How Much Sand Is In The Desert? - Alternative View

How Much Sand Is In The Desert? - Alternative View
How Much Sand Is In The Desert? - Alternative View

Hearing the word "desert", we immediately imagine endless sand dunes stretching to the horizon, lack of water and incredible heat. In most cases, this is the case. But the desert is not only sand. Most often, it occupies a smaller part of its entire area. Deserts can be stony, pebble, sandy-pebble and saline. A separate category is made up of arctic deserts, which are covered with glaciers, stones, rubble. They can be snowy or dry.

Has anyone tried to measure the thickness of sand layers in the desert? The thickness of sand in the desert is a variable value, which varies greatly geographically, as well as under the influence of various weather factors: wind, temperature, rain. It is not easy to measure it, since the sand dunes are in constant motion, the speed of which reaches 6-10 meters per year. The deepest deposits of sand are located just under the dunes. For example, the average thickness of sand in the Sahara is 150 meters. Most of the dunes are several meters or tens of meters high. However, there are also unique specimens. For example, the highest dunes are noted in the Namib Desert, which is located in southwestern Africa. There, their height reaches 400 meters.