Reptilians Live With People On The Same Planet! - Alternative View

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Reptilians Live With People On The Same Planet! - Alternative View
Reptilians Live With People On The Same Planet! - Alternative View

Video: Reptilians Live With People On The Same Planet! - Alternative View

Video: Reptilians Live With People On The Same Planet! - Alternative View
Video: Real Origin of the Lizard People Conspiracy Theory 2024, September

The famous ufologist D. Carpenter, who has been dealing with the problem of reptilians for many years, says that almost all eyewitnesses describe them the same way. They are upright creatures. Their height is from 1.8 to 2.4 meters. The head is a cross between a human's head and a lizard's head. The same can be said about the face. The skin is scaly, its color is from greenish to brownish, sometimes spotty …


… the eyes are bulging, golden or light red, with a vertical pupil, similar to a cat's. A ridge runs from the top of the head to the mouth. The body might seem human if not for the protruding ribs on the chest. The hands are four-fingered, with membranes, ending in claws.

Is the homeland of the reptilians Earth?

Contacts almost always take place at the initiative of the reptilians. Carpenter claims that in all cases of such meetings, people did not see spaceships. This gave rise to some researchers to assume that the birthplace of the Reptilians is the Earth and that they currently live in its bowels. According to the views of these experts, reptilians arose on Earth about 60 million years ago as a result of the evolution of one of the species of lizards.

The reptilian civilization has reached an extremely high level of development. She went into space, where she entered into competition with representatives of alien races who were exploring the solar system. Apparently, the Reptilians were not the strongest in this competition. They ceded control of the Earth to a race we call the "Scandinavians" (white gods). Subsequently, these latter took care of the appearance of people on Earth.

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Having lost the right to live on the surface of their home planet, the reptilians left for vast underground voids, which, perhaps, they themselves created during their domination on Earth.

“… Geological evidence of nuclear and thermonuclear military conflicts in the past confirms that a world war took place on Earth thousands of years ago.

This conclusion is confirmed in ancient Indian literature, in which there are many descriptions of various weapons of the gods, indistinguishable from nuclear, thermonuclear and neutron bombs and cruise missiles, as well as battles of gods, demon-snakes and white gods with its use, which took place in India, Indochina, Sri Lanka and other regions.

Chinese and Indo-Chinese written sources and legends about the destructive wars of the gods-emperors with other demonic gods, as well as about the catastrophes that shook the Earth and flooded it floods, echo with the ancient Indian texts. Images of battles between gods, demons and people described in legends are quite often found on bas-reliefs in Indian and Indo-Chinese temples and temple complexes of the Sunda archipelago … According to Slavic and Indian legends, then in a bloody battle between white gods and serpent-people, during which it was “split earth "and" the whole earth [was] mixed with blood, drops of blood on every pebble ", the victory was won by the" white gods "led by Svarog and Indra, and the snake-demons left to live underground. The victorious gods remained on earth …"


The ancients called the light gods who won the victory over the "snakes" the Designers of Life or Imdugud. More about Imdugud:

They have very white skin, blond hair, and are tall. The voice is barking and staccato. Created to track the consumption of earth resources, people, and to resolve conflicts. Something like the police. But, unlike the police, Imdugud's reputation is peaceful. They are not looking for "trouble" and are always depicted in the background of the Life Designers' work. The light alien gods flew to Earth with the aim of creating their colony here - the people they created by crossing their genes with the genes of the Earth monkeys (chimpanzees, gorillas).

During the military conflicts between the Reptilian civilization and the Creators, the times of domination changed. Many peoples of antiquity mention serpentine gods, whom they worshiped …


“… In ancient China, dragons were generally perceived as the patron deities of the world and were perceived, as in India and Indochina, as initiates, saints, that is, beings endowed with boundless wisdom and abilities.

In South, Central and North America, snakes have also enjoyed special honor for a long time. In some myths from the collection of ancient Mayan religious texts "Chilam-Balam" it is reported that the first inhabitants of Yucatan were "People of the Serpent". This is probably why the Maya called their country the "Kingdom of the Great Serpent"

In Sumerian mythology, snakemen were called the Anunnaki. They were spoken of as "Sarpa" (big snake) or "Dragons" among the Babylonians, who ruled over the people and created the Dravidian culture. Below are images of figurines found in Ur in southern Iraq. On them Amasutum on the left. Feminine beings of the Ginaabul race. On the right of the male …"

From those times to the present day, their buildings have survived - the pyramids. They can be found everywhere, in China, America, Egypt and many other places. Some other aircraft have this shape.


(excerpts from the works of A. V. Koltypin)

An underground network of tunnels that pierce the Earth


In our time, many interconnected caves and artificial underground cavities have been discovered in the Middle East, India, China, Iran, Afghanistan, Europe, USA, Russia and many countries.

Professor Payonk, who researched these places, wrote to Lesnyakevich that in the mid-1960s, he heard the following story from an elderly man named Vincent:

“Many years ago … my father … said that the time had come for me to find out the secret that the inhabitants of our area have long passed on from father to son. And this secret is the hidden entrance to the dungeon.

After that we went on in silence. When we approached the foot of Babya Gora from the Slovak side, my father stopped again and pointed to a small rock protruding from the mountain slope at an altitude of about 600 meters … When we leaned on the rock together, it suddenly trembled and unexpectedly easily moved to the side. An opening was opened into which a cart could freely enter … A tunnel opened in front of us, going steeply downward. The tunnel, similar in cross-section to a flattened circle, was straight, wide and high, so that a whole train could easily fit in it. The smooth and shiny surface of the walls and floor seemed to be covered with glass, but when we walked, our feet did not slip, and almost no footsteps were heard. Looking closely, I noticed deep scratches on the floor and walls in many places. It was completely dry inside.

Our long journey along the inclined tunnel continued until we came to a spacious hall that looked like the inside of a huge barrel. Several more tunnels converged in it, some of them were triangular in cross-section, others round.


… the father spoke again:

- Through the tunnels that diverge from here, you can get to different countries and to different continents. The one on the left leads to Germany, then to England, and then to the American continent. The right tunnel stretches to Russia, to the Caucasus, then to China and Japan, and from there to America, where it joins the left one. You can get to America through other tunnels laid under the Earth's poles - the North and South. On the way of each tunnel there are "junction stations" similar to the one in which we are now. So, not knowing the exact route, it is easy to get lost in them …

The father's story was interrupted by a distant sound that sounded like a low hum and a metallic clang at the same time. Such a sound is emitted by a heavily laden train, moving away or sharply braking …

- The tunnels that you saw, - the father continued his story, - were built not by people, but by powerful beings living underground. These are their roads to travel from one end of the underworld to the other. And they move on flying fire machines. If we were in the path of such a machine, we would be burned alive. Fortunately, the sound in the tunnel can be heard at a great distance, and we had enough time to avoid such a meeting. Well, besides, these creatures live in another part of their world, and rarely appear in our area ….

Eyewitness accounts:

Meeting in the Sonoran Desert

The friends were making their usual route in the Sonoran Desert for 24 hours and in the middle of the way they decided to stop to relieve themselves. At that moment, they saw how a strange creature, somewhere two meters tall, with an unstable, wobbly gait, and moved along the path. The further description of the humanoid is simply shocking. Stopping and staring at one of the cyclists, he allowed himself to be examined. Eyes that look like snakes, with a yellow-black stripe in the middle, red and green lines along the length of the face, the skin of the face is as if created from sand. it had no nose, only 2 black depressions. Red mouth like a strange pattern. After a moment, the creature of darkness raised its clawed paws and made a strange grinding sound, and then disappeared into the gloom. Johnson, one of the cycling enthusiasts says,that the creature was not the result of weary imagination, as it was seen by all three. From that moment on, friends began to believe in what they write on the pages of Internet publications, since they had a chance to face the unknown.

“I do not judge those who consider my story to be fiction, but now I firmly know that there are creatures that few people talk about in fear that you might be considered crazy, or just a liar,” Johnson says in an interview.

Interview with a reptilian

“I am Ole K. from Sweden, I officially certify that this interview is absolutely true. It makes no sense for me to cheat. I was also skeptical like 99% of ordinary people and also thought that this was fiction and inventions of my friend, who periodically informed me about his contacts with an alien - also a female - I simply did not believe him and scoffed. Until December 16, in a city in the south of Sweden, in a small house, I saw a really inhuman. It is a fact!

Believe it or not, it's up to you!"


“… Question: Who are you? Are you an terrestrial species, or are you of extraterrestrial origin?

Answer: Since you could see with your own eyes, I am not human. I am a female reptile of a very old reptile race. We are natural earthlings, and we have lived on this planet for millions of years. We are mentioned in your religious texts like your Christian Bible, and some of the ancient human races knew our presence and some worshiped us, like the Egyptians and Incas and many other old tribes. Your Christian religion has misinterpreted our role in your creation, so that we are referred to as the "evil snake" in people's documents.

If you ask me that I am an alien, then I must answer - no. We are natural earthlings. We have, and have some colonies in the solar system, but we come from this planet.

Question: What can you say about your age?

Answer: We measure time differently than you do in astronomical years and the sum of the revolutions of the earth around the sun, because we usually live below the surface of the planet. If you apply to me the scale of your time calculation, I am about 28 years old.

Question: Do you have a "job" like us?

Answer: Yes, in your words: I am a student of the social behavior of your species. That is why I am here and talking to you, that is why I showed my real nature of existence. For myself, I will observe how you react, how other individuals of your species react.

Question: since you did not allow me to take photographs - that would be very useful to prove your real existence. Can you describe yourself in more detail?

Answer: You people are big skeptics. Even if you had such photos, many of your kind would say that they are fake. Ok, I'll try to describe myself:

Imagine the body of a normal human woman. Like you, I have a head, two arms, two legs - two feet in length, and the size of my body is like yours.

Since I am female, I also have two breasts. Despite our reptile origins, we started giving milk to our babies during the development process - it happened about 30 million years ago - because it is the best thing. Evolutionarily this happened for your species already in the era of the dinosaurs and - a little later - also for ours.

This does not mean that we are now real mammals, but our breasts are not the same size as humans. External organs of reproduction - exist for both sexes, smaller than those of humans, but they are visible, and they have the same function as yours.

My skin is mostly green-beige and we have some brown spots on our skin and in our face - the patterns are different for both sexes, but women have more, especially in the lower body and on the face.

You can see them in my case as two lines across the eyebrows crossing my forehead, in my cheek and in my chin. My eyes are slightly larger than human eyes - for this reason, we can see better in the dark. Our eyes are red or less often greenish. The pupils are vertical. Our nose is more sensitive and curves between the nostrils, which allowed our ancestors to "feel" the temperature.

Our lips are shaped like yours - women have more lips than men, but are pale brown in color. Our teeth are very white and strong, and slightly longer and sharper than your mammalian teeth.

We do not have any different hair colors like yours (but there is a tradition to dye hair at different ages) in the original color - like mine - greenish brown. The head is the only part of our body where we have hair. As you touch my skin, you will feel that it is smoother than your hairy skin.

We have small, sharp horns on top of both middle fingers. The nails are gray and generally shorter than yours. You can see that my nails are not so long and rounded. This is because I am female. Men have sharp pointed nails, sometimes 5 or 6 centimeters long.

The next feature is very different from your body, if you touch the back of my body, you will feel a hard bony line. This is not my spine, but a very strong shaped outer structure of skin and tissue located on top of our spine from top to bottom. The main purpose of these plates is simply to regulate our temperature.

How else are we different from your kind? Oh, we don't have any navel because we were born in a different way to your mammalian birth. Other external differences from your appearance are minor; I hope my body description has been detailed enough.

Question: What kind of clothes do you make and wear in general?

Answer: I wear these clothes of your individuals every day when I am among people.

To be honest, it is not very comfortable for me to wear such tight-fitting things. If we are in our own underground home or in our large artificial areas of the sun and if we are together, we are usually naked at all.

Question: Do you have a tail like the common species of reptiles?

Answer: Do you see him? No, we have no visible tail. If you look at our skeleton, there is only a small rounded bone at the end of our spine.

Question: What are you eating?

Answer: In general, various products are like you: meat, fruits, vegetables, special types of mushrooms (from underground farms) and other products. We may also eat some substance substances that are poisonous to you. The main difference between you and us is that we must eat meat because our body needs proteins. We cannot live completely vegetarians like your species. Many of us eat raw meat. I personally prefer cooked meats and fruits on the surface of the ground, like apples or oranges.

Questioner: Can you tell me something about the natural history and development of your species? How old is your species?

Answer: Oh, this is a very long and complicated story. I will try to explain it briefly. About 65 million years ago, many of our old ancestors from the dinosaur race died in a great global cataclysm.

Most of the dinosaurs died. The nuclear winter ended 200 years later. Despite the cataclysm, some species were capable of survival: fish (like sharks), birds, some creepy mammals (your ancestors), various reptiles like crocodiles, and there was a special kind of small but slightly evolved dinosaurs that evolved along with the last large reptilian animals. This new reptile walked on two legs and looked like your iguanodon, but smaller (about 1.50 meters in height) with some humanoid features - altered bone structure, large skull and brain, a hand with a thumb that was able to grab things, excellent from the old organism, the more developed eyes in the middle of the head are similar to your eyes, and, most importantly, a brain with a new and better structure. This was our direct ancestor.

These creatures were intelligent enough not to die in the next millions of years.

50 million years after the war and after the end of the Dinosaurs, only three reptilian species advanced and remained on this planet along with all other lower animals. Through natural and artificial selection, these three species have been combined into one reptilian species and through gene manipulation, we have been able to “eliminate” mutation-prone genes in our genetic makeup.

According to our history and belief, this was the time when our ultimate race - the reptilian race - as you see me today - was genetically engineered. This was about 10 million years ago, and our development almost stopped at this point.

You see, we are a very old race compared to your species. Which then existed in an ape-like form, lived in trees at the time we invented technology, colonized other planets in this system, built big cities on this planet, and engineered our own genes.

About 1.5 million years ago, another extraterrestrial species reached Earth. The interest of this humanoid species - you call them Elohim today - was not raw materials or copper. And to our surprise, evolved humanoid apes.

Despite our presence on this planet, foreigners decided to "help" you to develop a little faster. They did not like our presence at their new "galactic menagerie". So your sixth and seventh options, created by them, were the reason for the war between us and them. You can read about that war, for example, partly in the book you call the Bible, but it is described in a very strange way.

Questioner: You are handling a very large time frame … Your development began over 40 million years ago and was completed 10 million years ago. This sounds very incredible to me. Can you say something about this?

Answer: I understand that this must seem absolutely incredible to you, because you are young and a genetically engineered species. Your historical horizon ends on a scale of only a few thousand years, and you think that is correct. But this is not the case.

Think, within this short period of time, could creatures like you be created by nature? 148 million years are needed for the development of animals like you - mammals. And 2 million years from this time for the development of intelligent beings like you ?!

Question: Do you sometimes talk about underground cities …

Answer: When I talk about our underground home, I'm talking about large cave systems. The caves you find close to the surface are tiny compared to real caves and huge caves deep in the earth (2,000 to 8,000 of your meters, but connected by many hidden tunnels to the surface or to the surfaces around the caves). And we live in large and developed cities and colonies inside such caves. The main sites of our caves are Antarctica, Inner Asia, North America and Australia. In addition, we also have some areas of sunshine on the surface in remote areas, especially in America and Australia.

Question: Where can we find such surfaces - near the entrance to your world?

Answer: Do you really think that I will give you their exact location?

Question: Back to your and ours, in fact, history. You mentioned the Elohim race, those who created our human race. Where are they from, where do they come from and how are they mentioned? What exactly happened when they arrived? Are they our "God"?

Answer: The Elohim came from this universe, from the system you call "Aldebaran". They were of a very high development. They usually had very light blond hair and very white skin (they avoided sunlight because it damaged their skin and their eyes, which was absolutely incredible for us sun lovers). They seemed to be intelligent and peaceful at the beginning, and we started to maintain more or less friendly relations with them.

But later they showed their real intentions and plans: they wanted to develop the "monkeys" to a level similar to them, that is, to settle their colony there, capable of living on our planet. At first, they caught 20,000 of your ancestor monkeys and were absent from the planet for some hundred years. When they returned, they brought (now more) your ancestors back. After that, they again left the Earth for several thousand years, and the primitive ancestors of humans lived with us without any problems. The Elohim had access to their consciousness and enlarged their brains. Changed their body structure and they were now able to use tools and fire. The Elohim have flown in, over a period of 23,000 years, seven times and have accelerated the rate of development of some of your species.

You must understand that you are not the first human civilization on the planet. The first more advanced humans who lived at the same time with less advanced human ancestors (because the Elohim experimented with different rates and stages of development, with technology and speech, existed about 700,000 years ago on this planet (your scientists do not understand this, because they found only the bones of human ancestors and some primitive drawings in caves, not finding the remains of more advanced people).

After several centuries, the aliens' interest in their first creation was withdrawn and they accelerated the evolution of the second and best test species, and so on and so forth. It is also true that your modern human civilization is not the first on this planet Earth, but already the seventh.

The last creation of the seventh civilization in your series was only begun 8,500 years ago, and it is the only creation that you can remember and to which your religious writings refer.

There was a long war between us and the Elohim. The last battles in this war were fought about 5,000 years ago in orbit and on the surface. The aliens used powerful sonic weapons to destroy our underground cities, but on the other hand, we were able to destroy many of their surface structures and bases in their place. People of your kind were very frightened when they watched these battles, and they wrote it down in the form of religious myths.

The Elohim - who appeared as "gods" for your sixth and seventh races - told them that this was a war between good and evil and that they were good and we were an evil race. It depends, of course, on the point of view.

Question: How many alien races are active on Earth at the present time?

Answer: As far as we know, there are 14 varieties. 12 from this universe, 2 from another.

Contacts with Reptilians in Crimea

The story of E. Kalacheva, a resident of the city of Simferopol

It all started at the end of August. Almost every night in a row, something strange happened.

Starting hours from 11-12 at night. I woke up with a strange sensation, I really wanted to go outside, or at least go to the window and look out of it. That night I had just another "attack". I woke up at midnight. A strange white light shone through the curtain. I looked at the window and said to myself that I had enough of all this nonsense, that I was tired and wanted to sleep. I didn't even have time to lie down when I fell into the darkness. Then she found herself standing near the window, and reaching out to the curtain to open it. The light became much brighter. Besides, I heard … I heard two voices. The voices were very different. The first voice told me that I should go to the window, open the curtain and not try to resist. The second voice told me the opposite. But he was weaker and I could not obey him. I looked at my hand and sawlike opening a curtain against my will. The second voice was gone.

When I woke up, I was lying on what looked like an operating table. There was a bright lamp above me. There was no clothes. I was not tied, but I could not move. I looked down and saw that my stomach was cut open and someone was standing next to some thin metal medical instruments, which I had never seen before, and doing something with my stomach. There was no fear, as well as pain. I was able to turn my head to the right and saw that there were several creatures, more than five.

These creatures were very tall, taller than humans. Probably, they were 3 meters tall. They resembled lizards in white overalls and white raincoats, similar to protective suits. Green bumpy skin, red eyes with black slit pupils. Some had brown spots on their skin. Very broad shoulders. We stood on two legs, so to speak. There were also two hands. Well, like hands. I think there were more fingers similar to human ones, and they were longer. Instead of a nose, there are two holes, the mouth is also almost invisible, and it was small. There was no hair or anything like that. The heads were rather "cylindrical", not very large. Then it seemed to me that two or three were standing to my right, one or two to my left, two or three at my feet and one or two behind my head. … The next thing I remember isthat I woke up on my bed in the same position, that is, reclining on my side. I looked at the window - the white light was gone. …

Red eyed demon

The city of Waring is located in Brazil. In January 1996, three girls were returning from work. Suddenly, in a vacant lot a few meters in front of them, they saw a strange creature that crouched against a concrete wall. His appearance was terrifying. Height - about a meter and a half, skin - dark brown. The head is large, three cone-shaped protuberances stood out on it, the eyes were light red. The girls decided that the devil was in front of them. There was a police squad nearby.

After hearing the story of the frightened girls to death, the police went to intercept. The red-eyed creature, limping, tried to cross the road. One of the policemen touched the body of the "devil" with his bare hand, for which he paid. After three weeks, he fell ill. The doctors were unable to make a diagnosis. A police officer died of a mysterious infection.

The mysterious creature was taken to the surgical department of the hospital. They tried to operate on a broken lower limb for the "patient", and most importantly, they began to carefully examine him. However, the research results were not available to the general public.

Medical workers, on condition of anonymity, said that during the entire operation, the military did not leave them a single step. One of the doctors noticed that the "patient" was small, like a child. The face was completely unlike a human. The eyes are large and red with a vertical pupil. Another doctor added details to the story: the creature had two arms, two legs, its skin was brown, dry, shiny, it looked like it had scales, but it was completely smooth. The huge head was connected to the small torso by a slender neck. There was no hair on the head and body. Instead of a nose, there are two small holes. The ears were missing. The belly is similar to a human, but without the navel. The lower torso and lower limbs were muscular …

Aircraft eyewitnesses:

Ufo in the form of a cigar

“… I have seen UFOs more than once. One of the most memorable experiences happened to me in 2006 in the summer of August 25th. It was after lunch, where at about 3 pm I decided to take a bike ride to the village and back (my grandmother's house was located separately from the village on the outskirts of the forest), but I did not have time to drive a third of the way when I saw high in the sky above the clouds "cigar" the sight was incredible, at the same time I felt surprise, numbness, I was confused, because I didn’t believe in stories about UFOs before, and then I myself witnessed what I had laughed at before. The cigaroid flew quietly in a south-west direction, it was silver in color, at the beginning of the hull there were some depressions in the form of a crescent, no wings and exhaust, the hull was clearly made of metal. From the beginning I thought it was a balloon or some kind of balloon,but when a passenger airliner flew under it, I was amazed by the size of the "object" - it was six times larger than the plane and easily covered it with its shadow, when the cigaroid missed the liner, this cigaroid entered a small cloud, which evaporated in the sky two minutes later and the cigaroid disappeared …"

Pyramidal ufo over the city

“… Hello everyone, I saw that you were just resting here:) At about 3 am, in the summer, when I always came to the kitchen to pour tea, the window was hot and so on, I looked out the window to look at what was there, waited until the kettle will boil, I have a 17th floor and this is why you can see almost half of Moscow, but it doesn't matter, it seemed strange to me that there was a club under my windows and in the summer it is usually noisy (well, I mean, sometimes Mouzon can sometimes hear conversations, sometimes even cakes) so there was an obscene silence, although it was night from Saturday to Sunday. I somehow didn’t even pay attention to it at night, I raise my head purely mechanically, and I look at the sky, the sky is clear, but some sort of thorn or something incomprehensible in the color of the sky so it’s almost impossible to see what it is, I began to squint and peer,even almost half out of the window got out because this thing was 20 meters from me right above the club, and when my brain realized that I now see the "OBJECT", I honestly was very scared. This thing began to approach me (I could not even understand what is it that something muddy and just merges with the sky) and since I have the last floor and then the attic and the roof, respectively, this skin flew over me absolutely noiselessly, and when it was just over my head (it was 2 seconds 3) I completely razed it, to tell you honestly, when you see this and so almost 10 meters away from you (this "OBJECT" was about the size of my apartment), it was a kind of triangle, which was not only so close to me and in general flew noiselessly,so from him still such an incomprehensible glow emanated, and it was just as cloudy and it was visible only when this thing flew right over my head, but damn it is not easier to explain it’s easier to draw. it would have been filmed because I ate it even when it was hanging over me … and a camera down or a camera would have just filmed the black sky 100 pounds …

Well, this is not all of what I saw, just if you type everything, your fingers will fall off, and emotions cannot be conveyed anyway, I can say one thing that this is all when you closely observe it is very cool and very scary …"