The Prosecutor General's Office Will Sort Out The Death Of The Dyatlov Group - Alternative View

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The Prosecutor General's Office Will Sort Out The Death Of The Dyatlov Group - Alternative View
The Prosecutor General's Office Will Sort Out The Death Of The Dyatlov Group - Alternative View

The Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation intends to check the most likely versions of the death of a group of tourists led by Igor Dyatlov, which occurred on the night of February 1 to 2, 1959. This was announced on the video channel of the Prosecutor General's Office "Efir" by the official representative of the department, Alexander Kurennoy. According to Kurenniy, taking into account the expired term, only the prosecutor's office has the authority to conduct an additional check after 60 years.

"There are up to 75 versions of what happened, which are put forward by experts and ordinary people," - said the official representative of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation.

At the same time, the department does not plan to work on all of them. With the involvement of experts, three will be tested, which are currently considered the most likely. We are talking about natural phenomena, and not about the actions of certain people.

“Crime is completely ruled out. There is not a single proof, even indirect, in favor of this version,”said Alexander Kurennoy.

The cause of the death of tourists was a natural force

Nine members of the tourist group of the tourist club of the Ural Polytechnic Institute died on the night of February 1 to 2, 1959, in the Northern Urals, at the pass, which was later named after the group leader, a 5th year student Igor Dyatlov. The group's campaign was timed to coincide with the XXI Congress of the CPSU. For 16 days, the participants of the hike had to ski at least 350 km in the north of the Sverdlovsk region and climb the northern Ural mountains Otorten and Oiko-Chakur. The only surviving member of the Dyatlov group, Yuri Yudin, broke up with his comrades at the beginning of the active section of the campaign on January 28, 1959 due to illness.

The investigation carried out immediately after the tragedy could not establish the exact cause of the death of the tourists. In the decision to terminate the criminal case, the following wording was used: “Given the absence of external bodily injuries and signs of struggle on the corpses, the presence of all the group's values, and also taking into account the conclusion of the forensic medical examination on the causes of death of tourists, it should be considered that the cause of the death of tourists a spontaneous force appeared, which the tourists were not able to overcome”.

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Avalanche or pile of snow?

According to the “avalanche version,” an avalanche descended on the tent in which the tourists were resting at night, crushing it and forcing them to urgently get out, leaving their belongings. The severe injuries sustained by the members of the group were caused by an avalanche. At the same time, the avalanche could have been caused by the mistake of the tourists themselves, who cut the slope at the site of the tent. Further tragic events were caused by the fact that the evacuation took place in extreme haste and in adverse weather conditions, which caused the death of all members of the group.

According to the version of snow piling, the installation of a tent with digging in a layer of snow on a weak slope and the prevailing weather conditions - the temperature transition from zero to −30 ° C in one night - in combination, could have contributed to the fact that a layer of snow moved onto the tent, which did not continue its movement beyond her. At the same time, the members of the group were forced to evacuate from the tent in the dark, unable to dig out things. Their departure from the tent, according to this version, is explained by the fear of a subsequent avalanche.

Alexander Kurennoy, speaking on the video channel of the Prosecutor General's Office "Ether", also dispelled some of the conspiracy theories related to the death of the Dyatlov group. So, he said that the statement about the initiation of a criminal case on the death of the group two weeks before the discovery of the bodies is not true.

“Prosecutor Tempalov simply could not leave with a report on the criminal case on February 15 and, in fact, did not leave. The prosecutor's office of the Sverdlovsk region checked this, and it was established with certainty, with the involvement of psychologists, that the prosecutor simply made a mistake with the date in indicating the month,”the official representative of the Prosecutor General's Office emphasized.

Those who believe in a conspiracy will still not humble themselves

We can already say that many will disagree with the conclusions of the Prosecutor General's Office. The number of those who have become attached to the stories of a secret experiment, missile launches and “cleansing” of unwanted witnesses by special forces is simply off scale.

Meanwhile, those who are engaged in tourism and mountaineering at a professional level have always been far from "conspiracy theories." For all the tragedy of the events, this case is far from an isolated one. Only in ski trips on the territory of our country in the period from 1975 to the beginning of the 2000s, 111 people died. As a rule, the reasons were severe weather conditions and mistakes made by the tourists themselves.

The truth is usually trivial. That is why not everyone is ready to accept it.

Andrey Sidorchik