Riddles Of "Devil's Descent" In The USA - Alternative View

Riddles Of "Devil's Descent" In The USA - Alternative View
Riddles Of "Devil's Descent" In The USA - Alternative View

Video: Riddles Of "Devil's Descent" In The USA - Alternative View

Video: Riddles Of
Video: Can you solve the riddle and escape Hades? - Dan Finkel 2024, June

Not so long ago I came across some interesting photographs of a formation called "The Descent of the Devil". It is located in Weber Canyon - (Morgan County, Utah, USA).

Along the slope of the canyon, there is a certain trench, which is quite wide (about 2.5 meters) and with high sides - limestone layers.


The most amazing thing is that these layers run parallel to each other. It is believed that this is a natural formation. But it looks too correct and symmetrical to create nature, so this version raises doubts.

By the way, the name "Devil's Descent" appeared because the locals are sure that only the devil could create it. they do not believe that nature did it.


I started looking for some similar formations and found an equally amazing gutter, which is also called the "Devil's Descent" and is also located in the USA, only in the state of Montana - in the famous Yellowstone National Park. He doesn't look as impressive as his Utah namesake.

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But I found a drawing of this formation, made in the 19th century. Pay attention to how he looked then - you can immediately see that this is not a natural formation. Most likely, the "Devil's Descent" from Utah once looked exactly the same.


Apparently, once both "Devil's Descent" were created for various needs - for example, to drain excess water from the top of the canyon, and later were destroyed by the forces of nature and people - since limestone is a rather soft rock, and this is quite easy to do. And all this proves that developed civilizations once existed on the territory of the United States. By the way, many researchers are convinced that the canyons are ancient quarries left over from mining and mining many centuries ago …

Author: Natalia Trubinovskaya
