Lost Ancient Artifacts From The Collection Of Padre Crespi - Alternative View

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Lost Ancient Artifacts From The Collection Of Padre Crespi - Alternative View
Lost Ancient Artifacts From The Collection Of Padre Crespi - Alternative View

Video: Lost Ancient Artifacts From The Collection Of Padre Crespi - Alternative View

Video: Lost Ancient Artifacts From The Collection Of Padre Crespi - Alternative View
Video: Padre Crespi Trailer 2024, July

Padre Crespi has been collecting ancient artifacts for over 50 years. It contained mysterious gold plates with drawings that could contain information from the “mysterious metal library. After Crespi's death, traces of the collection are lost.

Friend of the indians

The story of Padre Crespi is one of the most mysterious of all stories telling about the legacy of unknown civilizations, mysterious artifacts, a huge number of gold objects with images of strange figures and symbols belonging to Sumerian and other unknown languages. The mysteries that surround this story once again prove the desire to hide the truth from the public.

Carlos Crespi was born in Milan in 1891 and died in 1982. He was a Salesian monk who dedicated his life to worship, missionary work and love. For over 50 years he lived in the small town of Cuenca, Ecuador, where he came as a young man to collect data for the exhibition. He had many talents, he was:

  • teacher;
  • botanist;
  • ethnographer;
  • a musician.

He opened a school and organized an orchestra. Through his missionary work, he became a loved and respected person for the native Indians, whose tribes considered him a true friend.

Padre Crespi with Indian children
Padre Crespi with Indian children

Padre Crespi with Indian children.

In gratitude for the work and assistance to the local population, the indigenous people presented ancient artifacts to Father Crespi. They said that many items were found in the underground caves of the jungle of Ecuador in the vicinity of 200 km from the town of Cuenca. Some amazing artifacts presented to him bore similarities with the civilizations of the East and the Old World. Over time, they accumulated so much that it was possible to fill a large museum. Rumor has it that the padre kept them in his house, and they occupied more than one room, but the exact location has not been revealed, and remains unknown to this day.

Promotional video:

Padre Crespi received permission from the Vatican to open a museum at the Salesian School of Cuenca, which became the largest museum in Ecuador until 1960. Crespi suggested that there was a connection between the artifacts in his collection and the ancient civilizations of Babylon and Sumer. Among the exhibits were gold or gilded tablets with drawings and symbols, information on which no one studied or deciphered. After some time, the museum burned down, possibly due to arson, and most of the artifacts were destroyed. Only a few of them were saved by Padre Crespi. After the death of Crespi, all the exhibits became inaccessible to the public. Some were rumored to have been transported to the Vatican.

Padre Crespi and the disappeared artifacts
Padre Crespi and the disappeared artifacts

Padre Crespi and the disappeared artifacts.

Collection content theories

Padre Crespi believed that most of the ancient artifacts contained symbols of a language older than the flood. Researcher Richard Wingate noted that the collection included Assyrian, Egyptian, Chinese and African artifacts. Neil Armstrong, the first man to visit the moon, was a member of an expedition organized in 1976 by the British military in the caves of Ecuador.

There are theories that the caves were hidden treasures of Atlantis, the disappeared continent that preceded all known civilizations, and maybe the artifacts contained information transmitted from space. The treasures were in the form of a "metal library", information was stored on metal plates similar to those which the Indians gave to Father Crespi.

Exhibits from the collection of Padre Crespi
Exhibits from the collection of Padre Crespi

Exhibits from the collection of Padre Crespi.

The age and origin of the artifacts from the collection of Padre Crespi remains unknown, and the fact that they all disappeared and are hidden from researchers makes it impossible to further study them. It is difficult even to imagine how important discoveries for archeology and our knowledge of human origins could reveal to the world the treasures of this collection. It is possible that artifacts from the mysterious library of underground caves in Ecuador could change the course of history forever.