A Global Cyberattack Was Organized By Aliens - Alternative View

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A Global Cyberattack Was Organized By Aliens - Alternative View
A Global Cyberattack Was Organized By Aliens - Alternative View

Video: A Global Cyberattack Was Organized By Aliens - Alternative View

Video: A Global Cyberattack Was Organized By Aliens - Alternative View
Video: 'Even if You Think Discussing Aliens Is Ridiculous, Just Hear Me Out' 2024, September

Through a global cyberattack, Earth was warned of an imminent catastrophe. On May 12, 2017, a global cyber attack took place around the world. The proof that it was not organized by terrestrial hackers is the extraterrestrial appeal to humanity found in the name of the "virus", warning of an impending asteroid catastrophe. "PERSON! WE CALL AGAIN. CATASTROPHE WITHOUT OPTIONS”.

The appeal was sent to 150 countries, but with the condition of decoding in Russia. Thus, the Aliens, and by Them we must mean the Higher, Controlling System, made it clear that Russia is responsible for preventing the impending planetary catastrophe. The first step in this direction should be to take the warning received seriously, with the understanding that it came from outside the Earth World.

Aliens suggest that today the whole world urgently needs to switch its attention, intelligence and resources to preventing the impending threat.

If the Warning is ignored, then in the near future the Earth will face a real "teaching" fall of an asteroid, and not an "imitation" of a flyby, similar to the Chelyabinsk meteorite of 2013, from which no lessons have been learned since.

Aliens organized a global cyberattack (part 1)

The domain name of the ransomware virus that hit the global Internet network on May 12, 2017 turned out to be instructions for its removal, autographed by the authors.

Promotional video:


It was possible to stop the virus after realizing that its name is the "key" for its deactivation.

The virus in just two days easily infected more than 200 thousand computers in 150 countries. Experts noted that the virus could not have been created by ordinary hackers.

The peculiarities of the virus: its global impact, an apparent discrepancy with the declared extortion and open instructions for its removal, suggest other purposes of its appearance.

Inside the domain name, which consists of 41-44 characters, a brief description of the virus's operation and a method for deactivating it were found in encrypted form.


A continuous string of characters instead of spaces is separated into words by the letter (j), which looks like an enter character. The first word is separated by a letter (f). The separating letters themselves are involved in the words.

Iuqer (f) sodp9if (j) aposdf (j) hgosuri (j) faewrwergwea.com

Each word is encrypted separately, and then the words are concatenated together, without spaces. It was this lightweight encryption condition that made it possible to read the text hidden in the domain name. If at first all the words were concatenated together in one line, and then the whole line were encrypted, then the text would be impossible to decrypt without knowing the algorithm.

Thus, the lightweight version of text encryption immediately provided for its quick decryption "by eye", without the use of technical means.

Words are encrypted in several ways:

- words are written in English, - replacing one alphabetic character with another, similar in spelling - f to t, d to p, etc., - spelling words in reverse order, - permutation of letters, - skipping individual letters, - in one case, the letter is replaced by the number 9 (nine) - "p9i", which immediately gives the basic hint that the entire string can be a "PIN - code".

We believe that from the decryption of individual words shown in the picture, it is clear even to a non-professional that the "address" of the virus actually contains encrypted words, and the cipher is very simple to understand.

Since the main method of encrypting text is the permutation of characters, and, for example, a set of "7" characters of each word gives 5040 word options, let alone a line of "44" characters, then those words that are immediately visible to the eye and correspond to the context, may have the following decryption option.

“A simple ultra-fast hacking of the Windows security system (firewall) through a virus mailing list.

To remove the virus, just enter the phrase as a pin / password.

We are a famous team of hackers."

The signature is located in its usual place, at the end of the information / line.

There is one more noticeable moment. If we consider that there are only "4" separating places in the line, then "2" of them contain the same set of letters "ifj", or "3" - "if", which can mean the accepted abbreviated name "International Federation of Journalists" - " International Federation of Journalists”.

Based on the simplicity of text encryption and its anomalous presence in the address of the "virus", several conclusions suggest themselves:

- the authors had as their goal to demonstrate the possibilities of their influence on the main for the world (after direct human communication) Internet communication system;

- but the main goal was to point out the global meaning of the concept of CIFR, and that some global CIFR is elementary and easy to understand, even without the use of technical means;

- to attract global media attention to your action / information.

Despite the fact that there are claims about the existence of such cyber capabilities in individual states, this cyber attack puzzled them, too.

And if earthlings do not have such opportunities, then a direct consequence is the assumption that the impact was made from outside the Earth. Moreover, there are no obstacles for this. To enter the network, it is no longer necessary to insert a disc or connect via USB to a specific access point - widespread WI-FI is enough. And, if terrestrial hackers can masterly disguise themselves as any provider, then what can prevent aliens from disguising themselves as terrestrial hackers?

A deeper analysis of the characteristics of the cyberattack confirmed that the authors of the ransomware are entirely extraterrestrial forces.

The main arguments for this conclusion are: globality, speed of distribution and unhindered penetration through any levels of protection, as if they did not exist.

Extraterrestrial Message discovered in ransomware (part 2)

The cyberattack that took place around the world on May 12, 2017 turned out to be another attempt by aliens to reach the consciousness of humanity.


An extraterrestrial message was found in the domain address of the ransomware virus. But, judging by its content, the hopes of the Aliens melt every time.

The message contained only two topics: a warning about an imminent asteroid catastrophe on Earth, in connection with which help was again offered, and, rather, a sad, on their part, a statement of the fact that earthlings are hopelessly feeble-minded to perceive such warnings.

Impact on the global network - the Internet has been carefully planned. Microsoft Corporation and its Windows product were not chosen by chance to enter the network. It was also no coincidence that the disguise as "ransomware" was chosen. But, before describing the goals of such a choice, you first need to look at the Message that the aliens placed in the address bar of their "virus" and understand how it ended up there. The authors called themselves "Extraterrestrial Rescue Team" and warned earthlings about the fall of the famous asteroid Apophis.

The first word about finding such information in the address bar, apparently, should belong to cryptanalysts. Is what is discovered really looks like ciphertext? Moreover, encrypted in the simplest ways of "substitution" and "rearrangement"? Is it a coincidence that the end of a line, consisting of many letters, looks like the long word "EXSTRATERRESTRIAL" (extraterrestrial), denoting the signature in the discovered text, is located at its end, where it should be?

But the main question is: why would a simple ransomware hacker place such information in a "virus" whose attack has completely different goals?

To create a "cipher in cipher" with little hope that it will be discovered and understood - such additional work for a hacker seems inappropriate and too complicated.

For a professional cryptographer, the answer should be obvious that a simple hacker cannot encrypt information in this way.

For our part, as specialists in the field of "extraterrestrial influence", we can say with confidence that it is quite possible that there is a real group of hackers that could participate in a cyberattack, and after it secretly cherish grandiose results, but it is unlikely that it suspects which Force has used it for their own purposes. In fact, with a separate group of hackers, the aliens could do the same trick when they remotely use the computer of an unsuspecting user.

What was the goal then pursued by the aliens?

With their global and demonstrative impact on the main type of terrestrial communication, in addition to the textual Message, the Aliens tried to convey to humanity a separate understanding that the Earth is under complete external control, and that They know literally all terrestrial information, regardless of its level of access. There is no secret and important button that They could not block at the right time. But, following the basic Law of the Universe - the free will of the individual and non-interference in his choice, They will wait and watch over humanity until its last moment, even if it turns out to be sad. At the same time, the same Law of the Universe does not prevent the Aliens from constantly reminding humanity about the wrong path chosen. After all, these warnings are well hidden behind the main task of those born on Earth - to develop their minds,which they categorically refuse to do, and therefore do not recognize extraneous prompts.

Therefore, the mistake is repeated again and again, erasing another civilization from the planet with another stone.

Why Aliens Chose Microsoft and Windows for Cyber Attack (Part 3)

The impact on the global network - the Internet by the ransomware virus - was carefully planned. It is not by chance that the aliens chose Microsoft and its Windows product to enter the network. It turned out that these words contained additional information from the Extraterrestrial Message.


Thus, in the Russian spelling of the word MICROSOFT, as in the English MICROSOFT, a warning was posted about the "imminent passage of the asteroid Apophis." Moreover, the warning provides for a choice for humanity: does it want the asteroid to “rip the horizon or the world,” that is, fall to Earth or fly by?

As a clue for the correct answer of humanity, the aliens chose MICROSOFT with the additional word CORPORATION, which in translation means UNITED. That is, the aliens offer earthlings to join efforts to prevent the fall of the asteroid. And the unification provides for a preliminary Extraterrestrial Contact.


At this point in the correspondence dialogue, one should pay attention to the choice by the aliens of another word - WINDOWS, which in translation from English means WINDOWS.

Astrophysicists call the spatial characteristics for calculating the flight and fall of an asteroid by windows, air vents, wells, needle eyes. Here is such a control WINDOW at Apophis will open in 2029. Certain values of this span will give astrophysicists an answer whether Apophis will collide with the Earth in 2036.

While astrophysicists are waiting for the WINDOW and precise calculations, the Aliens warn that the COLLISION of Apophis with the Earth WILL HAPPEN.

And the aliens have their own mathematics, as well as their ability to predict a disaster. Foresight, and, consequently, the warning of Aliens can be based in general on the ability, unthinkable today for earthlings, to know future events in advance.

But the mathematics of the aliens is simple - it is available for earthlings as well.

The first warning from Space about an asteroid catastrophe, earthlings received via the WOW Signal in 1977, immediately at the first Extraterrestrial Response to their 1974 Arecib Message.

Decoding of the WOW Signal with a warning was presented in Russia in 2011, and addressed to the responsible astrophysicists.

2017 - 1977 = 40 years since the receipt of the WOW Signal and the official verdict that it cannot be deciphered.

2017 - 2011 = 6 years from the date of the submission of the decryption of the WOW Signal and the warning of an asteroid catastrophe, and the clear disregard of information by astrophysicists.

2029 - 2017 = 12 years before the day of the control flight of the asteroid Apophis, - the time that astrophysicists will be waiting for.

2036 - 2029 = 7 years before the day of the collision with the asteroid, which astrophysicists will dispute after the control calculation.

In a less sad version - 6 years have already been lost to prepare for the reflection of the asteroid, in the worst case - 40 years. For in defining the WOW Signal as extraterrestrial, no effort has been made to decipher it.

It was this moment of receiving the WOW Signal by earthlings and the neglect for all the past years of his Message and the first Extraterrestrial Answer, the Aliens reflected in the word WINDOWS chosen by him. However, the same diagnosis of earthly intelligence was made by Them in the same WOW Signal - LOW MIND. Nothing for the better has changed over the years.

Why the aliens chose the "ransomware" disguise (part 4)

Knowing from the previous explanation the main reason for the extraterrestrial "cyberattack", the next attempt by the Aliens to contact Contact, in order to provide assistance, can be mirror-like "extortion" from earthlings to respond to their proposals.


Yes, it is also important for them the earth's space as a territory for certain universal tasks, which will remain a desert for thousands of years after the asteroid hit the Earth, with the detonation of all military arsenals and nuclear facilities. But disaster prevention is, first of all, important for the earthlings themselves. However, at this point - about the desire for self-preservation and the main question of the Aliens arises about the adequacy of earthlings. This is more of a surprise than just another warning, and it was put into the word REDACTORS.

In the deciphering, we should first put a phrase that has already boiled among the Aliens in relation to the behavior of earthlings: YOU ARE NOT MIND. But we have arranged the phrases in order from the Authors of the Message and their warning:

“We, your Creators, say - an asteroid is flying towards you.

You are insane (because) you are (threatened) with ruin, and you do not want to be helped."

Earthlings really behave like INSANE also because they generally do not take into consideration anything from the information that could move civilization along the steps of evolution.

Completely ignored:

- obvious attempts at Extraterrestrial Contact from space, - assumptions that their Creators are trying to reach Contact, - detection of ancient artifacts that change the outdated paradigm, - the emergence of new discoveries that reveal ancient delusions, - insane worship of all the dead,

- a wild desire to destroy each other, if only your own idea prevails over the enemy, - consent to live in a total lie, if only this lie would guarantee life.

All this is obvious and observed from the side of the aliens.

That is why, probably, like a cry of one crying in the wilderness, so many epithets were applied to the assessment of human intelligence in this Message.


Even such a word as IDIOTY, which was included in the "price of extortion" TRIST, meaning also a warning about the fall of ASTEROID.


Maybe someone with the mind would be instructive to familiarize themselves with the formulation of the concept of IDIOTY, which was pointed out by the aliens.

IDIOTY (colloquial. - idiocy) (from the ancient Greek. - "private life; ignorance, ignorance") - the deepest degree of oligophrenia (mental retardation), in a severe form characterized by an almost complete absence (adequate) of speech and thinking.

That is, the aliens want to say that an asteroid catastrophe on Earth, if it occurs, is due to the exceptional ignorance and ignorance of earthlings.

With such an assessment that has just come from the Extraterrestrial Intelligence, earthlings only have to look for microbes and bacteria as a different intelligent life on other planets, as an obvious answer to the question "Is humanity alone in the Universe?"

Grigoriev Yuri and Azhazha Anna, experts on extraterrestrial contact