The Secret Of The Hoya-Bachu Forest. Transylvania. Romania - Alternative View

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The Secret Of The Hoya-Bachu Forest. Transylvania. Romania - Alternative View
The Secret Of The Hoya-Bachu Forest. Transylvania. Romania - Alternative View

Video: The Secret Of The Hoya-Bachu Forest. Transylvania. Romania - Alternative View

Video: The Secret Of The Hoya-Bachu Forest. Transylvania. Romania - Alternative View
Video: World’s Most HAUNTED Forest! - Hoia Baciu Forest (Transylvania) 2024, September

Where else all sorts of devilry can be found, if not in the forests of Transylvania. Only here you can expect a constant dirty trick, and while walking under the moonlight, it is better to grab a bunch of fragrant, fragrant wild garlic, which, by the way, grows here everywhere. The unforgettable Brem Stoker has immortalized everything connected with Transylvania for centuries by writing his "Dracula".

Paranormal place

However, whatever one may say, Stoker settled the ancient vampire here not by chance, the fact is that since ancient times in this mountainous Romanian area the paranormal, with constant periodicity, "kooks", frightening the inhabitants and terrifying the superstitious. One of the unique places where ghosts can literally be met in crowds, where hundreds of people have seen flying saucers, and in the dark thickets of an impenetrable thicket they heard children and women gurgling and silvery laughter, and there is a forest called Khoya-Bachu.

There is an old forest with a strange name near the town of Cluj-Napoca. Surprisingly, all the names and names of Romania, for some reason, in a strange way, remind of the very vampires about whom the amazing writer told us the story, or maybe it just clicks, triggered in the head, a long-established stereotype.

The Hoya-Bachu forest is called the "Bermuda Triangle" of Transylvania, and this can be called true, something is going on here that is completely beyond the comprehension of rational consciousness. Since ancient times, locals have bypassed the Khoya-Bachu forest, and once in its thicket, they try to escape as quickly as possible, but not everyone succeeds.

Interestingly, the forest got its name in honor of a shepherd who grazed his flock of sheep here, consisting of more than two hundred heads. Once Khoya-Bachu just went with the animals to the edge of the forest, which they did not notice because of the steep fog. No one else, anywhere and never saw, neither the shepherd himself, nor his animals. Moreover, no traces of the massacre of wild animals, no remains, bones, a place of massacre - nothing remained! They just were, and disappeared, leaving behind only a yellowish-gray haze of fog, like a drift of snow creeping near the ground.

And this is not at all an isolated case; people continue to disappear here to this day. Young people, high school students from Cluj-Napoca, in love and therefore completely fearless, went to check beliefs and legends quite recently. The girl returned in the morning, she did not remember anything at all, could not clearly tell what had happened and where her beloved had gone. Local newspapers literally exploded with hundreds of strange hypotheses and assumptions.

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UFO site

On August 18, 1968, forty-five-year-old military technician Emile Barnet, despite warnings from the residents of the local village, decided to spend one day off and take a break from city life. With his wife Zamfira Maty and two other family friends who asked to remain anonymous, we went to Khoya-Bachu for 1 day. At 13:00, when Emil went to look for firewood for the fire, his friends suddenly called him. At that moment, in the sky, he saw an unidentified flying object in the shape of a circle, which slowly, without sound, flew across the sky. Suddenly, the object began to glow and everything, with the same silence, quickly receded into the depths of the sky. Emil managed to take 3 photographs, which were later called the clearest UFO photos found in Europe.

The photos were examined and turned out to be real. However, some argue that this UFO has no connection with aliens. The fact is that the locals believe that the forest is cursed, and that Belial himself, an ancient Eastern European demon of destruction, fear and debauchery, lives in it.

Swift Research

Another enthusiast, but already a biologist, whose name is Alexander Swift, spent more than ten years in this amazing foggy forest, studying the vegetation and animals that live here. It is interesting that he periodically experienced fear, panic, heard strange sounds, rustles, voices where they simply could not be. But he could not leave, bringing the matter to the end, as if the forest itself gave him food for thought and allowed himself to be studied.

He saw a strange greenish-blue glow in the depths of the forest thicket and the flowing green fog crawled towards him more than once, like a snake, but none of this brought physical harm to the biologist. Maybe thanks to his scientific approach, but the ghosts with aliens for a couple did not touch the scientist, and after developing the photographs, it turned out that every film, every one of the films, contained strange and amazing images, which were immediately taken away by the workers of the Romanian special services.

Extremals don't belong here

However, other anomalies also occurred in this place. It is said that in the center of the forest there is a wasteland in the shape of a circle. Not a single blade of grass grows in this place, and animals prefer to bypass it. It is believed that this is a place of connection with another world. Why not?

The following are the impressions of an extreme foreigner who managed to visit this unfriendly place:

“Yes, I remember this place, and I think for a long time. There was a big problem with hotels there, so we decided to spend the night right in the forest so that in the morning we didn't have to go there again, and we didn't really want to spend money. Of course, we did not go deep into the forest, we were too afraid of what we had heard on the Internet, so we settled down right at the entrance to the forest. Everything went well until nightfall, my friends and I kindled a fire, put up a tent and went to bed. But it was not there. I woke up for no reason, and apparently in vain. There was a figure standing right by the tent, and it looked like it was looking directly at me through the fabric. I was so scared that I could not even move. All night I lay with my eyes closed, my face resting on a hard blanket. Since then I realized that I have had enough of this "extreme"."