We Managed To Decipher The Mysterious Tattoo Of Semyon Zolotarev From The Dyatlov Group - Alternative View

We Managed To Decipher The Mysterious Tattoo Of Semyon Zolotarev From The Dyatlov Group - Alternative View
We Managed To Decipher The Mysterious Tattoo Of Semyon Zolotarev From The Dyatlov Group - Alternative View

Video: We Managed To Decipher The Mysterious Tattoo Of Semyon Zolotarev From The Dyatlov Group - Alternative View

Video: We Managed To Decipher The Mysterious Tattoo Of Semyon Zolotarev From The Dyatlov Group - Alternative View
Video: АКАДЕМИЯ - Серия 29 / Детектив 2024, September

I must say that this very tattoo raises no less questions than the cause of the very death of a group of tourists. And how many versions there were on this topic, apparently they will never be counted. True, for the sake of objectivity, I must say that none of them claimed the truth.

Now a little digression into history. According to rumors, nothing confirmed, there were no tattoos on the hands of the real Semyon Zolotarev. No one has ever seen them. Not relatives, not students, and, what is much more important, his devoted students did not see them. True, in such a narrated the authors shyly keep silent about the possible circumstances of these careful observations. But these are all just rumors, most likely unfounded.

For the first time, tattoos on the body of Semyon Zolotarev were described in the materials of the criminal case, during the autopsy of his corpse. I give a description of them here literally: On the back of the right hand, at the base of the thumb, there is a tattoo of "Gena". On the back of the right forearm in the middle third there is a tattoo with the image of "'beetroot and letters + C", on the back of the left forearm there is a tattoo with the image of "GS" ", a five-pointed star and the letters" C ", letters G + C + P = D" and the numbers 1921. "Well, with the" beet "star, everything is more or less clear." Beet "is an ace of spades (card suit), the star is also clear from where. But with the rest, it turns out, one continuous mystery. Gena? But Zolotarev's name is Semyon, although he calls himself Sasha. Well, the different DAERMMUAZUAYA there do not explain anything to us. So, what is written there? Can all this be deciphered?

It turned out that you can. I will try to explain all this to you in detail. True, I immediately warn you that Semyon's tattoo has nothing to do with his death. Since the tourists died at the hands of religious fanatics who decided that tourists were a danger to them. Therefore, they were sacrificed to their deities. So, this story is purely criminal, as it turned out.

In my work on decryption, I proceeded from certain conditions. First, this tattoo was constantly on Zolotarev's body. She appeared during the war years, with her he came from the front. However, Semyon himself tried to hide it. Apparently that is why she was not noticed by those who knew him well. The fact that the tattoo was stuffed very crookedly and not artistically is proved by the fact that the one who made it tried to "arrange" it under a drunken handicraft of a front-line soldier. Such tattoos do not attract attention, so they are very functional. They can only be seen by the one to whom they are intended. All inscriptions on the headdress have cipher signs. Not very simple, but also not very difficult. Average, so to speak. Most likely, this code is included in the saboteur's initial training program. Since it consists of letters, it is a cryptographic cipher.

Now the matter is small. Find the same cipher and try to decipher the tattoo. And such a cipher was found by me. It was the Caesar cipher. By the way, the oldest existing cryptographic cipher. How does he work? All letters can be encoded with some confusion. According to a special table, each letter is coded with a letter at a certain distance. There can be up to 11 offset options in total. Since the keys are different, it is impossible to decrypt anything without a table. Fortunately, there are Caesar code decoders on the net. Let's try to use them.

1) position: the name "Gene", gives a variant of decryption with the word "Zite". I must say right away that since we do not have a key, we have to go through all 11 decryption options. In meaning, words are similar to words, and not to an empty set of letters.

2) position: a separate letter "C", gives the letter "G".

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3) position: the letters "G", "C", when decrypting the letters "A", "O" (as a variant of the letters B and P).

4) position: the word "DAERMMUAZUAYA", gives a variant of decoding: IEEHSSSHEMSHED. In this form, that's for sure.

5) position: the letters "GSP" - give decryption: "D. T. R"

6) position: letter "D", gives decryption with the letter "O".

Now let's try to summarize all this, at least in the general sense. Of course, everything will be very approximate. It turns out this phrase:

Zite (?) Reich SS military intelligence group (apparently SS troops, which is more correct in meaning), stormsharführer-saboteur (rank of non-commissioned officer of the SS troops and his military specialty). Sabotage training squad. Or like this in full: Zite (?) Reich military intelligence group, SS troops, stormsharführer-saboteur. Sabotage training squad. Or in German: Reich, SS-Truppen, angriffsführer-Saboteur. Ablenkungsmanöver.

I think that all this explains all the inaccuracies with the military career of Semyon Zolotarev. He was an agent of the NKVD. Was thrown to the rear of the Germans, apparently moved there after surrender. Once I got to a school that trained military saboteurs. He managed to rise to the rank of senior soldier there. In 1944 he crossed the front line, completing his mission there. All this was known to his superiors from SMERSH and the NKVD. Therefore, his entire post-war career was perfect. Although in his biography there were such, obvious, no connections. So Semyon was a real hero. This is already obvious. Unfortunately, this did not save him from the hands of religious fanatics …

Now why his DNA did not match the DNA of his relatives. Because he is an adopted child. He was accepted into the family during the years of social unrest and kulak revolts. Apparently his real name was Alexander. He himself knew this well, perhaps he even knew that he was a step-child in the family. If this is the case, then it is in vain that the DNA will match. It's impossible. Nevertheless, this is exactly the person who bore the name Semyon Zolotarev. This is obvious and it is foolish to argue with it.

Valentin Degterev