Three Living Energies - Three Tsa - Alternative View

Three Living Energies - Three Tsa - Alternative View
Three Living Energies - Three Tsa - Alternative View

Video: Three Living Energies - Three Tsa - Alternative View

Video: Three Living Energies - Three Tsa - Alternative View
Video: 10 Smartest Smugglers in All History 2024, July

Trinity (you asked about this holiday). I will tell you, at least in a nutshell - and so gradually we will reach a full understanding of this holiday.

Trinity (or three tsa) - three energies of "tsa", and you have heard about such energy, even though through Chinese philosophy and their way of life, their life. Three "tsa" - three energies of the living (like Aritsa). Tsa (we have already talked about this energy) is the energy of life, creative energy; and here are three creative energies, three "ts" - a trinity.

Three "ts" (this must be understood): three energies are combined together at this time, and without people they cannot fully combine, because such energy is needed, the fourth - it will connect everything (right here). And why is this three-dimensional world? Because there are three "ts". Three, and more is not necessary. That's all.

And here they are, the four cardinal points: these three "ts" and the Man - this is, as it were, such a symbol. Here is the swastika from there, here are the four ends rounded or displayed by rays, the rotation is exactly (where this cross rotates). So Jesus Christ was crucified (allegedly crucified) on the cross - on the cross, do you understand? Not on a circle, on any, not on a square, but here is a cross - the four parts of the world. This is what you need to understand, and at least just to understand: that there are three "ts", three energies of such life. And this three-dimensional world - this is where it all comes, from the depths. But this knowledge is the knowledge of the Cosmos; it is simply impossible to perceive them, this knowledge, this is a gradual perception.

And today you - well, at least give preference to flowers (only three varieties, and three different colors). And the flowers (the color of the flowers) should be exactly what you like: red there, blue, green (well, the grass is green), or there is white, yellow - there are flowers of different colors. These are the conventions now.

And a round dance. A round dance must be conducted, three rings - these three "ts" will symbolize. And in different directions: the first ring - where the children will go (let the children show you the direction); and the second ring (which will stand outside, already from adults) - it will go in the opposite direction than children; and already the third - it is still in the opposite. That's all, and this holiday will be considered celebrated, because people have observed this energy, they have connected it already, in this particular space. This is not enough, of course, all over Russia it is necessary to do this and all over the Earth (well, at least where it will be done). This is the beginning of such a return, and then, in the future, people will not be able to do without this holiday, they will want to do it themselves, because the three "ts" still need to be connected.

And now they have not been connected - and here is this war for you, it was the demon who thought of everything, and he banned these holidays by perverting the holidays and culture itself. They forgot this culture (that real, Vedic culture), but introduced this all sorts of nonsense: dancing to music to this, to different rock (dances are called) and drinking this is alcoholic - and they say: this is a holiday. When a person drinks, this is a holiday, and when he does not drink, then these are everyday life, and one must suffer and wait, that's what the whole point is. And when you are resting, you must definitely drink, otherwise it is not a rest and it is not a holiday at all. That's how much they perverted everything.

So I told you how to do it. Wreaths - of course, wreaths, flowers are already growing all over the Earth at this time, and such wreaths can be made (and even the fourth color can be done by someone, but at will again).

Promotional video:

But the most important connecting energy for the three "ts" will be a person - but it is the little ones (the children are so), so they can wear wreaths. And adults - don't dress, you are unworthy as energy; You are good people, but you, as an energy, are very weak, destructive even, because you support the system with all your direction of your thoughts, that's the point. You may be suffering there and do not want to live like this, but you live like this, which means you support. And this is not an accusation today, of course - this is so that you understand who you are.

And the child - he is still clean, because he does not understand what the matter is, and he lives, rejoices every day that he will now run to his friend in the next house, and they will run into the field, but there will still be children, and they will play there - and this is a holiday for them. And a child should have such a holiday every day. And when this child grows up, he becomes an adult - and the Vedic holidays come, and again a person lives in the holidays.

And this game - this very game - this is not some kind of stupidity, this is wisdom, this is the wisest device, such an invention of God the Creator: after all, he invented for people to play all the time, to be happy. After all, this is not an empty game, it has a Cosmic meaning. And all these holidays then also turn and are perceived as such a game and constant joy. Here a person lives - and all the time in the game, in a joyful one; and no one deceives anyone, but everyone just rejoices and brings good to each other - this is how Russia lived (and then all sorts of demons did not give it - well, it's okay, as it is, this is how you need to perceive this world).

Well, I told you: these are three "ts", three such energies, and they need to be combined at this time.

Three days are given (sometimes four, but no more), and then such energies go away - and it is no longer possible to combine them (at any time of the year they can never be connected, it is impossible to do this). It started raining - so start, and four days from here (from today) - and you will not lose.

That's how I told you it, chaotic, probably - but you can at least understand something. After all, the main thing here is a round dance and great joy so that there is joy.

And songs - well, sing love songs, you have different songs there, all kinds of poems, well, you can sing it. And let the children come up with poems (here they are capable of doing this) - and sing this, and do not try to guess a rhyme or some rhythm, a melody there.

Here's a melody, maybe you don't like it, and there is no rhyme, and some kind of ragged rhythm - do you know why? And why not to another - but this is your rhythm, that is, painful (you are sick, and therefore your rhythm is ragged) - so what? From year to year it will level out - and it will level out. And today, whoever tries to show it will lose in the future, a lie - it will lead to the death of anyone and always. And you don’t lie, that’s what you are - so be, because God sees you for who you really are - let people perceive you the same way.

But let the kindness be in you - that's right, and everything else will be forgiven you for your kindness. Just like a child, he will make a mischief out of ignorance in his own way, not out of spite - and he will be forgiven for that, well, they will beat him, sometimes they will give him a belt, well, nothing, but they love him anyway, because he is sincere and did not want to do evil.

This is where I will end, and that's enough for today.

Uruslan (8.5 thousand years, Knowledge of the Universe).

A. Savrasov's books of the series "Knowledge of the Primary Origins"