Times Have Changed, But In Ukraine They Did Not Understand - Alternative View

Times Have Changed, But In Ukraine They Did Not Understand - Alternative View
Times Have Changed, But In Ukraine They Did Not Understand - Alternative View

Video: Times Have Changed, But In Ukraine They Did Not Understand - Alternative View

Video: Times Have Changed, But In Ukraine They Did Not Understand - Alternative View
Video: Кто будет следующим Президентом Беларуси? | Откровенный разговор со Светланой Тихановской 2024, September

Ukraine did not understand anything. Times have changed. For some reason Ukraine is sure that Russia is still the same as it was in the 90s, and when it receives a reaction that is not what it expected, it falls into hysterics. Only Russia is not the same. Not at all the same. Ukraine had a chance to build its own state. Russia did not interfere, there were enough of its own problems. And Russia would be quite satisfied, even not friendly, but simply neutral Ukraine. But no. Ukraine actively began to build its statehood on outright Russophobia. Russia was silent. Ukrainian Nazis from UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia) fought on the side of the terrorists, and then Russia was silent. But Ukraine, biting the bit, rushed on. But at the same time, Ukraine enjoyed the preferences from Russia with pleasure.

And so the nezalezhnaya decided to sign an Association Agreement with the European Union. Russia explained - "Guys, you want to sign, of course, but then all the preferences from mutual cooperation end, and this will destroy your economy." Why, you - SUGS (Glory to Ukraine, Glory to Heroes), the sectarians began to shout - "vyvserete", "nasprimutveurosoyuz".

To the questions - “Have you read the text of the association? Who said that you are being admitted there? ", You shouted," We want lace panties in the EU as well. " Want to? For God's sake. But even this was not enough for you. You not only shed blood on the Maidan, but also began to catch ideological opponents on the routes. After all, for you, whoever does not consider the bastard Bandera a hero is the enemy. Remember Korsun? You decided to ban the Russian language, you put Nazism as the main ideology. Naturally, Crimea did not like it.

That's just not necessary about the occupation, etc. At first, LOCAL residents went to the stations and prepared to meet your "trains of friendship", the Crimean "Berkut" was at the checkpoint on the roads. Russia intervened later. What were you waiting for? That Russia will calmly give Crimea to a NATO base? That will calmly watch you arrange a massacre? Yeah, schazzzz. But you didn't get the hints. And we decided to clean up Donbass, which does not agree with you. At first, people in Donbass stopped your armored vehicles with their bare hands. You boldly drove there battalions from all the rabble. "Azov", "Tornado" and the like. As a result, you got a rout in the Ilovaisk cauldron. You were even given to save face by signing the Minsk agreements.

The so-called "Minsk-1". But no, you decided that you are the smartest and now you can do everything. Peremoga is not far off. You are violating the agreements you signed, and quite naturally you get a complete rout in the Debaltseve cauldron. And again they give you to save face. "Minsk-2". And there is no way to negotiate with the residents of Donbass, there is nothing to establish a dialogue with Russia. No, you start screaming about "Kremlin aggression", about "hybrid war". But at the same time, the most popular travel destinations for some reason are to the "sworn aggressor". Strange huh? Well you shout that you are at war with Russia. But at the same time you are going to Russia to work or rest. Isn't it some strange war? You know, on one of the forums I read the revelations of your "Internet warrior". So, what he said - “We have achieved that Ukrainians would hate Russians with our propaganda on the Internet. Now pouring mud on the Russians,we will strive for the Russians to hate the Ukrainians. " Here is such an interesting strategy for you, SUGS sectarians. And you still do not understand, times have changed. Russia has had periods of disintegration, but after them Russia has always returned its own. And you know it doesn't matter that someone out there in the world does not recognize something.

Will the sanctions be announced? So Russia, in general, is always under some sort of Western sanctions. So what? Or do you still believe that someone will fight Russia for you? Well, I understand everything, but are you not so naive to believe in it? Europe? Yes, the EU now has its own problems above the roof, they do not know what to do with their parasites. And then there is also to harness for you. No, out of solidarity, they can say what, express concern. But Russia is a more profitable partner than Ukraine, and Europeans are pragmatists. So Europe disappears. And by the way, do not dream of joining the EU, there are enough of their own. USA? Well, the States need you only in one capacity, they will sometimes throw up money for this. Do you know how a stray dog is fed, that it barked at its neighbor and shit under the fence? So if this dog gets hit,the one who lured her will not worry much. So draw your own conclusions.

Pay attention even the Baltics and Georgia are no longer screaming so much about their Russophobia. Because they begin to understand where the wind is blowing. Even in Europe and the USA they understand. It is not for nothing that headlines periodically appear - "The Russian Empire is Returning". Alone, you don't want to see anything. Even if the main sponsor of the Belarusian nationalists began to say:

That is, everyone around begins to understand, some you do not understand. Well, yes, your problems. Realize one thing, it is unlikely that Russia will continue to tolerate the Nazi state close by. It will be necessary - it will slowly take you apart into slices. Or all at once. It will be seen there.

And you have clearly shown the true face of today's Ukraine. Well this should have been demonstrated to the whole world as you meet YOUR fellow citizens being evacuated from China. The whole world is impressed. And then the confused babble of officials about "some newcomers" who are to blame for everything. Five points!!! For SUGS sectarians, someone is always to blame, but not they.

And you continue to behave like this, continue. You yourself are doing everything to destroy Ukraine. Destroy with your hands. Don't you like the fact that Ukraine as a state may not become? Well, excuse me, hardly anyone will be interested in your opinion. You have led all this yourself, there is no one to be offended, only yourself.
