In The Classified Archives Of The CIA, They Found A Book With Another Story Of Jesus Christ - Alternative View

In The Classified Archives Of The CIA, They Found A Book With Another Story Of Jesus Christ - Alternative View
In The Classified Archives Of The CIA, They Found A Book With Another Story Of Jesus Christ - Alternative View

Video: In The Classified Archives Of The CIA, They Found A Book With Another Story Of Jesus Christ - Alternative View

Video: In The Classified Archives Of The CIA, They Found A Book With Another Story Of Jesus Christ - Alternative View
Video: Top 5 CIA Secrets That Were Declassified 2024, September

Not so long ago, the CIA again declassified some files from its archive. The researchers were interested in a 1966 book called The Story of Adam and Eve. Why did an ordinary book end up in the CIA archives?

Among a number of declassified CIA documents, a book by Thomas Chan was discovered. It is called The Story of Adam and Eve and contains a number of statements about a different history of the world. This book was published on the CIA website in 2013, but only in part, and the other part is still classified. Who is Thomas Chan? He earned his degree as an electrical engineer in 1943 and attended Columbia University. He was probably working for the US Air Force on a secret project. The appearance of this book in the public domain has once again stirred up cospirological theories about why the CIA was so hiding this handwritten text.

What's wrong with this book? The fact is that Thomas Chan is an adherent of the catastrophic theory. He is sure that every 7 thousand years there are cyclical shifts of the poles, as a result of which all life that lives on the planet is destroyed. Mr. Chan also claims that Jesus was not a divine prophet, but just a scientist from India who tried to warn people about the cataclysm. After all, the latter happened a long time ago - and this is the famous Flood, which is mentioned in the Old Testament.


His book, The Story of Adam and Eve, tells us that an entire civilization perished in a past worldwide catastrophe. He believes that the Milky Way has "zero zones" through which our solar system passes every several thousand years. And during this period, the Earth's poles shift, which leads to a global cataclysm. True, he did not provide modern proofs of his theory, although in the past the theory of catastrophism was quite popular.


One could skip this book, but why was it then kept in a classified archive? And the personality of the writer himself is quite interesting. He was on the team of Dr. Robert Wood, who was involved in UFO research. Wood himself tells about Thomas that he was quite eccentric, but his thinking was amazing. He wrote and published the book in 1963, but already in 1965 it fell into the CIA archives and was no longer published. Several decades later, it was published again, but under the heading “declassified”.

Researchers became interested in this book, because it was written by a person who collaborated with a secret US Air Force project, and then was classified. Thomas Chan did not provide modern evidence for his theory, but catastrophism was quite popular in the past.

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