeration 2024, July

Energy is the basis of life in the material world. Who owns energy, owns everything. Today, the most expensive energy carriers are considered: coal, gas, oil and nuclear fuel. Everything that a person can use collectively. Something around which you can organize the work of society. To manage energy efficiently, to transform it, a person has a science. One of the areas of science is thermodynamics. Thermodynamics gave us an understanding of thermal processes, described the operation of thermal systems, machines, energy distribution, transformation, phase transitions of matter, equilibrium and much more.

Thermodynamics is a very exact science today. It is studied in schools, institutes. Inventors around the world are guided by her contributions to the knowledge base of humankind. There is Joule - a unit for measuring heat energy.

However, despite all the seemingly consistency of thermodynamics as a science, both in it and in the world one can find moments that show that thermodynamics is not just a scientific direction.


The scientific method doesn't just explain something. It almost always has an applied side - calculations, production of machines and mechanisms, their testing, and so on. The result of thermodynamics as a science is the appearance of heat engines and laws (principles). They have different efficiency, design complexity and cost. But at the same time, they never solve the assigned task unambiguously. If earlier there was such a thing as the payback of a car, when people who bought a car not only beat off money, but also earned money from using it, today energy machines of different operating principles are not available to the common man and he uses only what he was offered to buy. For some reason, a technique that gives big profits is always not available to an ordinary person. Only large capitals always own such technology.

I want to show several examples of the fact that our knowledge of heating technology is not devoid of flaws and pursues the interests of capital that is not available to an ordinary honest person. Scientific interest must be impartial to show the laws and structure of the world, but in real life we are lacking in real knowledge.

"Nobody knows the Stirling Engine or BTG of the 19th century."


Promotional video:

The stirling engine was created in 1816. More than 200 years ago. Has anyone ever seen the calculations of this machine?

A feature of the Stirling engine is the fact that it operates exclusively on temperature differences. Temperature is the speed at which molecules move. The higher the temperature, the greater the value of the speed of movement of the molecules of the substance. For example, the speed of the oxygen molecule we breathe is about 200 meters per second. Those who studied physics at school know that there are: isobaric, isothermal and isochoric processes. Another feature is that the Stirling engine has the highest efficiency among all the variety of heat engines - it is able to operate at a temperature drop from your palm. In addition, it is also a reversible machine, it can both convert a temperature difference into work, and convert work into a temperature difference.


How does this amazing machine work? Extremely simple. The work of the engine consists of two processes: adiabatic expansion (Fig. 1 - the beginning of adiabatic expansion) and isochoric process (Fig. 2). Adiabatic expansion is when gas by its pressure pushes the pistons (in Fig. 1 both pistons descend simultaneously) and expands, doing useful work. From the lessons of physics, we know that in the absence of a change in volume, work does not occur and the isochoric process does not perform useful work.

But the engine has the highest efficiency, and this circumstance indicates that adiabatic expansion alone is clearly not enough here, and that the isochoric process is not so useless as we know from the official version. It is necessary to consider his work in more detail.


Figure: 1. On the left is the original Stirling design, on the right is a converted circuit convenient for consideration and analysis. Crank angle reading in degrees, starting from 0º of crankshaft rotation –PKV.


Figure: 2. The position of the pistons when turning up to 90º PKV. The beginning of the cycle is V = const. Rmax - indicates the presence of the maximum value of the arm at the crank.


Figure: 3. The position of the pistons when turning up to 180º PKV. The cycle V = const is over.

When the V = const process begins (Fig. 2), one of the pistons is at a dead center, and the other at 90 degrees of crank rotation (the crank is the crankshaft).

At the dead center, the crank arm tends to zero, and at the 90º PKV point, the arm reaches its maximum value. That is, there is no lever at the dead center, but at 90º PKV there is a lever. Now what is pressure force and what does it consist of? Pressure is formed by the impact of gas molecules (working fluid) on the piston per unit of time. Thus, pressure is the value of the density of impacts of molecules on the piston (the density of the momentum of gas molecules). And now everything becomes clear. The V = const cycle or isochoric process is the absorption of the kinetic energy of gas molecules by the piston without changing the volume due to the existing crank arm! That is why this machine operates on a temperature difference and is reversible - it uses the kinetic energy of gas molecules without changing the volume of the working fluid (a change in the volume of gas reduces the efficiency,and energy conversion at a constant volume has the highest efficiency).

So simply by writing down that with a constant volume of work is not done, they have hidden from humanity a part of the knowledge about the world order. It may be mentioned that the Stirlings were used all the way as pumps and the first cooling technique. Steam locomotives were not specially installed, otherwise it would be too effective - it would have been more efficient than an internal combustion engine (Stirling efficiency can reach 70%, by the way, and this is only official). Despite the fact that the design is nowhere simpler, there are no valves and complex systems. Even instead of an internal combustion engine, it could be adapted, but no - no one needs it. Only toys from it are made today, although there was a copy that was designed for space.


Why in the 19th century did so many physicists debate and look for a way to build a perpetual motion machine of the 2nd kind? A perpetual motion machine of the second kind is a machine that uses the thermal energy of the environment to perform useful work. The isochoric process in the Stirling engine just allows this idea to be realized and therefore it was hidden. Well, you can start anew the search for a perpetual motion machine of the second kind! So much for the BTG from the 19th century. Did you think that scientists simply have nothing else to do but look for a perpetual motion machine? There were reasons for everything.

Ibadullaev's engine

From the site of the inventor: Ibadullaev Hajikadir Aliyarovich, born on 1957-02-03 (Varta village, Khiva region, DASSR), higher legal education, from 1980 to 2006 worked as an investigator in the prosecutor's office, senior adviser of justice.

“The article presents the results of the author's theoretical research. September 20, 2007 to the participants of the International Conference "Engine - 2007" at the Moscow State Technical University named after N. E. Bauman in Moscow, the operation of a gasoline engine with a compression ratio of 22 was demonstrated, which, according to the modern theory of internal combustion engines, is considered impossible. The author expounds his vision of the problems of the internal combustion engine theory”.

All his notes and calculations are still available on his website:


Ibadullaev not only presented a working sample of his engine, he also drove everyone in a car (the car was equipped with this engine). There is a video about him in the news. Experts really confirmed that his engine had a really high compression ratio (they measured the pressure, looked at the cylinder head, and so on). And despite the fact that the engine worked in a narrow range of revolutions (1500-idle, and above 2500-detonation), experienced detonation and did not have a very large resource, it drove and was demonstrated, which was enough.

Today, there are channels where people try to repeat, check and film what happens.


However, in all cases, people have the same situation. Either they simply say that everything works, without demonstrating the parameters, or they refuse, from powerlessness, before the resulting detonation. At the moment, no one has been able to repeat the ultra-high compression combustion engine for gasoline. And there are a lot of fakes. The result of Ibadullaev's work was an engine with a capacity of 160 hp. and a consumption of 3 liters per 100 km (engine 2108) - no one has achieved such indicators.

The main question of this article: "Well, what causes such a phenomenon as detonation?"

We must also mention in this story about Vladimir Ivanovich Chervyakov. He was also at the conference with Ibadullaev. He was just talking about such an important detail as the ICE crank arm. This makes all piston machines easy to understand. There are also his articles about increasing the efficiency of internal combustion engines on the Internet.

I think there is no point in repeating how the internal combustion engine works, let's get down to business.

So. To increase the efficiency of the internal combustion engine, it is necessary that for each gram of fuel there is a maximum pressure output (the more, the better). Temperature is a side factor that causes losses (the higher the temperature difference, the higher the losses). And, in general, it all boils down to getting the maximum pressure from the fuel with minimal temperature changes. Engineers all over the world solve this problem in their own way, patent different products, create unique spare parts and the like. We will consider the main method of increasing the efficiency of an internal combustion engine by increasing its compression ratio. Whoever says anything, among the internal combustion engines, the most efficient is diesel (and the Stirling cycle remains the most effective cycle for a piston engine). And the diesel has the highest compression ratio. The compression ratio (SCR) determines the pressure of the mixture before the start of fuel oxidation (before the start of "heat input"). Oxidizingfuel releases combustion products (gases) and heat energy. This gives a huge increase in pressure and pushes the piston, causing the crankshaft to spin. The higher the initial pressure, the higher the pressure output per unit of fuel will be. As soon as we raise the LF higher than the calculated fuel, we are faced with the occurrence of detonation (the resistance of the fuel to detonation is indicated by the octane number).

The fuel burns at a certain speed (the slower the fuel burns, the higher the losses for heating the engine parts) and the pressure builds up simultaneously with the piston movement. That is, the pressure increases with a changing value of the crank arm.


The crank arm (not indicated in the pictures) determines the amount of acceleration that the piston accelerates (the arm has a maximum value at the point of 90 degrees of crankshaft rotation - PKV, while the piston has only its own inertia of weight - nothing slows it down).


Detonation is the phenomenon of shock waves. These waves have speeds of the order of several (sometimes tens) kilometers per second. The reason for the occurrence of detonation is a situation in which the pressure builds up faster (or more intensively) than the piston has time to accelerate (the acceleration of the piston is much less than the increase in the pressure of the combustion products). There is such a phenomenon accompanying detonation as the formation of peroxides in the combustion process - their formation confirms that energy is released faster than the engine can convert it.

What parameter in the internal combustion engine is responsible for the speed (or intensity) of the conversion of the released energy? - This is the rate of rise of the crank arm (when moving from top dead center - TDC). Structurally, this is laid by the geometry of the KShM (crank mechanism). KShM are long-stroke (Dp S). S - designation of the piston stroke length, Dп - piston diameter.


Also, the B / S parameter is responsible for this geometry (the officially known parameter, the ratio of the diameter (mm) of the piston to its stroke (mm)). The maximum rate of rise of the crank arm is that of the short-stroke KShM.

Thus, the construction of an engine with an ultra-high compression ratio and detonation-free operation is possible using a short-stroke KShM. Unfortunately, today no one believes that it is possible to build an internal combustion engine with an ultra-high compression ratio for gasoline and without detonation. Oddly though, engineering says you can tweak any parameter and tweak everything. The lean fuel mixture completely burns out when there is excess air, providing the maximum pressure output per unit of fuel (like boost, only mixed). High pressure gives more torque, which gives more efficiency. Only not all KShM are suitable for this. The secret of detonation-free operation is the ratio of piston diameter to stroke. The ratios in the KShM determine the dynamics of the shoulder growth when the piston moves from TDC. And when the shoulder increases proportionally with increasing pressure, the piston has time to accelerate and the energy is converted into the kinetics of the piston, there is simply no energy left for detonation - most of it went into rotation. Think about it! The use of alcohol (for example, 3 atomic) completely negates all harmful emissions from the internal combustion engine (except for oil spills). And lowering the temperature in the combustion chamber will greatly increase the resource and the oil will not burn out.

From the author of this article: “Ibadullaev raised the compression ratio of the factory internal combustion engine and found increased torque and power. I adapted the engine, made several patents on the engine, and went straight to the conference at the Moscow State Technical University. Bauman, where he spoke about his “method” and suggested that the professors treat his “theory” with a scientific approach (to be honest - to accept his theory). It should be explained that Ibadullaev is a lawyer and did not have a technical education. This circumstance played a "cruel joke" with him. His theory was too far from technical realities and well-known principles, in fact - it was built only on the judgments of Ibadullaev. This gave rise to the official answer of the professorship to the inventor. From a technical point of view - Ibadullaev himself did not understand what he discovered - he got a tolerable engine operation at an ultra-high compression ratio (22 units for gasoline),but when the specialists asked how he overcame the detonation, he did not know what to answer, since he did not solve this question. He was just lucky. I wanted to clarify the issue of detonation completely, so that the positive result of the discovery would not disappear without a trace. All that is required to build an efficient internal combustion engine is the production of crankshafts for short-stroke KShM. This does not require any special complexity for production. But we are unlikely to ever see a serial Lada with such a motor. "This does not require any special complexity for production. But we are unlikely to ever see a serial Lada with such a motor. "This does not require any special complexity for production. But we are unlikely to ever see a serial Lada with such a motor."

The modern level of heating technology or achievements that we do not observe


What if you were told that you don't need a rocket to go into space? That the payload can be removed using a direct thrust engine that does not throw a jet stream? Fantastic? No, - the modern level of design thought (well, like modern, 90s-2000s)!


And this is how the "nozzle" of a direct-thrust engine looks like, capable of giving a thrust of 20 tons with a mass of 300 kg.


But the knowledge that allows you to create a direct thrust engine also allows you to make mechanical skewers, like rotary engines.


Why are there skewers - you can create full-fledged electricity generators, and these are all products of some one knowledge.


For people far from science and technology, it should be explained that these machines are a consequence of the use of "vortex" technologies. In simple terms, ethereal technology. Well - ether, such a thing, thanks to which radio waves propagate in the cosmic vacuum.

On YouTube you can find this film (Pushkin's engine) and study everything yourself.

There is also a website:

If in the 19-20 centuries “perpetual motion machines” were hidden from people, today they hide implosive engines and etheric technologies. And the rockets are still taking off, which means someone needs it to be this way and not otherwise.

Highly efficient energy converters and perfect motors exist, they are constantly rediscovered and hidden from the public to keep people addicted. Only those ideas and laws that promise big profits are defended. And the profits are large, since the fuel sales are large. It is this bias that makes our world the way we see it.

You can also mention that due to the low efficiency of the internal combustion engine, not only combustion products are emitted into the atmosphere, but more than half of the thermal energy of the fuel. If "conventionally" a liter of fuel costs 40 rubles, then 24 rubles is spent on heating the atmosphere. Is this not a reference to global warming - to warm the atmosphere using inefficient heating technology?

Thus, we can personally observe how the official science defends the interests of the fuel business, creates ineffective technology and knowledge. The principle of the "biblical project" - the costs of humanity should be maximized. In order for a person to endlessly, in a circle, he was busy solving material problems, and did not have the opportunity to seek knowledge and spiritual growth. The imposition of a "slave ideology" on humanity. The worst of the influences is to make a person voluntarily admit that he agrees with such a situation for himself, agrees to live and work without result for himself, giving the results of his activity to someone. The worst thing is when people don't care, when life becomes an everyday thing, devoid of any meaning. Then a person lives as a slave, thinking that he is free and that this is life.