The Design Of Aircraft And The Role Of The 115th Element - Alternative View

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The Design Of Aircraft And The Role Of The 115th Element - Alternative View
The Design Of Aircraft And The Role Of The 115th Element - Alternative View

Video: The Design Of Aircraft And The Role Of The 115th Element - Alternative View

Video: The Design Of Aircraft And The Role Of The 115th Element - Alternative View
Video: Reverse Engineering a UFO | National Geographic 2024, July

1. Reactor

The source of energy of the alien aircraft, hereinafter referred to as LT, is a compact reactor based on the radioactive decay of element 115 and the release of antimatter. The reactor is a sphere with a diameter of 30 - 40 cm. As can be seen from Fig. 1, the reactor consists of several shells surrounding an inner cavity. These shells most likely represent the reactor cooling and protection system. The first (inner) shell can contain generators of a protective field, the purpose of which is to prevent decay products from reaching the chamber walls. The second (middle) shell is a set of cavities through which coolant circulates.


The need for cooling is probably due to the fact that some of the decay products are a stream of photons passing through the field, which traps other particles. Finally, the third shell is a strong reactor vessel. The dark rods are emitters of neutrons necessary to support the decay reaction of element 115 and the release of antimatter.

2. Energy storage

After the decay of the 115 element, when it is irradiated with neutrons, a certain amount of antimatter is formed, which is transported through a pipe-channel into a special chamber, where annihilation occurs in a gaseous medium, and the released energy in the form of a photon flux is absorbed by a "refractory crystal-energy collector", which apparently represents a photo-, thermo-electric converter with an efficiency close to 100%. The terrestrial analogue of this device is an isotope generator.

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3. Mover

This device is the source of LT movement. Based on the available data, it can be assumed that it is an amplifier + emitter of gravitational waves. According to the article by physicist B. Lazar, the source of weak gravitational waves is the same 115 element, and the rest of the equipment picks up and amplifies these waves, like earthly radio receivers. On the LT there are three emitters (under 1200 in the horizontal plane), operating independently of each other. This is due to the flight mode:

1. Movement near the planet's surface - 1 emitter is on. Omicron mode.

2. Movement in the stratosphere - 2 emitters are on.

3. Exit and movement in space - 3 emitters are on. Delta mode.

It is not difficult to see that additional emitters are included in the work as the external gravitational field (for example, the field of a massive space body) weakens. The effect of the action of the emitters is the "folding" of space near the LT. There are not enough data for a more accurate explanation of the principle of LT motion. The question remains unclear - how is the direction of movement realized? It can be assumed that the emitters rotate in their mountings (spherical chamber).


In the LT of this design, the emitters are realized in one piece - rotary. Probably, when the emitter is turned, the LT is “pushed” in the direction opposite to the rotation. The disadvantage of the emitter system is the strong electromagnetic radiation (in the microwave range), which spreads down and to the sides of the LT, affecting the environment. Its action can be judged by the following facts: the interruption of the operation of the internal combustion engine (except for diesel ones), a malfunction in the operation of electrical appliances when passing near the LT, "burns" on trees and grass, and, worst of all, radiation burns that people get into the field action of radiation. T. about. to ensure the normal functioning of the vehicle and the work of the crew, protection from electromagnetic radiation is required.

4. Blocks of LSS-protection

LSS is a life support system. LSS blocks form a ring, consisting of parallelepipeds and located under the pilot cabin or under the living space of the LT. The task of the LSS units is to protect the crew and some LT units from microwave radiation, as well as from accelerations during LT evolution. According to a large number of observations, LTs are capable of picking up supersonic speed from the hovering position in a very short period of time (on the order of several seconds), stopping instantly or making sharp turns (for example, at right angles) at high speed. With such evolutions, gigantic accelerations arise, therefore, without protection from them, the crew and passengers of the LT will have to "scrape off the walls" of the apparatus. There is not enough data to explain the principle of operation and structure of the LSS units.

5. Power winding

On one of the LT diagrams, the power winding is designated as "transmission and power winding of cable channels". It is difficult to say something definite about the purpose of this device. This can be a unit for controlling the LT flight (flight direction, altitude change, rotation), an unit for creating a plasma envelope around the LT, an unit for creating a protective field, or a part of the reactor cooling system and various units of the LT. The structure of the cables is not clear: power cables-wires, hollow tubes.

6. Other components and assemblies

These include: control panel, crew seats, viewing screens, photon emitters, neutralizers in the caisson chamber, signal light, landing supports.

Remote Control

Control panel with complex indicators on liquid crystals. The control of the LT is mental-sensory from the helmet and body sensors.

Now on aircraft of the 5th generation, the method of displaying information on built-in computer monitors, electron beam or liquid crystal, is widely used.

Command delivery from the pilot to the LT can be done using directed thought. Already now this method is feasible: a technique has been developed in which a sensor is implanted into the human skull, equipped with a piece of brain tissue, a gold electrode and registering the electrical potentials of the brain. The data is processed by a computer, which sends human commands to the actuators.

Feedback (from external sensors and from the viewing screens to the pilot) can be carried out in 2 ways: either directly to the pilot's brain (i.e., it seems to become an apparatus itself and senses the surrounding space with the help of external sensors installed on the body of the LT), or information about the state of the vehicle and the surrounding space is supplied to the console screens, and the visual information is sent to the review screens.

Crew seats

Anti-G isomorphic pilot seat. It is not clear what overloads can be in a LT protected from gravity surges. It is likely that the chair automatically adjusts its height and adjusts to the shape of the creature in it.

Overview screens

The screens are monitors (probably liquid crystal), to which the image of the surrounding space is transmitted from external "cameras". Aircraft do not have portholes as such.

Photon emitters

A belt of photon emitters around the body of the LT (auxiliary engines).

I believe that the emitters, depending on the operating mode, can serve as additional engines (for example, to provide maneuvers) or as a combat system.


Neutralizers are located in the caisson chamber (sluice) and most likely serve to clean the air from harmful bacteria, etc., entering the caisson with the planet's atmosphere. This operation can be carried out both by radiation that is harmless to aliens and lethal to bacteria and viruses, and by filling the caisson with a neutralizing gas.

Signal fire

Flashing light and spotlight. The first serves as an identification light, the second as a searchlight to illuminate the area.

Landing supports

Automatically adjustable landing support depending on the terrain. The support container is recessed into the body. The scheme is three-bearing, forming an equilateral triangle.

UFO's ability to disappear

One of the unusual properties of UFOs is their ability to disappear, becoming invisible to the human eye, and also suddenly appear. There are a number of cases when clearly visible objects in front of eyewitnesses suddenly disappeared or disappeared in one place and suddenly appeared in another.

In June 1966, three fireballs appeared near a farm in Aveyron, France, flying across the field to the farm. One of these balls hovered 15 meters away. at home and hung motionless for 3 minutes, then suddenly disappeared, and after a couple of seconds reappeared a few hundred meters from the house. These instantaneous movements continued for some time.

The press cites an incident near the city of Mulhouse (France), where three young men saw an orange-red ball 50 m in diameter, descending to the ground in a zigzag path and landing in a clearing 300 m from eyewitnesses. But when they went to the ball, he immediately disappeared.

In our country, in July 1979, on the road from Zlatoust to Beloretsk, three eyewitnesses traveling in a car saw a fireball approaching from behind the size of a two-story house. They looked at him for 2 minutes, after which the ball suddenly disappeared, and after 2-3 minutes it appeared again, but already in front of the car, and hung motionless for a while, after which it also suddenly disappeared. Along with this, cases were repeatedly observed when UFOs in front of eyewitnesses quite unexpectedly appeared as if out of nothing.

In April 1954, near Dartmouth in South Devon (England), a large oval object suddenly appeared in front of reserve officer Brighton, as if out of thin air, hovering 1 m above the ground.

In another case, on the Dymen Canal (USA), in front of two firefighters who were fishing, suddenly, as if out of nowhere, a round luminous object 4.5 m in diameter appeared. Hanging at a height of 20-25 m, it then accompanied their boat for 3 km.

At first, attempts were made to explain these properties of UFOs by the peculiarities of their kinematics. It was assumed that these objects suddenly disappear from the field of view due to the fact that they are thrown off the spot with great speed. And their sudden appearance was explained by an arrival with the same lightning speed and an instant stop. The example below to some extent confirms the possibility of such an assumption.

In June 1968, in Dax (France), the wife of J., driving at a speed of 110 km / h, unexpectedly saw a dark hemispherical object with a red flashing light in front of them in the middle of the road. They braked abruptly - a collision seemed inevitable - and, as it were, drove right through the object without feeling anything. Apparently, at the very last moment, he really jumped off the spot with lightning speed and disappeared. Traces of it, found later at the landing site, confirmed that it was not a mirage.

The fact that the spouses J. continued to see the object until the very last moment and did not notice its take-off can be explained by two circumstances:

first, the fact that the human eye does not have time to register objects moving too quickly. (It is known, for example, that an object flying near the earth at a speed of 10 km / s or moving with an acceleration of more than 20 g is practically invisible);

secondly, by the fact that the image of an instantly disappeared object still remains on the retina of the human eye for some insignificant time. However, over time, data began to accumulate on the ability of UFOs to gradually "melt" or, as it were, "dissolve" in the air in front of eyewitnesses.

In the summer of 1960, in the village of Kadamzhoy (near Fergana), the head of the laboratory of the Gipronickel Institute, Sheinin, saw a luminous object in the form of a disk with two rods like antennas approaching from the side of the Fergana Valley. This object had a typical metallic luster. It hovered motionless and was clearly visible. Suddenly its outlines lost their sharpness, and within 1-2 seconds they were replaced by a foggy spot, which immediately disappeared.

In March 1978, an oval blue object with a diameter of 150 m with clear edges was observed in Togliatti. This object flew at an altitude of 300 m and, as it approached the observers, it gradually became transparent, so that stars could be observed through it. At the same time, its outer edges remained clear. Then the object hovered motionless at a height of 100 m above the neighboring house, 100 m from the eyewitnesses and melted. The entire observation lasted 7 minutes.

These examples of the gradual "melting" of UFOs show that their disappearance may be associated not only with their instantaneous flight, but also with some of their ability to become invisible to the human eye, although this contradicts our usual materialistic ideas about the world around us.

Confirmation of the ability of UFOs to become invisible to the human eye are also the cases cited below, when after the development of photographs of the "clear" sky or "clear" terrain, UFOs were found on them. In August 1979, the Riga operator Pipars, while on a fishing vessel in the Greenland Sea, took 12 color photographs of the night sky and the dark sea with the lights of the ships sailing at night. Imagine his surprise when, after developing, he saw in four of the twelve photographs a bright elongated glow that occupied almost half of the sky in the frames and gradually changed its outline.

In September 1983, near AI-Petri, a Rostovite Ryzhkov took five photographs of the surrounding area, and when he developed the film, he was surprised to see in three photographs a large dark object hovering over the top of the mountain and flying over the highway.

Similar cases took place in 1959 at the Tiksi polar station, in 1960 in the village of Zelenchukskaya, in 1967 near the town of Climax (Colorado), in 1971 in Regensburg (Austria), in 1976 near the town of Spezia (Italy) and in 1990 - in the city of Gorky.

But sometimes, it turns out, and vice versa, when clearly observed objects do not appear in photographs. In September 1977, engineer Novozhilov near the village of Kurkiyoki, north of Priozersk, three times photographed a UFO, similar to an airship, which flew directly over it at an altitude of 300-500 m, but there were no images of the UFO in the images. In February 1979, a UFO hovered over the Polish resort of Zakopane for a whole week. It was perfectly visible, but it was not possible to shoot it on film with cinematics or cameras, because only blurry light spots were obtained on the film.

In March 1990, four images of a UFO flying at an altitude of 300-400 m and perfectly observed with the naked eye were taken in Belgium, but when the film was developed, the image of the object was not there.

In an effort to explain this strange ability of UFOs, Professor Messen performed experiments, which proved that when a negative film is irradiated with infrared rays, the image on it disappears. The disappearance of UFO images on film, according to Messen, also occurs under the influence of powerful infrared radiation, which is sometimes emitted by objects and which illuminates the film.

It is even more surprising when objects in photographs do not look the way the photographers saw them. In March 1966 in Conisborough, England, Stephen Pratt photographed a single orange light moving slowly across the sky. And after the development of the film, as many as three objects were filmed on it, which had the form of plates and flew one after the other in one line. Moreover, the second object was smaller than the first, and the third was smaller than the second.

Something similar happened in January 1979 when an Australian television was filming in New Zealand a 30-minute movie, which recorded the flights of several golden oval UFOs that looked like superstructures. After watching the film, the film crew stated that the UFO images obtained on the film were very different in shape and color from what they had visually observed. All these facts show that the human eye can sometimes see objects differently from the way a photographic lens perceives them.

Quite often, visually observed UFOs are not recorded on radar screens.

In the summer of 1976, in the Chita region, near the border with China, the personnel of the air defense radar post, border guards and residents of the regional center observed an unusual oblong object with windows and three beams directed vertically to the ground. This object for 3 hours slowly moved horizontally in one direction or the other, turning on and off its "spotlights", and then suddenly disappeared. At the same time, three types of radars of two radar posts did not record it.

In 1979, the crew members of two aircraft flying in the Barnaul region observed a luminous object for 6 minutes, which approached at high speed, stopped, rose to a considerable height and hovered, then descended again and began to move away. The onboard radar screens did not detect it.

In February 1989, a large, saucer-shaped UFO hovered over the city of Progress, Guatemala, with red flashing lights along the edges, around which three objects of the same shape, but smaller, were located. All four objects were visually observed by the majority of Progress residents, but for some reason they were not recorded by radars.

According to the Aerospace Phenomena Research Group at the French Space Center in Toulouse, only 5% of the observed objects are detected by radars, although this figure is most likely an underestimate. On the other hand, a number of cases are known when objects detected by radars, for some reason, were not observed visually, although they were within sight.

At the beginning of 1945, the radars of a group of American ships preparing for the invasion of Okinawa and moving along the Nansei Shoto archipelago discovered 200-300 unknown objects approaching the ships at a speed of 1600 km / h.

Fighters from the aircraft carriers were immediately sent to meet them. But the planes slipped through this flying armada without hindrance, not noticing a single object. And the ship's radar operators recorded that a group of ghostly objects flew with impunity over the American ships at an altitude of 600 m, although they were not visually observed.

In December 1986, an unknown oval object several hundred meters long approached the Japanese research vessel Kaye-Maru, located in the central part of the Pacific Ocean, by 2.5 km, which flew twice around the vessel and disappeared, and after a few seconds appeared again and thundered over the ship at low altitude. The object was clearly recorded on the radar screen, but was not visually observed. Its flight speed was about 5000 km / h (Izvestia, 1988. September 18). According to NIKAP, in the period 1948-1967. out of 81 cases of UFO detection by radars, they were observed visually only in 60 cases.

In our country in 1980-1984. the radar screens of the Kharkiv airport 12 times recorded unknown objects moving at very high speeds, hovering or making sharp vertical maneuvers, and only in four cases they were observed visually. There are cases when a UFO tag was observed on the screen of only one of two nearby radars operating at different frequencies. According to the first class pilot V. Kolupanov, in July 1982, the tag from a UFO flying over the airfield of the city of Roslavl was visible only on the radar screens of the decimeter range, while the centimeter range radar did not record this object.

There are also known cases when marks from UFOs on radar screens are not kept constantly, but they appear and disappear. During UFO sightings over Washington in July 1952, the marks from these objects on the radar screens disappeared with the appearance of fighters and reappeared when the planes departed.

One of the most reliable cases of long-term fixation of UFOs by aircraft and ground radars took place in September 1957, when an American reconnaissance aircraft RB-47, flying over the states of Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas and Oklahoma, was in contact with a UFO for an hour and a half. An unknown object was recorded by radars in separate positions - to the right, left, behind and in front of the aircraft, although for some reason its trajectory between these positions was not traced.

At times, the object was observed visually by the aircraft crew, which circled around Dallas in an attempt to pursue the object. ELINT electronic reconnaissance equipment installed on the aircraft recorded the radiation frequency of this object equal to 3000 MHz with a repetition of 600 pulses / s.

Finding any satisfactory explanation for the anomalies that appear when photographing and fixing UFOs with radars has also not yet been possible.
