Energy Of The Past - Alternative View

Energy Of The Past - Alternative View
Energy Of The Past - Alternative View

Video: Energy Of The Past - Alternative View

Video: Energy Of The Past - Alternative View
Video: Special Alternative View of Wind Turbines and Global Warming 2024, September

There is just a huge number of churches around us, located, sometimes in the most remote places, and this suggests that these buildings were once technical devices that ensure the production and distribution of electricity in the surrounding territories. This version is also supported by information from a site dedicated to pyramids and buildings with domes as technical devices that convert the Earth's infrasonic radiation into other types of energy, as well as about cities as infrasonic devices.

Around us is a sea of infrasound, and in many partially buried buildings (in the "churches", first of all), brick columns with limestone inserts are visible - it is very likely that these are electric generators, once powered by vibration or sound, which is essentially the same also. Domes on older buildings are resonators that amplify and deliver vibration.

It is very likely that before us are the remains of an antediluvian power plant. Pay attention to the limestone inserts in the columns - they are common.


On the Internet I found an English-language video where men made columns from different types of stone and subjected them to vibration. Like this:

At the same time, the sparkle was not weak - between the base and the top, these columns gave a high voltage like a piezo lighter - in the last blow of the striker, the special is compressed. ceramics, giving a high voltage pulse upon deformation. As far as I remember, during its manufacture at the stage of solidification, a high voltage is applied to 2 opposite faces, which forms the directionality of the crystals in the ceramics.


Promotional video:

Well, for antediluvian buildings, they got along much easier - with combinations of different types of stone, which give the same effect.

By the way, it is very likely that there is no gravity, but we are in a strong electrostatic field (the Earth's surface is negatively charged, the layers of the atmosphere are positively charged) and we are attracted to the earth by an electrostatic field like dust is attracted to a negative plate in an electrostatic filter. Therefore, the vertically directed formation of piezoelectric elements in the pillars and walls of "churches" (for example, during the hardening of lime mortar) could occur naturally. Further, with the help of domes-resonators, we intensify the vibration, supply it to the columns and walls, and "Voila!" - we have high-voltage electrostatic current. The name "Church of (such and such) Protection" most likely meant the coverage of a high-frequency electric field of a certain area, where it was possible to have access to electricity anywhere.


And how to disguise the power plants of a bombed civilization from its oblivious descendants? We dismantle electrical equipment, paint the walls of power plants inside and outside with religious pictures and announce to the population that they are praying here.


When our civilization is bombed, our transformer stations for our descendants will also be decorated in the style of "a la prayer house", they say, they prayed here, and you need it.


In some churches, iron floors have been preserved - this, apparently, was a mandatory safety element when working with high voltage.


The gilded outfits of the priests are tracing paper from the metallized protective suit of an electrician working with high voltage. It is also possible that inside these buildings it was dangerous to be without such an outfit, as these "churches" continued (and some continue) to work.


Due to the possible presence of a high-voltage electrostatic field, women are instructed to wear headscarves in church, otherwise their hair will stand on end, as in experiments with a van der Graaff generator.


Here you can clearly see the reason for the need for headscarves for women in "churches", otherwise they will ask too many unnecessary questions on the topic "what kind of grace visited them in church."


By the way, the walls of various kinds of "Kremlin" are very reminiscent of camouflaged aqueducts (just like in Rome). The openings of the aqueducts are bricked up to camouflage them under the fortress walls. An example is the Nizhny Novgorod "Kremlin".


It is possible that the "kremlins" are another type of power plants operating on the principle of removing electricity from the atmosphere (for this it was necessary to raise the flow of water above ground level).

The vertical potential difference in the atmosphere is about 100 volts / m. The exchange of ions with the atmosphere could also be carried out due to the evaporation of flowing water.


On the other hand, the development of the Internet has led to the fact that information spreads instantly, so the question of "zeroing" the next civilization for the "Masters of the planet" may become relevant. Everything is ready for this - combat systems are at the ready all around us:


Are you sure the base stations have no other functions than cellular signals?

Back in Soviet times, a system was tested that allows to lull the enemy at a distance of up to 50 km - "Radio-sleep". And from the "Radio-sleep" system to the "Radio-death" system - one step. So get ready - the main weapon these days is the electromagnetic weapon.

Author: Alexander Rykunov