Anomalies Of The Small Yakut Lake Devil's Eye - Alternative View

Anomalies Of The Small Yakut Lake Devil's Eye - Alternative View
Anomalies Of The Small Yakut Lake Devil's Eye - Alternative View

Video: Anomalies Of The Small Yakut Lake Devil's Eye - Alternative View

Video: Anomalies Of The Small Yakut Lake Devil's Eye - Alternative View
Video: Traditions and Cultures in the Coldest Place on Earth, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) Siberia 2024, September

A small lake called Devil's Eye (unofficial) near Olekminsk (Yakutia) is considered an anomalous zone (the so-called Olekminskaya anomalous zone), and its occurrence may be associated with a meteorite fall.

"Devil's Eye" is located directly opposite Olekminsk, a few meters from the banks of the Lena River, in an open area. It is very round, about 30 meters in diameter. The coast is steep, a small rampart is visible above the swampy meadow.

Of course, in Yakutia, which is rich in lakes, there are many ideally round reservoirs, but the "Devil's Eye" stands out even among them all and looks too much like a huge crater from the explosion of an unusually large artillery shell.

Researchers of anomalous phenomena first learned about the lake from a native of Olekminsk, now a resident of Yaroslavl, Pavel Serkin. He, like all boys, loved to fish and one day, together with friends, went to the lake, which was popularly notorious. No, no one drowned in it, and no evil spirits seemed to be found. But every year in late July - early August, strange lights were seen over the lake - always in the same place in the earthly firmament.

Knowledgeable people used to say that this happens, “when the planet Earth, moving in its orbit, falls into a certain zone of space,” then lightning occurs over areas of the earth's surface that are strained due to different densities (above geological faults); and the pipe of the lake at this time sends its "signals", which in the evenings were reflected in the cumulus clouds by blurred lightning.

This could be easily seen from the slopes of the main river terrace, from the windows of houses on Maiskaya Street, from the city embankment. Pavel's father said that the peasants therefore christened the lake "Devil's Eye".

In 1947 P. Serkin decided to put in this lake a net 20 meters long with heavy weights. With their nephew and a friend, they dragged the boat and began to lower it along the steep bank into the lake. The bow of the boat sank into the water, then, as it pushed, it surfaced, scooping up several buckets of water.

The guys did not like the place, and they went to the old lady to catch minnows. The remaining Paul tied one end of the net to a hammered peg, the other to the stern of the boat and swam to the middle of the lake, pulling the net behind him. Suddenly he felt the boat slowing down. I looked around - the rope from the stern goes down vertically, the floats are not visible. He pulled the net from the shore, untied the rope - and its end quickly disappeared into the dark depths.

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Returning to the shore, Pavel looked at the tied net - the rope at the edge of the shore also went down vertically, the first float and a light sinker were faintly visible nearby. The net hung down and folded into a narrow ribbon. The taut rope indicated that the other end of the net had not reached the bottom. Slowly, with great effort, the boy pulled her back. An eerie feeling from the dark abyss remained in the teenager's memory.

Many years later, Paul gave serious thought to the old incident. What unknown force pulled the net to the bottom of the lake? What kind of "light signals" are sent every year from its depths?

The steep bank with sparse grass vegetation had a multi-step appearance, which indicated that the ground was settling. But why does the circular lake shore, where there is no current, sink? This means that this round reservoir is a young formation. So Pavel suggested that the lake at that time was no more than 35-45 years old.

The most interesting thing: 1947 minus 35-45 years turns out to be a time close to the year of the fall of the Tunguska meteorite (1908). Moreover, the places of fall in degrees north latitude also almost coincide. And the distance between the places of fall of 1500 km for a foreign body (if we assume that the lake appeared as a result of the fall of a body of extraterrestrial origin) is not so great.


Recall that among the researchers of the Tunguska explosion there is an opinion that no meteorite fell into the Tunguska taiga. There were explosions, but the carriers of these explosions have not yet been found. Why was it necessary to "bomb" the empty taiga, for what reason? Perhaps, P. Serkin concludes, "the foreign ship that suffered an accident initially dumped its energy resources in the Podkamennaya Tungusska area, and then fell near Olekminsk."

But why did no one notice the fall of the cosmic body? How did the lake appear and why were there no rumors left in human memory about its appearance? Serkin believes that in an area where the permafrost reaches several hundred meters and has the strength of a rock, any body that falls from above will break and remain almost on the surface.

But talik ribbons are preserved along the banks of large rivers. Imagine - in late autumn or winter, a southwestern cyclone, rare for those places, brought a snow storm. It was night, and at that time something fell from the sky. The body, having broken through only the winter firmament, entered the talik. A strong wind blew away the sound of the impact from a residential area three kilometers away on the other side of the river. The formed funnel was filled with waters from the oxbow and the river bed.

For 2 - 3 days, the surface layer froze, and it was covered with snow. The first spring flood flooded the meadow floodplain, the floating ice floe dulled the ridge, the water brought silt, the wind brought seeds of plants, and by autumn the coastal ridge of the lake was covered with the first grass.

In those days, Olekminians hardly swam to the right bank, they did not mow hay there, and fishing there was bad because of the sandbanks. And the village of woodcutters Zarechny, located downstream, was founded only in 1948. So there is nothing to be surprised: the night fall and the fresh appearance of the formed crater could well have gone unnoticed by the locals.

But such a possibility is not excluded, says Pavel Serkin, that "at the bottom of the lake, under a thick layer of sediment silt, there is still a large meteorite or even a deformed UFO." True, there is an important minus in Serkin's version - the author forgot that in reality the Tunguska explosion did not occur in the summer, but in the height of summer, and not at night, but in the morning.

However, there have been no studies in this area yet. Most people familiar with Serkin's arguments believe that the connection between the "Devil's Eye" and the Tunguska meteorite is more than doubtful. Nevertheless, we must admit that the very fact of the existence of such a mysterious lake is interesting in itself.