Why And How The Slowdown Occurs - Alternative View

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Why And How The Slowdown Occurs - Alternative View
Why And How The Slowdown Occurs - Alternative View

Video: Why And How The Slowdown Occurs - Alternative View

Video: Why And How The Slowdown Occurs - Alternative View
Video: How sugar affects the brain - Nicole Avena 2024, September

Time never ceases to amaze us. Many people have heard, and some have come across, with such mysteries of time as slowing down of internal time and acceleration of external time, time jumps, time distortion, etc. Many people, describing dramatic events, say: "It was as if time stood still." Should this be considered an anomaly of time? Or maybe these are just nice words? Let's turn to the evidence.

It is known that a person who is in an extreme situation is sometimes able to involuntarily change, slow down Time and thereby help himself in a critical or even fatal situation. Participants in the hostilities, in particular, said that they survived only because they saw the bullets flying at them and managed to hide.

At first glance, this is impossible, because the human eye is not able to perceive objects moving at such an unusual speed. But the words of the narrators are confirmed: the soldier suddenly dives to the bottom of the trench, and the next moment a bullet or splinter plows the parapet where his head had just been.

Hazard response (case)

A case in a hairdressing salon is described. The hairdresser wanted to drink tea while he was working, but the glass burst as soon as boiling water was poured into it. The seriousness of the situation was that a glass of boiling water was at that time over his feet. As the master later recalled, "the glass did not shatter, it cracked, and slowly, slowly, the fragments and water flew down." Thanks to this, he was able to have time to remove his leg. Moreover, the hairdresser was able to consider the stages of cracking approximately the same as a television camera would see them, increasing the shooting speed 20-50 times relative to the usual …

The examples given show that "time dilation" occurs, usually, in moments of mortal danger. Passers-by have time to notice icicles falling from the roof and jump aside. Workers at construction sites dodge falling bricks. Tellingly, all the "victims" said that the object did not fly at them, but slowly descended, and they calmly walked aside without experiencing fear.

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How does this happen

What happens when it seems to a person that time passes very slowly or in general, time has stopped? Physicists are categorical: any events develop in strictly defined time frames. Could this mean that biological processes in the body in critical situations are accelerated - nerve impulses pass faster, muscle fibers contract more often?

After analyzing the stories of people about their unusual sensations and making the appropriate calculations, the researchers came to the conclusion: the course of individual time accelerates 120-130 times. As a result, everything around happens at the same time slower and it seems to a person that time has stopped. This enables a person to adequately assess the situation and make the only correct decision.

Let's try to figure it out within the framework of the theory under consideration.

Creation of a special personal space

Based on the above calculations, during strong emotional upheavals, a person by the power of thought creates his own special personal space and launches a program of existence in it. This is in good agreement with the previously described process. This hypothesis is supported by the following fact: those who survived the "stop of time" say that everything happened in a strange silence, that is, in a completely different space. At the same time, the person himself evaluates time in a different way: time in the external world flows as before, and inside the newly created space flows at a different speed, tens, or even hundreds of times different from external time.

The Vedic teachings also speak about this: "Every living being is an observer, forming its own center with its own horizon, which serves as a circle, and the rest of the objective world is enclosed between them."

This is consistent with the opinion of the Nobel Prize laureate chemist and physicist I. Prigogine, who asserts that his own time is constructed by each person at every moment of being. At critical moments, the brain controls its own time - it can accelerate it almost hundreds of times, or it can slow it down.

That is, the human psyche, creating its space-time, can interact with physical space-time, which leads to paranormal and extrasensory phenomena, which, with this approach, find a rational scientific justification. This is confirmed by rigorously staged and scientifically grounded experiments carried out in St. Petersburg at the Institute of Precision Mechanics and Optics under the guidance of the rector Professor G. Dulneva at the Moscow Higher Technical School.

This means that each human being has its own personal space, characterized by the pace of the personal time of each individual mind. At certain levels, the pace of time is so high that for them our “outside world” is greatly “slowed down”.

The Riddle of Lethargic Sleep

The riddle of lethargic sleep is explained in a similar way. A complete analogy can be traced here - very often a person's lethargic sleep occurs after very strong stressful experiences (the death of a loved one, some kind of disaster or accident). Lethargy (from the Greek "summer" - oblivion, "argia" - inaction), which outwardly resembles death, can last from several minutes to several years, although most often its periods are measured in units or tens of hours. All processes in the body in this condition slow down sharply (a person can even be mistaken for a deceased); the sense organs (except for vision) continue to regularly record only irritations that occur over long periods of time.

During lethargic sleep, which sometimes lasts for decades, the human body does not age at all. After awakening, the natural processes in the body take over and those who wake up grow old for decades missing "according to their passport" in 3-4 years. Why is this happening?

Entering a lethargic sleep is a person entering his own personal space, protecting him from external negativity. Depending on the intensity of this negative, this space can be of different sizes, and hence different duration of its existence. After the end of the time of existence of this space, it collapses and the person leaves the lethargic sleep. At the same time, the process of "reconciliation" of spaces begins - the gradual transition of personal space into the environment. This coordination process is manifested in the form of accelerated human development - his rapid aging. That is, it is not time that is accelerated, but the process entering the transition stage.

Slowing down time as a reaction to danger

The same, but to a lesser extent, is observed in people who have experienced serious danger. It has been noticed that after the danger has passed, people are in shock, do not react to anything, i.e. seem to fall out of our usual Time. At first in one "terrible" moment they live a minute, then they feel the minute of "shock" as one moment of their life! This is the same unusual transition process, but it does not last as long as in a lethargic sleep, because the duration of the existence of "personal space" was short.

There are cases when, in moments of extreme danger, people worked miracles - they lifted very large loads, jumped over obstacles of incredible height, from roof to roof of houses, etc. This can also be explained by the fact that at the moment a person creates his own world and lives in it according to his own rules, where something is possible that is impossible in the world we are used to.

Go to "personal space"

Now, after the creation of computers, there is a tendency among young people to go into "personal space". On the monitor screen, they create their own world, where “their” rules of life operate. It is fascinating and addictive. But, finding themselves in the ordinary world of people, they are lost and do not know how to behave.

A similar process is observed during rituals. The physical meaning of the ritual action is that it is no longer an individual person, but a group of people, performing certain actions and pronouncing incantations (necessarily in chorus) multiply the magnitude of the impulse to create a special space with its predetermined properties, in which these people want to exist!

Nuclear explosion and time

Another unusual property of time is observed when people and objects get into the area of strong magnetic fields or the zone of a nuclear explosion. In Semipalatinsk, where such explosions were carried out, near their epicenter, people observed the so-called "disintegration" or "Dr. Zharov's disease." The “scattered” people, who did not breathe and did not move for several days, were first buried, and after solving this phenomenon by Dr. Zharov, they were given the opportunity to simply lie down. And the "corpses" came to life in a few days.

This means that the process of creating a special space also takes place, but not individually by a person or a group of people, but the specified space is created precisely by a process of high intensity - a nuclear explosion or a strong magnetic field. The fact that this creates a special space says the following: S. Alekseenko, who had been ill with the "crumbling" more than once, described his feelings as follows: "as if someone pulled the plug from the socket and you ceased to exist."
