Margellon Disease - Revived GMO Cotton - Alternative View

Margellon Disease - Revived GMO Cotton - Alternative View
Margellon Disease - Revived GMO Cotton - Alternative View

Video: Margellon Disease - Revived GMO Cotton - Alternative View

Video: Margellon Disease - Revived GMO Cotton - Alternative View
Video: Tick-borne infection and Morgellons disease – Video abstract [ID 184521] 2024, September

Straight out of a sci-fi horror movie, a mysterious disease that causes boils, rashes, and acrid fibers under the skin may be linked to genetically modified organisms.

In addition to the sensations of crawling insects, Morgellon's disease causes other alarming symptoms:

excessive chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, short term memory loss

degradation of the thought process, attention deficit

bipolar obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Promotional video:

excessive depression

suicidal tendencies.

One of the first reported cases of Morgellon disease in the United States was in a three-year-old boy who developed multi-colored, plastic-like fibers from an irritated area around his mouth.

Miss Leitao, the boy's mother, a biologist, was both shocked and confused by his condition.

Numerous doctors prescribed scabies and eczema creams, but nothing helped her son get rid of the constant itching and discomfort he described as "insects." The doctors were at a loss and even recommended that "Miss Leitao seek help from a psychiatrist," as Dr. Heldrick writes in his article "A Mother Seeks Answers to the Question of What's Wrong with Her Son" in the Pittsburgh Postal Newspaper.

Dr. Wymor, assistant professor of pharmacology and physiology at Oklahoma State University, contacted Leitao to try and classify the disease.

He found that "the fibers of different people look exactly the same, but do not correspond to any known natural fibers."

Morgellon disease is found primarily in the United States, mainly in California, Texas, and Florida.

All three states are major producers of genetically modified Bt cotton.

More than 10,000 families that they believe have at least one member with the disease have registered with the Morgellon Disease Research Foundation. 24 percent of all families are in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Is the unknown disease caused by GMOs?



Dr. Rima Leibou, medical director of the Natural Solutions Foundation, suspects that Morgellon disease is caused by genetically modified organisms.

After examining dermal fibers, it was determined that they contain DNA from both fungi and bacteria, widely used in GMOs.

Fibers are composed of cellulose and can neither be produced nor destroyed by the human body.

According to Leibow “… GM technologies are capable, as in the case of Professor Frankenstein, to revive the inanimate.

These fibers twist and curl, grow and divide.

In short, living under the skin of people, they form parasitic metastases from inanimate material, which, due to the horrors of genetic modification, has taken on the properties of a living organism."


Leibow's letter proves how GM's "bio-active textiles" may actually be the causative agent of Morgellon disease.

Several university laboratories have created tissues with genetically engineered E. coli bacteria, chemicals, nematodes (roundworms) and proteins embedded in their structure.

The technology was then sold to textile manufacturers for widespread use. The fibers found in tissue are absolutely similar to the fibers found under the skin of people with Morgellon's disease.

Both are composed of cellulose, have a "tendency to coiling" (a genetically inherent property), autofluorescence (also the result of genetic manipulation) and contain the DNA of genetically modified bacteria.

Whether it is caused by unknown causes, GM food or clothing, Morgellon disease has become a big problem today.



Given that the increase in the disease coincides with the introduction and use of GMOs in the textile and food industries, it is clearly not worth the risk of eating or wearing anything genetically modified.

But this is the question of clothing.

Although it is also important.

Who today can tell what your and your loved ones are made of shirts, blouses, shorts and T-shirts …

After all, everything is imported…. Unknown raw materials of unknown manufacturer, And will you comb your hair in the very near future?

Those. by creating genetically modified cotton, the genie was released from the bottle … and he began to kill us … becoming alive.

And the food?

Many already know the fact that the use of foods with GM additives leads to infertility in a generation, which means a decrease in the number of inhabitants of the Earth.

And this is no longer a secret. It has been repeatedly tested on mice and in many biological laboratories around the world.

It is also known that the fields over which the chemtrails were held cannot grow anything other than GMO products.

And more … In the US, a law has been passed prohibiting farmers from growing NATURAL products, up to criminal punishment.

Here it is - the Third World War …..

Now the non-intrusive repetition of the information that harmonization of life on Earth requires not a GOLDEN BILLION, that a mistake was made, but only 500,000,000 inhabitants of the Earth …..

And out of even the planned GOLDEN billion, where by the way Russia did not enter, every second is superfluous.