Megalithic Complex Voroniy Kamen - Alternative View

Megalithic Complex Voroniy Kamen - Alternative View
Megalithic Complex Voroniy Kamen - Alternative View

Video: Megalithic Complex Voroniy Kamen - Alternative View

Video: Megalithic Complex Voroniy Kamen - Alternative View
Video: Древние мегалиты Алтая - высотная съёмка. 4к видео 2024, September

The Raven Stone is the most "untwisted" megalith of Murman; a lot has been written and said about it. We can say that this object has become the hallmark of the megalithic Murmansk. The parties of local historians and mystics are held near the stone. The Raven Stone itself was brought by the glacier. The base of the stone is not in the soil layer, but exactly on the rock. The giant monolith split into three parts under atmospheric influences. First, a horizontal crack appeared at the top, and only then a vertical crack at the bottom. So the boulder got the shape of a dolmen. “About 10 thousand years ago, a glacier left the Crow Stone on the slope of the Gorely Hill, and only 3-5 thousand years later people found it and deified it. Although, of course, everything is very approximate,”Leonid Vasilyevich apologizes for the historical inaccuracy.


According to the head of the study, Leonid Ershov, the complex of stones was once a sanctuary of ancient people (conventionally they are called "protosamy"). To find out if it is of natural origin, the researchers made the necessary "cosmetic" excavations. It turned out that the origin of the stone ring is artificial. Moreover, if you lay imaginary lines, then the altar will be exactly in the east, the entrance - in the west.


There is no doubt that the megalith is ancient, it is strange that such a monumental complex, located within the city of Murmansk, was discovered only recently. However, the megalithic genre has its own orders and patterns. The megalithic complex (by the way, its name is "Crow's Stone", modern, having nothing to do with antiquity) is a trilith set in a stone circle. Trilite is a structure, albeit similar, but different from both seids and dolmens - a massive block stands on two vertical supports. Trilith is not located in the center of a stone circle, but has some displacement, so that a platform is formed in the circle in front of it, symmetrically marked on both sides by large boulders. The stone circle is an embankment of medium-sized stones. According to some design features, it is possible to assume an initially more complex structure of the complex - probably on both sides of the site in front of the stone there could be placed stones, or symmetrical stone calculations.


The Raven Stone stands on a rocky ridge, and the gap is oriented along the axis of this ridge. The very setting of the stone implies that the place was not chosen by chance - the ridge, the circle and the stone make up a single whole. It can be argued that the complex fits perfectly into the landscape. Moreover, the selected location also provides an excellent overview of the surroundings.


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The most interesting thing about the Crow Stone is its general non-characteristic for the Seyd culture. The raven stone looks like a more technically complex structure. Seids are more archaic, both in structure and location. The Raven Stone strikes with its completeness - there is no instability characteristic of the seids, simplicity of setting, the continuous stone circle of the Raven Stone also sharply contrasts with the rare circles of the seids plateau.


The explanation for the mysterious name is rather prosaic. There is no place for the legend of the Black Crow. There is just a landfill not far from the dolmen. Therefore, crows are not exotic. These birds, oddly enough, prefer stones to trees. The whole complex of stones located around the dolmen is called the Crow's Eye. Firstly, because the place is a wonderful observation point: the entire bay and valley, where the Oktyabrsky District is now spread out, at a glance. Secondly, if you look from above, the complex resembles a round bird's eye in shape. The dolmen plays the role of the pupil.