Romanian Engineers Are Developing A Supersonic "flying Saucer" - Alternative View

Romanian Engineers Are Developing A Supersonic "flying Saucer" - Alternative View
Romanian Engineers Are Developing A Supersonic "flying Saucer" - Alternative View

Video: Romanian Engineers Are Developing A Supersonic "flying Saucer" - Alternative View

Video: Romanian Engineers Are Developing A Supersonic
Video: The Real Flying Saucer 2024, July

A supersonic "flying saucer" capable of vertical take-off and landing was decided by engineers from Romania. According to New Atlas, enthusiasts have already made a flying prototype of their experimental apparatus.

The project, which involves an enthusiastic engineer Razvan Sabi and an employee of the National Institute of Aerospace Research of Romania, Iosif Taposu, is called ADIFO (All DIrections Flying Object), and is, accordingly, an "all-round" aircraft.


Prototypes of disk-shaped aircraft were developed at the beginning of the twentieth century, but they never became popular.

The disk-shaped airframe has advantages (for example, relatively good aerodynamic qualities), however, the aircraft in the form of plates are generally not very convenient to operate. There is no other way to explain why we still do not travel in UFO-like vehicles.

The prototype of the Romanian aircraft ADIFO is driven by several electric motors with propellers, but the serial sample, which, we recall, will have to fly faster than sound, will receive jet engines.


In addition, the full-size ADIFO, unlike its unmanned prototype, will be manned, according to engineers. It's just not yet clear how many people he will be able to transport.

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Kolesnikov Andrey
