About The Slaves Of Infernal Parasites - Alternative View

About The Slaves Of Infernal Parasites - Alternative View
About The Slaves Of Infernal Parasites - Alternative View

Video: About The Slaves Of Infernal Parasites - Alternative View

Video: About The Slaves Of Infernal Parasites - Alternative View
Video: Slave to the Parasites 2024, July

The overwhelming majority of people are under the constant control of infernal parasite entities - larvae, which are connected to the field and consciousness of a person throughout his life. One of the most effective hooks they use to catch their victims is self-importance, and its downside is self-pity. However, the feeling of pity for other people is also a reaction instilled in us by infernal parasites, with the help of which they are fed by the energy we radiate. Not to mention the various emotional outbursts based on negative feelings.

Such a person, dependent on his own sense of self-importance, is reduced to the level of a slave and a "cash cow" of infernal parasites. By the way, the American anthropogue K. Castaneda was warned about this by his teacher, the Indian magician don Juan Matus. Many modern researchers of esoteric knowledge speak about the same. For example, what you can read about this in V. Bukharin's interesting book “Lyarvovedenie. How to resist infernal parasites ":

Thus, one can understand where social parasites actually come from. These are the very slaves of infernal entities, whose consciousness and behavior are completely controlled by larvae and other parasitic entities, which can lead to real obsession. It is these essences, subjugating the will of people and committing all the vile deeds and anti-human crimes. That is why people later say that some kind of "eclipse" has come over them. And in order to limit the power of the infernals over their will, it is necessary to get rid of all those "hooks" with which they attach themselves to people.

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And the best place to start is by giving up the power of self-importance. The effective methods of such practice are just quite clearly described in the books of K. Castaneda, V. Bukharin, A. Sviyash, V. Zeland, B. Servest and some other authors. And if you can respond to the rudeness and other provocations of the slaves of infernal entities with a joke and laughter, you can see for yourself how much such “non-standard” behavior of a potential “victim” shocks the parasitic system. But the main thing is always and everywhere to try not to lose emotional balance, especially if you are perfectly aware that you are deliberately provoked to be used as "food". At the same time, one must also understand that external "provocateurs" do this not of their own free will, but because of its complete absence, being slaves of parasitic entities. And even having already succumbed to such a provocation,Realizing what is happening, you can change your attitude to the situation, leaving the parasites "with the nose" and even return back the life energy that was tricked out of you.

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