Mysterious Crooked Forest In Poland - Alternative View

Mysterious Crooked Forest In Poland - Alternative View
Mysterious Crooked Forest In Poland - Alternative View

Video: Mysterious Crooked Forest In Poland - Alternative View

Video: Mysterious Crooked Forest In Poland - Alternative View
Video: Poland’s Mysterious ‘Crooked Forest’ 2024, September

In the western part of Poland, near the town of Gryfino, there is a unique and one of a kind crooked forest. This forest was planted in the early 30s of the last century. 400 trees in the 1.7 hectare pine forest have one distinguishing feature: at a height of 25-30 centimeters from the ground, their trunks are bent at right angles to the north, and then gradually begin to level out, forming colorful arcs.


All trees in a crooked forest are similar. Their height is about 15 meters, which is not enough for pines that are more than 80 years old. What caused this is unknown. According to some visitors to the crooked forest, a strange atmosphere reigns there - you cannot hear the singing of birds and the sounds of insects.

Entry to this territory is carried out only with special passes, since some time ago the crooked forest was given the status of a natural monument.


Many are trying to unravel the mysterious anomaly, but it has not yet been possible to unequivocally explain this phenomenon. There are many versions about the reasons for the strange growth of pines.

At one time it was believed that crooked pines are the work of human hands, not nature. Allegedly, at the very beginning of the 20th century, craftsmen tried to achieve the possibility of obtaining ready-made curved wood for use in shipbuilding and in furniture production. But local lumberjacks argue that the wood of crooked pines is absolutely not suitable for furniture production.


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The theory that strong winds are the reason for the bending of trunks sounds absurd. The wind had to be not only powerful, but also constant, which would uproot the fragile trees simply without allowing them to grow.


It is also believed that one local breeder specifically wanted to grow a forest with all the trees facing north so that no one could get lost in such a forest.

Some argue that changes in temperature and humidity have led to such a deformation of the trees. Others object to them that these are all insect leprosy that ate up young trees from one side, so they are bent.


And according to local legend, in the last century a witch lived in this young forest, and he protected her home from prying eyes. Quite by chance, some lumberjacks needed wood and they decided to go to the nearest forest for it. To their surprise, the trunks began to dodge the sharp axes and beat the troublemakers with branches. The lumberjacks fled in horror from the forest, and the trees froze in an unusual "pose" as a warning for those who dare to encroach on the enchanted forest.


Experts in the field of cosmobiology note that the area in which such twisted trees grow has a negative energy. It is she, in their opinion, that causes changes in the shape and direction of growth of trees. There is a popular belief among the people that a person who crawls through such a tree will get rid of various ailments.