The Mystery Of The Tablet From Abydos - Alternative View

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The Mystery Of The Tablet From Abydos - Alternative View
The Mystery Of The Tablet From Abydos - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of The Tablet From Abydos - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of The Tablet From Abydos - Alternative View
Video: CLEOPATRA Audiobook by Jacob Abbott | Audiobook with subtitles 2024, September

This image is a fragment of an inscription in the temple of Seti the first in Abydos. The tablet was found completely by accident. In the upper piece of the bas-relief under the ceiling, a piece accidentally fell off, revealing part of the older masonry. It was then that the light showed the world strange images, about which there are still disputes. What is depicted there? An uninitiated person will say without a shadow of a doubt that these are … helicopters and other vehicles

The official science, of course, has its own opinion on this matter: These are just conventional designations of some ordinary objects of the priests. But why are they not then found en masse in other temples?

In the lower right corner, something resembling a radar installation with an antenna; to the left - something suggestive of ground transport on an "air cushion". This pillow is rather "polar" rather than similar to modern ones. The device is not flying, judging by the disturbed aerodynamic proportions. Too huge tail, rather, served as a rudder, at a height of this size the tail is not practical. But this may not be a "tail", but a rear-mounted installation with propellers or other motor. The not "smoothed" shape of the cockpit confirms the surface of the vehicle.


Slightly higher - already clearly an aircraft, similar to a heavy, low-speed transport aircraft. The design features make it possible to put forward an assumption about a more perfect design and type of engine than the modern one. Inside, the "plane" seems to be empty, there should be cargo. In the remaining space on all sides, it looks like the engine is located below. If there was a second engine, then it was auxiliary and could be puffy on top. The wings are small and do not function like the wings of modern aircraft.

In addition, if we move the lower part upwards, we will see that it will perfectly fit into the rounded shape of the aircraft, and then there is a second version: the aircraft is dropping something; at the same time, its shape (without cargo) seems to be more than impractical for high-speed flights, but it is very convenient for hanging a container with cargo, while the container has a special shape suitable for the aircraft.

Above, there is a device that looks like an airship or a submarine. The corrugation of the front part resembles the designs of some models of airships of the first half of the twentieth century, but already our era, however, the rear part with indistinct edges and the middle, as it were, flattened from the sides, is not in favor of such an apparatus, just as not in favor of a submarine. Adds mystery and a huge "mustache" sticking out from the top of the body and "smoothed" along the body. With equal probability, one can assume in this, and another, and even more - a cigar-shaped mother ship, so known to ufologists for some UFOs.

Well, in the end, the image most understandable to us, at our current stage of technical development, is a helicopter.

Its appearance leaves no room for doubt. Unless you specifically deny everything and not notice. Let's consider it in more detail, it is worthy, if only because it is designed more practical and competently than all modern helicopters of this purpose.

Promotional video:

The propeller has a large swing, which indicates a powerful engine, which is depicted immediately below it. The device does not have a rear propeller, but there is a large "tail" - by the way, a bit similar in shape to the first considered image of ground transport. Here it is, however, smoothed over the upper corner. The shape of the hull is cut almost perfectly, with deflections of the fuselage and other details. Questions arise when looking at the large cutout from the bottom. If you draw a line there, the helicopter will be very similar to the small US landing helicopters that they used in Vietnam. However, the cut was made for some reason, why?

And everything turns out to be very simple. For cargo. And with this feature, the helicopter is very similar to an aircraft-like apparatus.

The weight suspended on the ropes creates vibrations of the hull, which are unwanted when maneuvering and dangerous in the wind. An empty rope can even be thrown by the wind onto the propeller, leading to disaster - a tragic practice, and modern cargo helicopters prove this. The essence of this "cutout" is to exclude such dangers during cargo transportation; in addition, when lifting off the ground, a helicopter of this design does not experience "jerky" overloads of the hull like others, to which something is suspended. By getting rid of these troubles, such a helicopter is likely to have more lifting capacity.

The shape of the cut itself is also noteworthy. It is geometrically correct and is most suitable for transporting rectangular items. It’s even scary to imagine that the "classics" of Egyptology will immediately shout, but the stone blocks of large pyramids are ideal both in shape and weight, average 0.5-2500 kg, for transportation by such a helicopter. However, it is more convenient to raise them to a height than to build breathtaking embankments, which practically no one has managed to accomplish. As for the largest and heaviest blocks of the pyramids, other devices could also lift them.

To crown it all, I will give several modern examples of the advantages of such a design over "cable" placement of cargo.

The prototype V-10 was a development of the Mi-6 helicopter for use as a flying crane. The helicopter received a high truss four-bearing chassis with a wide track, but unlike the Mi-6, it did not have short wings. Launched for the first time in the air in 1960, it was put into mass production under the designation Mil Mi-10; in NATO, he received the name "Harke" ("Harke"). In 1964. the Mi-10K variant appeared, designed specifically for the transportation of goods on an external sling. It differed from the Mi-10 by a 2 m (6 ft 6.75 in) shorter landing gear and a cockpit for one pilot; the co-pilot was placed in a gondola under the nose of the fuselage in a seat turned back, and could control both the helicopter and the cargo. By the time production was completed in 1971. the production of both variants was 55 machines;their production was resumed for a short period in 1977, but there is no information on the number of helicopters built.

Type: heavy helicopter - flying crane.

Power plant: two turboshaft engines Solovyov D-25V with a shaft power of 4101 kW (5500 hp).

Flight data: maximum cruising speed with a load on a cable suspension 202 km / h (125 mph); dynamic ceiling 3000 m (9840 ft); range with a typical payload of 250 km (155 miles).

Weights: empty - 24,680 kg (54,410 lb); maximum takeoff with a cable suspension load 38,000 kg (83,776 lb).

Dimensions: main rotor diameter 35 m (114 ft 10 in); helicopter length with rotating propellers 41.89 m (137 ft 5.25 in); Height 7.80 m (25 ft 7 in.) the area swept by the main rotor, 962.11 sq. m (10,356 sq. ft.).

13 tons of payload


Sikorsky's first flying crane was the S-60 helicopter, developed on the basis of the S-56 machine and retaining its power plant. The prototype took off on March 2, 1969; it was capable of lifting 5,443 kg (12,000 lb) payload under the fuselage beam. It crashed, but Sikorsky's company had already begun assembling a larger version with a six-blade rotor driven by two JFTD-12A turboshaft engines rated at 3,020 kW (4,050 hp). Designated S-64, the prototype took off on May 9, 1962. An order was supposed from the Bundeswehr Air Force, but it was not followed. However, the US Army acquired six S-64A helicopters in June 1963. under the designation CH-54A. This variant was powered by the Pratt & Whitney T73-P-1 engines with a shaft output of 3356 kW (4500 hp);in the end, production was 60 copies; 10 CH-54B helicopters were assembled with 3579 kW (4800 hp) T73R-700 engines. From 1964 to 1972 only 97 CH-54Bs were built for the US Army. In recent years, helicopters of this type were transferred in large numbers to units of the US National Guard, seven of which were still equipped with such machines by the early 90s, although they were gradually replaced by CH-47D helicopters (with less capabilities). February 1, 1992 Sikorsky sold the rights to the S-64 helicopter to Erickson Air-Crane. In recent years, helicopters of this type were transferred in large numbers to units of the US National Guard, seven of them were still equipped with such machines by the early 90s, although they were gradually replaced by CH-47D helicopters (with less capabilities). February 1, 1992 Sikorsky sold the rights to the S-64 helicopter to Erickson Air-Crane. In recent years, helicopters of this type were transferred in large numbers to units of the US National Guard, seven of them were still equipped with such machines by the early 90s, although they were gradually replaced by CH-47D helicopters (with less capabilities). February 1, 1992 Sikorsky sold the rights to the S-64 helicopter to Erickson Air-Crane.

Type: helicopter crane.

Powerplant: two Pratt-Whitney T73-700 turboshaft engines with a shaft power of 3579 kW (4800 hp).

Flight data: cruising speed 169 km / h (105 mph); range with maximum fuel and 10% reserve 370 km (230 miles); could lift a normal load of 9072 kg (20,000 lb) in a standard general purpose military container - a box that was 8.36 m (27 ft 5 in) long, 2.69 m (8 ft 10 in) wide and 1.98 m (6 ft 6 in) high inches).

Weights: empty - about 8,981 kg (19,800 lb); maximum takeoff 21,318 kg (47,000 lb).

Dimensions: main rotor diameter 21.95 m (72 ft); fuselage length 21.41 m (70 ft 3 in); Height 5.67 m (18 ft 7 in) the area swept by the main rotor is 378.1 sq. m (4070 sq. ft.).

12.400 Net Weight


The first example of a Soviet helicopter is a bit different. Since it represents a kind of compromise between the two principles of transportation and cargo securing, it is also less successful. But Sikorsky's helicopter is practically a copy of what we see in the fragment from Abydos, compare yourself - the principle is the same.

At first glance, Sikorsky is inferior in all respects, but pay attention to the “net” weight of the machines and the power of the engines. The design of Sikorsky, as they say, is more lifting, and the "ancient" shape protects against surprises with the wind, etc. It should also be noted that even the US Army's helicopter of such a carrying capacity was unnecessary, they did not build pyramids.

In conclusion, I want to note. We may not even understand many features of the devices depicted because our current level of technical and scientific development may not yet correspond to the one at which they, these devices, were made.

Regarding some of the structures depicted under the helicopter, are they not legendary "plans of the temple"?

Considering the fact that the Egyptians have always depicted everything either in a strict face or in a strict profile, this is very similar to a drawing, compare yourself.