Calculations Of The Cost Of A Six-month Stay Of Astronauts On The ISS - Alternative View

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Calculations Of The Cost Of A Six-month Stay Of Astronauts On The ISS - Alternative View
Calculations Of The Cost Of A Six-month Stay Of Astronauts On The ISS - Alternative View

Video: Calculations Of The Cost Of A Six-month Stay Of Astronauts On The ISS - Alternative View

Video: Calculations Of The Cost Of A Six-month Stay Of Astronauts On The ISS - Alternative View
Video: Why You Could Never Be An Astronaut 2024, September

In this article, I will try to justify my calculations, which were made, based on open data.

We will calculate how much it costs the taxpayers and the budget to maintain astronauts on the ISS.

Let's get started:

1) In order for the astronauts to get to the ISS, it is necessary to build a launch vehicle. The cost of manufacturing will cost the State approximately 2 billion rubles.

The cost of the launch vehicle, excluding the cost of the Soyuz-MS spacecraft
The cost of the launch vehicle, excluding the cost of the Soyuz-MS spacecraft

The cost of the launch vehicle, excluding the cost of the Soyuz-MS spacecraft.

Since there are two units on the public procurement website at once, by simple division, we get the cost of the rocket: 863 958 310 rubles. This will need to add the cost of manufacturing the Soyuz-MS manned spacecraft.

In total, we will receive approximately 2 billion rubles. Of course, the real cost is higher (about $ 38 million), but as I said earlier in the video, we take only the minimum amount.

Now we need to rent seats in a manned ship.

Promotional video:

According to the data, each seat in the ship's cockpit costs from 60 to 80 million dollars. Or 3,484,690,000 rubles.

The cost of a seat on the Soyuz ship
The cost of a seat on the Soyuz ship

The cost of a seat on the Soyuz ship.

We get the following results:

2,000,000,000 + 3,484,690,000 = 5,484,690,000 (The cost of manufacturing a rocket and a manned spacecraft + the cost of a seat in the Soyuz cockpit) Further without explanation.

2) When astronauts arrive on the ISS, they need conditions for life: Water, food, oxygen, clothing …

To ensure all this, these components must be delivered to the ISS.

For this, transport cargo ships "Progress" are used.

But in order for Progress to fly to the ISS, it is necessary to make a launch vehicle and the Progress cargo vehicle itself.

The cost of the launch vehicle and the Progress truck
The cost of the launch vehicle and the Progress truck

The cost of the launch vehicle and the Progress truck.

We get the figure: 2,589,000,000 rubles.

According to the flight schedule of space trucks "Progress" to the ISS, the frequency of cargo deliveries is: 1 time in 3 months.

Frequency of flights of Progress to ISS
Frequency of flights of Progress to ISS

Frequency of flights of Progress to ISS.

Thus, during 180 days of stay at the ISS station, each cosmonaut meets the Progress truck at least 2 times.

Accordingly, the cost of manufacturing and shipping "Progress" should be doubled:

2,589,000,000 + 2,589,000,000 = 5,178,000,000 rubles.

Now we combine the result from the first point with the result from the second point:

5,484,690,000 + 5,178,000,000 = 10,662,690,000 rubles.

3) According to official data from Roskosmos, the delivery of each kilogram of cargo to the ISS costs 10 thousand dollars, or Russian rubles:

580 782 rubles.

From the same data, one can find out that for one cosmonaut, there are up to 10 kg of cargo every day. And this is already quite a rather large amount in terms of rubles: 5,807,820 rubles.

Shipping cost
Shipping cost

Shipping cost.

By simple calculations it turns out that for six months on the ISS, for each cosmonaut about: 1,045,407,600 rubles.

"Progress" carries on board about 2.5 tons of cargo for astronauts. We calculate the cost of delivery in rubles:

580 782 x 2500 = 1,451,955,000 rubles.

But, since "Progress" brings cargo 2 times in six months, the amount needs to be doubled:

1,451,955,000 + 1,451,955,000 = 2,903,910,000 rubles.

Now we add the sum from the first two points, with the sums from the third point:

10 662 690 000 + 1 045 407 600 + 2 903 910 000 = 14 612 007 600 rubles.

4) Forbes magazine and other sources have repeatedly published information about the salaries of cosmonauts who are on a business trip to the ISS.

From this information, we learn that each cosmonaut earns about $ 150,000 for 180 days on the ISS. What is translated into our money:

8 711 720 rubles.

The salary of cosmonauts during their stay on the ISS
The salary of cosmonauts during their stay on the ISS

The salary of cosmonauts during their stay on the ISS.

According to the old scheme, we combine the result from the previous points with the result from this point:

14 612 007 600 + 8 711 720 = 14 620 719 320 rubles.

5) Most of the cosmonauts who are frequent residents of the ISS are holders of the Hero of Russia order.

According to official data, monthly payments are: 52,840 rubles.

For six months of stay on the ISS, astronauts will be paid:

317,040 rubles.

Payments to the Heroes of Russia
Payments to the Heroes of Russia

Payments to the Heroes of Russia.

Add up the results:

14 620 719 320 + 317 040 = 14 621 036 360 rubles.

As you can see, the amount turned out to be truly cosmic.

These are the costs from the budget for sending one cosmonaut to the ISS, for his six-month stay at the station and returning to Earth.

For three astronauts, the cost will be much higher. The data in this article is available, and everything can be calculated.

The only thing to consider is the points common to all three cosmonauts:

- One ship for all (only the cost of seats must be calculated separately for all).

- Delivery of goods and the cost of manufacturing "Progress" is also common for everyone.


Well, and finally, about the cosmonaut's pensions, the diet and the cost of "space products"

Let's take a look at an example of calculating a pension for one of the astronauts:

An example of calculating a pension for an astronaut
An example of calculating a pension for an astronaut

An example of calculating a pension for an astronaut.

Here you need to add the monthly payments for the title "Hero of Russia":

75 225 + 52 840 = 128 065 rubles.

Not a bad retirement pension.


Now let's move on to the diet of astronauts and the cost of food:

The diet of astronauts
The diet of astronauts

The diet of astronauts.

Probably few of us eat like that, especially considering the cost of food.

This is a copy of the invoice for the "space" food in a gift box:

A copy of the invoice
A copy of the invoice

A copy of the invoice.

Maybe some of you ate borscht for 1780 rubles, or drank tea (one cup) for 790 rubles ???

If only at airports, and even then the prices are much more humane.

I hope that my justifications for the incredible costs of astronauts have been confirmed.

PS All calculations were performed before the incredible fall of the ruble and the growth of the dollar.