Ways To Move Spaceships Of Extraterrestrial Civilizations - Alternative View

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Ways To Move Spaceships Of Extraterrestrial Civilizations - Alternative View
Ways To Move Spaceships Of Extraterrestrial Civilizations - Alternative View

Video: Ways To Move Spaceships Of Extraterrestrial Civilizations - Alternative View

Video: Ways To Move Spaceships Of Extraterrestrial Civilizations - Alternative View
Video: Is Alien ‘Life’ Weirder Than We Imagine: Who Is Out There? 2024, September

Spaceships of extraterrestrial civilizations that have recently entered the big space and are at the level of low- and medium-developed civilizations, do not move the way many earthlings think. Space technology of mankind is based on external combustion jet engines. However, underdeveloped and, moreover, highly developed civilizations do not use such accelerating engines based on jet propulsion, even for environmental reasons.

Representatives of civilizations of a similar level of development can fly on rockets and all kinds of jet vehicles. Indeed, if you move in outer space at the speed of light - 300 thousand km per second (or at speeds noticeably lower), then the flight to the nearest star systems will take years or tens of years. They don't fly so slowly in space.

It has long been invented fast ways to travel, allowing you to quickly get to the necessary place in outer space, to the worlds of interest. If you wish and skill, you can even save time by spending just a split second on a flight to any area of the Universe.

To take advantage of the achievements of developed civilizations and have access to fast travel technologies, humanoids must reach cosmic consciousness (reach the cosmic level of development) and have a creative (peaceful) mindset. Humanity, having a developed intellect and low spirituality, is still far from reaching the cosmic level of the development of reason. Humanity does not respect its own kind.

Over a long period of independent ufological research, I managed to get closer to understanding how aliens move in outer space and how they were able to overcome such gigantic distances that we can hardly imagine. There are several ways to move spaceships.

The oval object moves at a speed of about 1 km per second, with a white plume of ionized air stretching from behind. It's not fast travel yet. Real shot
The oval object moves at a speed of about 1 km per second, with a white plume of ionized air stretching from behind. It's not fast travel yet. Real shot

The oval object moves at a speed of about 1 km per second, with a white plume of ionized air stretching from behind. It's not fast travel yet. Real shot.

Contrail movement of a cigar object, Washington state. Real shot
Contrail movement of a cigar object, Washington state. Real shot

Contrail movement of a cigar object, Washington state. Real shot.

Promotional video:

1. Super acceleration - acceleration from standstill to super-space speeds

A flying saucer without a preliminary gradual gain of speed immediately starts at cosmic speed. The movement takes place in our 3-dimensional space at a speed of 4-200 km / s in the atmospheric conditions of the planet, then at the speed of light in space within the planetary system of a star, or several orders of magnitude higher than the speed of light in open space, when it is necessary to overcome distances between star systems …

The cigar-shaped apparatus turns on the working field at full power. Reconstruction
The cigar-shaped apparatus turns on the working field at full power. Reconstruction

The cigar-shaped apparatus turns on the working field at full power. Reconstruction.

In this way, heavy man-made ships of underdeveloped civilizations - NC Ι, which have moved to the space level, or man-made ships of medium-developed civilizations - SC Ι move. The flight can last from many hours to several months.

The disc-like apparatus is surrounded by a bright light envelope - the beginning of accelerated movement in the dense layers of the atmosphere. Reconstruction
The disc-like apparatus is surrounded by a bright light envelope - the beginning of accelerated movement in the dense layers of the atmosphere. Reconstruction

The disc-like apparatus is surrounded by a bright light envelope - the beginning of accelerated movement in the dense layers of the atmosphere. Reconstruction.

The ship starts with a bright flash - a powerful accelerating energy shell is activated around the ship's hull, which is necessary to create a rarefied layer when moving in dense atmospheric layers. For the observer, the ship "disappears" in place.

Acceleration of the ship at the beginning of movement - Stretching Light Bar, Gross Ventre Mountains (USA). Real shot
Acceleration of the ship at the beginning of movement - Stretching Light Bar, Gross Ventre Mountains (USA). Real shot

Acceleration of the ship at the beginning of movement - Stretching Light Bar, Gross Ventre Mountains (USA). Real shot.

The flight of objects, unseen by the human eye, is nevertheless tracked by radars and spy satellites from the Earth's orbit and reaches up to 20 km / sec in the lower atmospheric layers, and even more in the upper layers and outer space, from 100 to 200 km / sec.

Super acceleration of the VTS apparatus over the mountains. Reconstruction
Super acceleration of the VTS apparatus over the mountains. Reconstruction

Super acceleration of the VTS apparatus over the mountains. Reconstruction.

Most likely, near planets there are universal speed limit rules (as in the rules of the road). It is often possible to observe how a long luminous contrail of ionized air is traced behind an object moving rapidly through the air, and if the ship makes instantaneous and discrete movements over short distances, then the appearance of a light path is observed, stretching like rubber and contracting at the point of arrival.

Scheme of the spacecraft of technogenic civilizations during accelerated travel in the air
Scheme of the spacecraft of technogenic civilizations during accelerated travel in the air

Scheme of the spacecraft of technogenic civilizations during accelerated travel in the air.

1 - plasma energy corona around a fast-flying ship (it shines brightly in working condition), behind it in the direction of movement there is a light trail of activated particles;

2 - external energy shell, which activates air molecules to the state of heated elementary particles (electrons, positrons);

3 - the inner energy shell, which accelerates elementary particles along the perimeter of the shell, freeing the emptiness inside itself;

4 - vacuum airless environment, has zero resistance when moving with space velocity.

Highly developed civilizations usually do not actively move in our space - general security and conspiracy are observed. Earlier, until 1991, they carefully concealed their activities near the Earth. But recently, the flights of their ships have been of a demonstration nature, the ships are flying openly and leisurely, this is especially noticeable at the orbital level in the nearest outer space. Unmanned ships or ships with biorobots on board are often sent to perform observation tasks.

Super-acceleration or acceleration of their ships in our space of the Earth with the necessary displacements is usually used by under- and mid-developed civilizations of aliens. Our research has noticed one feature - usually, the heavier (more massive) the ship, the brighter and stronger it glows at the moment of acceleration (start of launch) and further when moving.

Highly developed civilizations do not spend so much energy on the same movements. This is an indicator that the ships of the VC are much lighter, and, accordingly, they need to spend less energy. A heavy man-made apparatus always starts with a bright flash (this is an integral feature of such ships), on the contrary, a light capsule apparatus can fly away without a flash, almost imperceptibly "disappear", without especially attracting the attention of earthlings.

Such extreme movements of ships along with the crew on board are accompanied by incredible inertial overloads (as it may seem), capable of destroying any matter when accelerated or decelerated - a load of hundreds and thousands ģ. Therefore, absolutely precisely during the flight of the ship, the mass vector and, in general, the gravity field near the flying ship are strictly controlled. During a sharp deceleration and sharp turns, the ship zeroes out its mass, a gravitational field is created, which compensates for the mass vector in the direction opposite to the motion.

When traveling with compensated overloads, when the inertial force is completely extinguished by the controlled energy of the ship, the humanoids do not feel any discomfort at all during such incredible accelerations. This is confirmed by contactees who had a chance to fly on alien spaceships.

Such technologies are secret, humanity will not receive them from extraterrestrial civilizations until it turns into Homo sapiens. It is already known that any attempts by earthlings to approach gravity control technologies were stopped by cosmic forces. That is, people can know how alien ships fly in general, but strict restrictions are imposed in practical use.

2. Teleportation in our space

Teleportation is carried out through the so-called "lepton skeleton" of matter, which is in an energetically excited state. After the lateral transfer of the ship (when each atom of the ship moves synchronously and in parallel), a fast mosaic materialization of the ship's hull occurs until its complete external restoration - this phenomenon is based on the memory of matter.

Sometimes this materialization resembles the germination of a case-like skeletal crystal of a mineral - restoration begins from the outer contour, then the interior is filled. The regeneration of matter occurs due to the memory of matter (residual informational magnetic memory).

Roughly speaking, teleportation is a technoprocess, when matter is taken apart into elementary particles in one place, sent with a beam of energy, moved and collected in its former form in another place. It turns out that it is not the ship itself that moves in a dense form, but its energy phantom, or rather, the energy-information copy of the ship.

Conditional, but very accurate image of the teleportation process and subsequent materialization of the ship
Conditional, but very accurate image of the teleportation process and subsequent materialization of the ship

Conditional, but very accurate image of the teleportation process and subsequent materialization of the ship.

A teleporting ship does not physically push air in front of it. Essentially, dense matter does not move. The information matrix is moving - the energy information frame of the ship. Since this is a low-power process, then during teleportation you will not see the expected bright flash, some kind of powerful surge of energy. Teleportation is used by quite advanced civilizations, which, according to my classification, are at the level of CC Ι.


Teleport ships usually have a convex-lenticular, disc-shaped, simple shape without rotating parts and any superstructures. The flight of the ships is silent, only when landing are they capable of emitting a slight rustle. The ship starts off instantly, and the trajectory itself is not visible. It appears only for a split second in places where the trajectory bends. The trajectory on the plan looks like a broken line or a zigzag (discrete movement), and therefore creates the impression of a "jumping" flight.

Usually the ship "disappears" without a flash, which indicates that it is very lightweight, has a small mass. In addition, there are known energy capsules (energy teleportators) near the VC ΙΙ-ΙΙΙ of the Pleiades constellation in the form of a crane valve (Titlhuanaco, a suburb of Mexico City), which moved instantly from one place to another in our space with a preliminary dim yellow flash in the center of the ship.


Energy capsules - the yellow balls of the VC ΙΙ of the red planet from the constellation Libra - move in a similar way. In the center of the ball, a red flash appeared in the form of a red dot, after which the balls began to move smoothly. The same red flash served as an impulse for the instant movement of the alien balls. In both cases, the flare served as an energy impulse (vector impulse) to initiate motion in space.

3. Moving along the timeless channel with valdeldral time transfer

Most often, in this way ordinary man-made vehicles are moved - large carrier ships (mothers) and cargo ships, less often - medium and small modules. These channels are created and maintained for a limited time by higher intelligences at some points in outer space specifically for the movement of dense and heavy ships belonging to SC I and CC I.


Since this is a very energy-consuming process, the channels operate for a strictly limited time. To use them, permission and coordination with the galactic control and dispatch service is required, which controls any movement along the channels.

Having received permission to pass such a channel and having found out the exact place of opening - the point of entry into this channel, at first the ship flies at the speed of light to the initial point of entry into the channel for quite a long time - minutes, hours. Then there is a rapid movement of the ship along a channel of any length over a huge distance, even to other galaxies and universes (the flight lasts seconds, minutes).


Inside the channel, the time for the ship's command stops and then continues to count down in the same saved rhythm after exiting the channel. After leaving the channel, the ship flies on in the usual way. I believe that the dimensions and external shape of the ship do not change when passing these channels, since the time for the ship has remained the same.


Highly developed civilizations can fly along these corridors to any corner of the Universe. Especially for them, cargo and passenger corridors with a large diameter have been created, where very powerful energy is used, there are also narrow corridors of small diameter with an insignificant flow of energy for the movement of disembodied souls of intelligent beings.

Example: in 1984, departures from one point in space of luminous disc-shaped objects were observed from a Japanese ship standing in the roadstead. They appeared in turn one after another and flew away along different trajectories. In one case, there was even a synchronous exit of two objects at once, which then scattered along different trajectories. (TV program "UFO - an unannounced visit", summer 1992).


According to the message of SC I from the planet Dotumi in the constellation Lyra, space civilizations use timeless corridors when moving with a valdeldral time transfer (preserving their time). According to one CC (contact of the third kind took place in Kabardino-Balkaria with V. P. Kostrykin), they move along special corridors. Ships “disappear” in such channels and appear in a completely different place.

4. Use when moving the 4th dimension

This method destroys people's stereotypes about three-dimensional space. Now it turns out that spaces can have many dimensions, and in order to achieve their goal, VCs can manipulate the space itself, control its state. To move quickly, three-dimensional space is curved, while the ship itself moves to the fourth dimension axis of space compressed in this direction (shortened path). The ship "disappears" without a flash.

Such a movement is possible both on man-made and on power-driven ships - the method is used by the 1st and 2nd type CCs. The time during such movements changes for the ship's crew and goes very slowly, and the spaces in front of the moving ship are subject to strong deformations.


CC I from the planet Ertaa reported that they use the 4th dimension while moving, which is still unknown to earthlings. CC I from another galaxy (the direction between α Northern Crown and β Hercules) demonstrated to the contactee V. A. Korshunov, the process of folding space and moving along one space-time coordinate axis.

The use of the 4th dimension is widely practiced in space; this method is used by many medium and highly developed civilizations. At the beginning of the movement, the three-dimensional space is curved into a hyperbola and then twisted into a helical spiral, compressed along the 4th dimension vector.

Along this new axis, the ship is displaced, while the vector axis of the used coordinate axis is oriented along the helical structure (right along its center), time along this coordinate axis has a different mode.


Due to the huge compression of space in this direction (or in other words, the stretching of a new dimension in space), it becomes possible to quickly move over huge distances. This method is used when moving in our Universe, but does not allow to overcome the barrier of spheres between two different universes.

5. Mentally controlled forced teleportation

According to the message of the CC I from the planet Centerium (in the direction of the North Star), matter enters into energy resonance with thought, and thoughts begin to control the state, movement and location of this matter. For this method of movement, humanoids must be very developed energetically, in fact, these are already magical methods of movement.

The contactee was informed that the aliens, after preliminary preparation, adjust their thoughts to their destination, and their ship instantly arrives there. They reduce the frequency of their vibrations until the ship materializes in the Earth's atmosphere, and the reverse process of transcendence immediately returns them to their own level.

6. Energy-frequency tuning - artificial resonance of SKF (natural cosmic frequencies)

This method of movement is accompanied by an energetic restructuring of the matter of the ship. The frequency of the desired object on the aircraft is set, and the aircraft immediately enters that world. Errors during movement are excluded here, because each planet has its own unique vibration frequency and its own time course.


Knowing the set of frequencies, the pilots of the ship determine the final address of the movement. The movement is accompanied each time by the restructuring of the CSC of the ship and the aliens inside it. Such trips are possible provided that the CFS of the aircraft is not very different from the CFS of the destination.

In this way, they move within the same universe (harmonious CFS), flight to the anti-universe or anti-worlds in this way is impossible. It's even dangerous. VTS from the constellation Cygnus reported that there are ships operating on the CSC difference.

Representatives of the Computing Center from the constellation Cygnus reported that, approaching another planet, the astronaut falls into the sphere of influence of another time. The planet intelligently regulates its own cosmic frequency (CFS). A large difference in planetary frequencies can negatively affect the health of an astronaut.

Conditional, but very accurate image of the zero channel - entrance to zero space
Conditional, but very accurate image of the zero channel - entrance to zero space

Conditional, but very accurate image of the zero channel - entrance to zero space.

There are ships that operate on the difference in SKF potentials of planets. The ship slides like a slide if the frequency of the final planet is lower than the one from which it is flying. By changing the frequency of the outer light envelope, the ship moves. It tunes in to the desired frequency of the arrival point every time it is necessary to make this jump, bringing it to the general background - it stops in some space. The frequency tuning accuracy is important here.

The ship travels to other worlds by changing the frequency of the radiation of electromagnetic waves, which are controlled by special devices on the ship. Aliens change their own frequency and simultaneously the frequency of the ship, switching to the frequency of the time field of another galaxy, star system or planet. The flying object, which was observed by people, disappears before our very eyes. As soon as the frequency has changed, the object visually disappears, it is already in another dimension (information from VC I from the planet Tinora in the constellation Lyra).

7. Passing through hyper- and zero spaces

Usually advanced ships of sub-technogenic very developed VTS I and VTS II move in this way. The transphysical civilization VTs I-II-III from the Pleiades cluster informed the contactee F. Korovkin (the city of Nerekhta) that they use zero-space, and also use gravity for movement. According to the VC, there are corridors through zero space and hyperspace. In the first case, the ship is compressed to a point (Odessa, 1992).

VTS Ів from the planet Zar in the Ares system of the Orion constellation (humanoids with bronze skin 2.5 m) reported that they move in space in an unknown way on Earth - through zero-space, and the distances of movement for them do not matter. They also use interdimensional portals, the flight takes a little time - in 10 minutes it covers 2,000 light years. (Contact of the 3rd kind, contactee V. M., Medveditskaya ridge).

There are two possible travel paths. If the ship is compressed to a point (passes the singulation point), then further it moves along zero space, where there is no concept of time and distance. The singulation of the ship to a point is not accompanied by a visible release of energy - during singulation, a burst of an energy pulse is usually not observed, because all the released energy is directed by aliens to move in hidden spaces.

Opening the exit from zero space for outsiders. Reconstruction
Opening the exit from zero space for outsiders. Reconstruction

Opening the exit from zero space for outsiders. Reconstruction.

Another option for moving through hyperspace is accompanied by an increase in the size of the ship (the ship does not shrink, but expands). Before "disappearing", the entire ship flares up, or its inner "core" flares up. Singulation of an object, that is, the compression of the ship into a small point with the subsequent passage of zero space, allows one to overcome any barriers of the spheres.

In ufology, a case was described when a disk-shaped apparatus lying flat on the ground intensified its glow, increased in volume, swelled, then sank with one side into the ground, flashed brightly and disappeared in front of witnesses. That is, at the time of the expansion of the dimensions of the ship's hull, the activated matter of the hull loosened, lost contact with the ground, became permeable relative to our world, and sank into the soil. Further, right on that spot, hyper-displacement occurred.

In the Astrakhan region, they observed how a bright star appeared in the sky, then a five-ray flash followed, a luminous ball emerged from this radiance. The ball went down, changed color and turned into a discoid. He took off in the reverse order.

8. Autosingulation in our space

Autosingulation - movement of a ship in the form of a signal without supermovements through the physical spaces of small worlds. The ship shrinks (collapses) into a small luminous point and begins to move in such a compact form to the desired place.

The movement takes place in our space, so the glowing ball is clearly visible. The distance is limited, small, for example, within a star system or within a sector of our galaxy. Usually these are type II VTS ships - energy polymorphic phantom ships (universal hyperships) or energy capsules. The ship may "flare up" before compression.

The object has compressed into a bright point of light and begins to move in our space in the form of a movable point of light
The object has compressed into a bright point of light and begins to move in our space in the form of a movable point of light

The object has compressed into a bright point of light and begins to move in our space in the form of a movable point of light.

In June 1987, in Sokolniki (Moscow), a polymorphic oval UFO was observed to contract into a white dot, which, leaving a contrail, flew into the sky. In the fall of 1978 in Alupka and in October 1989 in the Nikolaev region (village of Limany), compression of polymorphic objects into a point and, conversely, expansion from a point, followed by budding of a large object into small modules, was observed.

Note: Auto-singulation has some similarities with traversing through zero space. However, you can see the differences: in the case of passing through zero space, the ship, after being compressed into a point, disappears almost immediately on the spot, but does not move in any way in our space in the form of a moving luminous point, that is, in a reduced size.

9. Out-of-space time hopping

The energy for such transitions is the rhythm of the existence of matter (the course of time). The ships of highly developed civilizations (usually VTS II) are time machines. Absorption or release of the impulse of the rhythm of matter can occur, while the ship remains in place (it does not move anywhere in space), sliding occurs not in space, but in time (moving to the future, past).


The ship does not move to the spatial coordinate axis, but to the time coordinate axis and, moving inside the time spiral along the forward axis, gets into the future, and moving backward along the time axis, falls into the past of the given world. The "disappearance" of the ship is accompanied by a flash, although there may be exceptions. The fading contours of the object are the residual projection of the ship in our world at present.


10. Passing the barrier of spheres (vacuum corridor or point of timelessness) with access to parallel worlds or parallel universes

As such, the movement may not be carried out if the spaces of parallel worlds (parallel universes) coincide and, as it were, are superimposed on each other. The barriers of the spheres between different universes are able to overcome the ships of type I and II. Ships "disappear" with a very bright flash, since to overcome the barrier requires significant energy consumption even for highly developed intelligent beings.

Not all types of ships are able to overcome the barriers of spheres, for example, between universes and anti-universes, where the vibrations of energies can have a completely opposite meaning, and time can go in the opposite direction, that is, ships, when rebuilding their matter, can be destroyed by these extreme vibrations.

A conventional drawing showing how the energy spatial spheres interact between neighboring worlds
A conventional drawing showing how the energy spatial spheres interact between neighboring worlds

A conventional drawing showing how the energy spatial spheres interact between neighboring worlds.

This problem of displacement was mentioned in his works by the contactee and writer N. V. Levashov. Even for the almighty highly developed civilizations, there are still some restrictions on movement, and this is due to the processes of interaction of matter and antimatter.

Ufologist-researcher Pavel Khailov