Molebsky Triangle - Alternative View

Molebsky Triangle - Alternative View
Molebsky Triangle - Alternative View

Video: Molebsky Triangle - Alternative View

Video: Molebsky Triangle - Alternative View

There are many mysterious places on Earth. And although many of these territories are studied by scientists, archaeologists and historians, only a few of them revealed their secrets to people, the rest of the mysterious places of the planet continue to confuse numerous researchers.


One of these mystical places is located in Russia, near the village of Molebka (Perm Territory). This place was named the Molebsky Triangle. This geo-anomalous zone is considered a holy place by the local population. In ancient times, there was a prayer stone and sacrifices were performed on this place. It is believed that this particular area is the birthplace of Zarathustra (the creator of the world religion). During the work of Demidov's enterprises in Siberia, the production of the famous dynasty was also here. At that time, about four thousand people lived in Molebka. Today, only the dilapidated dam of the factory pond, the ruins of an old church and the remains of several houses have remained from the large workers' settlement.


The discovery of the geologist E. Bachurin brought great fame to this place in the 80s of the last century, who discovered an incomprehensible round trail with a diameter of about 60 meters among the snow fields. Among the local hunters, the places around Molebka have always had a bad reputation: they often wandered in a small area and did not find a way out.


Numerous expeditions of researchers of anomalous zones were drawn to Molebka. They conducted observations, questioned local residents, set up numerous experiments. All the rumors were confirmed: the luminous balls are spinning (locals called them oranges), sparkling discs are flying, a feeling of anxiety constantly overcomes people. The anomalous zone near Molebka was the first to be officially recognized in the Soviet Union, although long ago, back in the 19th century, local peasants talked about flying objects they saw.


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A great contribution to the study of the Molebian anomalous zone was made by a native of these places, Pavel Gladyshev, a nuclear scientist who returned to his native places after retiring. He claimed to have experienced the effects of a mysterious flying object. And it happened like this. He and the worker set off to harvest hay. They rode to the field at night to start haymaking in the morning. Suddenly, there was just a ringing silence, and a second moon appeared over the forest, illuminating the clearing as in the day. His partner froze and was numb with fear, unexpected stiffness in movement did not give the opportunity, even to move. The glade was illuminated by seven bright rays. After a few seconds, the ball disappeared, but it became impossible to work: the head became heavy, the muscles ached.


This mysterious area has become a place of pilgrimage for ufologists and ordinary tourists, including foreign lovers of the extraordinary. Admirers of the unknown spend their meetings on the picturesque meadows near Molebka, communicating on topics of interest to them. Local residents are condescending to visiting lovers of anomalous zones. They just do not like it when uninvited guests arrange "sabbaths" on the banks of their favorite river and consider these strange visitors obscurantists.


But despite some negative aspects in relation to visitors, the district administration decided to create an ufological reserve in Molebka. For the hinterland of the Perm Territory, the tourist flow from those interested in extraterrestrial intelligence turned out to be clearly useful.

Scientists are also interested in studying the strong dowsing anomaly that exists. Until now, many strange objects that appear in the anomalous zone of Molebka demonstrate reasonable behavior. These objects take on various forms, from huge, black, strange silhouettes to brightly glowing and highly mobile balls. A group of researchers conducted a chronic experiment in this area. A clock was placed in a thermos and left with the highest level of intensity of anomalous radiation exposure. The result was a lag of the experimental clock readings from the control ones by almost six hours!


The very nature of these places, as it were, maintains the reputation of a mystical place: densely woven tree branches form a kind of tunnels, dense foliage hides numerous sites where ancient peoples performed rituals. Some visitors to the anomalous zone claim that they were able to see the mysterious Gate, which opens the way to an alien world. And eyewitnesses say that, after walking along a forest path, exactly at noon illuminated by the sun, at a low height from the ground, a Gate appears. Those who managed to visit the “other side” of the door say that the body was suddenly shackled, something was moving around and whispering. The feeling was as if someone was carefully examining you. The return was quick and unexpected.


Another oddity of this anomalous zone: when photographing, dark balls are clearly visible on the photographs, on the surface of which, as it were, scattered white spots (they were called "witch's rings"). Most often, chronal anomalies (places where a person stops navigating in time, and the clock fails …) are observed at Molebka near the Black River, moreover, it is also known as a “prodigal place” from which you have to look for a way out for a long time. Local residents say that they often see an unusual phenomenon: numerous sparks flare up at a height of 1.5 meters from the ground. And sometimes, during absolute calm, unexpectedly, an icy wind flies from the forest, and glowing balls appear in the sky.


Now there is a temporary lull in Molebka, but time will pass, a warm time will come, and numerous lovers of mysticism, as well as psychics and esoterics, will reach out to the picturesque forest glades, hoping to reveal all the secrets and mysteries of this amazing area.