There Is No Moon - Alternative View

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There Is No Moon - Alternative View
There Is No Moon - Alternative View

Video: There Is No Moon - Alternative View

Video: There Is No Moon - Alternative View
Video: That's No Moon - A New Hope [1080p HD] 2024, June

Let me refresh your memory with the stories of official science, which the Masters of this World have allowed the unwashed servants to know. These facts are not just available, but they are forcibly available, that is, they are injected under pressure into the minds of slaves even in kindergarten, so that the truth does not flow by itself.

The moon is a natural satellite of the Earth, always facing us with one side. There is no atmosphere on the Moon, so there is an eerie cold at night and hellish heat during the day. The moon is 4 times smaller than the Earth and the distance to it is 384 thousand km. The moon is covered with craters that are easy to see even with an amateur telescope. The moon shines at night with the reflected light of the sun.

On the growing moon, evil sorcerers do nasty things, and on the waning moon, good sorceresses save you from these nasty things. The moon attracts water from the oceans and controls women's ovulation. Nobody has ever seen the opposite side of the Moon, except for American astronauts (well, since you fly to the Moon, so on the opposite side - two birds with one stone!)

This photo is taken directly from Wikipedia. Note the oddity: at the current level of development of electronic telescopes, the main encyclopedia of the world uploads a black and white photo of the Moon. I will say more: you will not find a color photograph in principle! Nowhere! (photoshop doesn't count) Strange, isn't it? Even the eye sees the Moon as pale yellow, and the lenses of pseudoscience insist that the Moon is black and white! Okay, this is for a seed …

As you know, the more grandiose a lie, the more willingly they believe in it. And it is also known that as soon as the truth begins to leak out, Hollywood immediately makes a movie. Apparently, in the middle of the last century, the world luminaries of science got to the bottom of something that they were not supposed to know, and in the circles of astrophysicists a riot ripened that knocked down the stability of the Predictor's throne, so Hollywood quickly concocted a landing of clowns in diving suits in a pavilion with black wallpaper.

According to the concept of herd management, it is dangerous to create a lie in one version (because the crowd is motley), so the scriptwriters of the "Lunar Spectacle" blinded several versions of lies (to each according to his faith):

- The moon is an artificial satellite made of titanium;

- Aliens live inside the Moon and are about to attack us;

Promotional video:

- On the dark side of the Moon, the base of our presidents;

- American astronauts saw a crashed intergalactic ship, so there was silence on the air for as long as a minute; etc. etc.

Such nonsense is churned out every month, just to divert the attention of the "smart guys" from the truth.

But the most exotic version is described in the "Deep Book", where the Moon is represented by a giant generator called "Fate" or "Moonlight Rainbow". The brother of five, of course, gives everything correctly, but he only calls the wrong Moon the Moon, but more on that in other articles.


So what about the amerikosy? Really, there was no landing on the moon? Take it wider: there was nowhere to land, for there is no moon. Rather, there is a pale yellow sickle in the night sky, but that moon, about which we are being forced, is not and cannot be.

Let's go back to the beginning of the article and analyze the "facts" that are injected under pressure. Among them there are inconsistencies incompatible with the life of the "Lunar myth".

So, we begin the hit parade of bloopers about the Moon from the lips of official science (which is false):

Blooper # 6

The moon shines with the reflected light of the sun

Yah?! Hang a ball on the street and shine a powerful flashlight (at least a xenon one) on it. Will it illuminate the surrounding objects? Not. And the moon illuminates, and how. On a full moon, you can safely read a book. But it's not even about the ability to light.


Look at the ball more closely: in the center there is a flash of light from the lantern, because

any spherical object reflects light

unevenly, but always with a glare in the center. This is physics and it is unforgiving. Apparently, Luna is not familiar with her, which is a pity, because any professional photographer will confirm this phenomenon.

A logical conclusion suggests itself: either the Moon is flat (therefore there is no flare), or it glows from the inside with its own light (in this case, there will also be no flare).

Further on the lighting. Why, when the sickle is at its minimum, is the circumference of the moon outlined by a light outline? What is this light? Even if it had an atmosphere that scattered sunlight, there would be no glowing border. We on Earth see the night sky as black!


"Science" also came up with an excuse here and called this phenomenon "Ashlight of the Moon".

Wikipedia: Ashlight of the Moon - the glow of the surface of the Moon, unlit by direct sunlight, is formed by sunlight scattered by the Earth, and then secondarily reflected by the Moon to the Earth. Thus, the route of the photons of the ashy light of the Moon is as follows: Sun → Earth → Moon → Earth.

After reading this quote, 2 problems arise: First, you need to understand the meaning of the three-story phrase, and secondly, to believe in the incredible delirium of the described scheme.

What do you want? It is incredibly difficult to lie, especially on a planetary scale, so you have to carry such nonsense and pin up orders to “scientists” for “sensational discoveries”.

Ashlight is the second argument for the Moon's own light source. Take a look at the photo again - a real shade.

And the last thing about lighting: the brains finally boil when the crescent moon looks with its horns at sunset or even down to Earth. Such "devilry" can be observed several times a week (pictures are immediately removed from the network, because they are too dangerous for the herd).

The light of what, let me know, reflects the Moon in such cases ???

In general, there have been a lot of questions for astronomers regarding the illumination of the Moon, but they are simply not accepted to notice, because we have been told from childhood: “Look at your feet!”, And not at the sky.

Blooper # 5


Many have noticed how huge the Moon is at the horizon, but as it rises, it miraculously decreases. "Scientists" make excuses that our eyes are slanting and it seems to us, they even offer to close the Moon with the front sight of a gun, first at the horizon, and then at the apogee, assuring that the ratio with the front sight will not change. Agree, a rough excuse for architects of such a delicate mechanism.


This is the moonrise in London in 2011. Nobody tried to close such a front sight?

Blooper # 4

We always see one side of the moon

Any sane person at least once asked the question: "Why the hell does the moon ALWAYS look one side?" This is how to calculate the elliptical orbits of the Moon, Earth, Sun around each other, and even taking into account the mutual attraction of all these objects? Even under ideal conditions for a hundred, a thousand or a million years, the course of the moon should have deviated even by a degree, but this does not happen! Moreover, there are no ideal conditions, especially in the harsh conditions of space. Even the solar wind had to interfere with the stability of the Moon's position.


Well, straight, the conclusion suggests itself that it was glued like a postage stamp.

Blooper # 3

Ebb and flow

As "science" advises us, the Moon is not just magnetized to the Earth by its muzzle, but it also pulls the oceans to itself like a blanket! This is the same as balancing a tightrope walker over an abyss and at the same time winding / unwinding a rope with a kettlebell on the elbow, absolutely without moving!


In addition, if the Moon has such a huge impact on the world's oceans, then the connection here is two-way, therefore, the ocean has an impact on the Moon. Consequently, any tsunami should have shaken the stability of the moon, which never happened.


Blooper # 2

Lunar craters

The solar wind, electromagnetic waves, the gravity of other celestial bodies, the ebb and flow of the oceans - this is all childish talk compared to the blow of a mace, that is, the bombing of meteorites and other space debris - and the craters there are not frail, as astronomy teaches!


Such a blow can not only spin the Moon with a top, but also kick it off from its former orbit, so much so that all seas and oceans on Earth will go mad and the next flood is inevitable. If someone does not know, then the Earth's atmosphere is bombarded by thousands of small and medium "stones" per day, which simply burn up in the atmosphere. Considering that the Moon has no atmosphere, it should spin in the sky like a ball in a pond, but no - the Moon stands rooted to the spot on its parabolic rails.

Blooper # 1

Full moon

This is the most stupid blooper, this is a control shot in the head "Lunar myth". Any sane person with no instrumentation and no Ph. D. in physics can shatter the Moon myth into smithereens by asking just one question:


Look closely at the full moon - it's a perfect circle. And where should the light fall from for the sphere to be reflected in a perfect circle? That's right, because of our back, but here's a problem: there is no Sun behind our back and cannot be. The Earth is behind our back, and the Sun is behind the Earth. Someone explain to me

Whose the hell does the moon reflect on the full moon?

And what does official science think about this?

Wikipedia: Full Moon - the phase of the moon at which the difference between the ecliptic longitudes of the Sun and the Moon is 180 °. This means that the plane drawn through the Sun, Earth and Moon is perpendicular to the plane of the ecliptic. If all three objects are in the same line, a lunar eclipse occurs. The full moon looks like a regular luminous disk.

Note, no one pulled Vicki by the tongue:

"… The full moon looks like a regular luminous disk …"

If you give Wiki's florid quotes a human face, you get the following: On a full moon, the Sun is strictly behind our back horizontally, but peeps out slightly from the Earth vertically. The strange thing is that Wiki does not provide a diagram of such a complex phenomenon. And for good reason.

Because it will look like this:


The slightest displacement of the Sun to the side turns the Moon into an incomplete disk. The full moon is impossible because it is contrary to the principles of light reflection. Behind our back, the Sun is closed by the Earth, therefore, the Moon should not be seen at all and this phenomenon is called:


So, what should we do with the full moon, which spat on a physics and astronomy textbook and continues to hang in the sky no matter what is written about it?

As we have seen, the official version of the Moon's structure is incomparable with the life of the Moon itself, which means that it is arranged differently. As for the phenomenon of the full moon, one of two conditions must be met:

1. The moon should be flat, like a road sign. Then the deviation of the Sun by a few degrees will not play a role in the illumination and we will see a perfectly round disk.

2. The moon should shine with its own light. Then it doesn't really matter where the sun is.

Contrary to these two conditions, the flying object named Luna cannot exist!

A video shot on a camera through a telescope is walking on the network on our topic. The author claims that in the sky we see a hologram, which is projected with interference. The whole point of this video is precisely in these interference, which are well captured. The authenticity of this video is not known (perhaps another video trick), but it is interesting to watch.

As the saying goes: "If something happens, then someone needs it." So what is the Moon and why is it covered with such a layer of lies? As always, no one hid the answer, it is under our noses: in the Bible.

The duped astronomers have no time to read it, and the status prohibits climbing, let alone relying on religious heresy - this is on the one hand. On the other hand, there is a duped flock, which is forbidden to ask questions and think in general, especially about astronomy. So they live in parallel worlds and two fragmented parts of one herd never intersect: science and religion.

So the Bible, Genesis, Chapter 1

And God said: Let there be lights in the firmament of heaven to separate day from night, and for signs and seasons and days and years;

And God created two great luminaries: a greater luminary to govern the day, and a lesser one to govern the night, and the stars; and God set them in the firmament of heaven to shine on the earth …

As we can see, the biblical description of the moon is completely absurd from the point of view of official science. The Bible insists that the lamps are sealed to one firmament, therefore - the distance to the Sun, Moon and all stars is the same!

The Bible is being rewritten every generation, but for some reason the inf is not removed. about the structure of our sky (apparently, they left it purely neighing).

The whole joke is that the "absurd" biblical model suddenly suddenly ceases to cause laughter, as it explains all the above-described oddities. You cannot trample against the facts in the sky, which means they must be studied and laid out in a mosaic, which we will now do.

So, based on the above elaboration of blunders, we can draw the following conclusions:

The moon is a lamp that is far from the officially announced dimensions.

In shape - either a sphere / hemisphere, or a flat circle, but unambiguously with its own light source. In other words, it is a flying cinema: the audience is sitting on the Earth, and the screen floats through the air, onto which the light image of the surface with all its craters is projected, and the light beam is adjusted to form the desired phase from the rim to the full moon.


The only fundamental difference from the usual cinema is the projection of the image not from behind our head, but from the inside of the screen.


Those who have not missed the logical thread of our conversation will now ask a reasonable question: “How, then, does the Moon have such a powerful effect on the biosphere of the Earth, if it is just a dummy? After all, the phases of the moon really affect many factors: the growth of hair, nails, seedlings in the beds. People associated with magic are generally firmly attached to the phases of the moon. And why is all this theater of absurdity, and even with such difficulties in powdering the brains of the population?"

The answer is again in the Bible: for signs. The moon is just an indicator. Just as the flashing turn signal of the car indicates that the driver is about to turn, so the phases of the moon inform the magicians on Earth, in what phase the central processor of our planet is now - the Star Sphere named Olympus.