A Ghostly Choir Sings Over Mount Rouen - Alternative View

A Ghostly Choir Sings Over Mount Rouen - Alternative View
A Ghostly Choir Sings Over Mount Rouen - Alternative View

Video: A Ghostly Choir Sings Over Mount Rouen - Alternative View

Video: A Ghostly Choir Sings Over Mount Rouen - Alternative View
Video: Death Choir 2024, September

Mount Rouen, located in the southeastern United States, within the ancient Appalachians, on the border between the states of North Carolina and Tennessee, is almost always obscured by clouds.

Its five peaks, through which the historical trail through the Appalachians passes, are covered with dense forests and spacious grassy fields. A real paradise for tourists who prefer both active pastime and a relaxing holiday in the lap of nature.

But meanwhile, this mountain has been the source of all kinds of stories about the supernatural and the paranormal since ancient times.

A chorus of ghostly voices contributes a lot to this, as if wandering along the highest peaks and passes. For the first time they started talking about it at the beginning of the 19th century.

Then explorers and settlers began to hear strange music and singing voices in the mountains, sailing with the wind. The quality of the music and the voices themselves were different. In some cases, people said that they heard angelic voices accompanied by the playing of the harp, in others - that instead of music there was a howling cacophony, and the voices screamed as if they belonged to demons.

The ghostly choir has become one of the mountain legends. Jennifer Bauer, a local historian, says that usually the music or choir was heard when the wind was very strong. People who heard him spoke of a strong sense of fear that literally paralyzed them.

Some believed that fairies were singing in the mountains, others that the spirits of the Cherokee and Katoba Indians who fought in these mountains many years ago. Still others are sure that the mountains themselves are talking to them. Sometimes these voices sounded like bad omens, as if the devil himself spoke from the depths of the earth.

In 1878, John T. Wilder decided to build a luxury resort hotel in the mountains. Thanks to this, many tourists were drawn to the mountains, and soon they also began to talk about what they heard the ghostly choir.

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One day one of the visitors heard strange voices and decided to find out their source. While he was wandering around, a terrible storm broke out, and then he hid in a cave. Then, he claimed, a passage opened in the rock, and a whole procession of singing ghosts emerged from it, which looked like zombies with rotting skin and teeth, and their singing was a cry of pain. The man lost consciousness from horror, and when he regained consciousness, all his clothes were torn.

Another hotel visitor, geologist Henry Colton, also heard the chorus and, not knowing what to think of it, described it as "the hum of a thousand bees."

Scientists believe that the whole thing is in strong winds, the noise of which is often mistaken by impressionable people for strange singing.