After Being Struck By Lightning, Some People Acquire Unusual Abilities - Alternative View

After Being Struck By Lightning, Some People Acquire Unusual Abilities - Alternative View
After Being Struck By Lightning, Some People Acquire Unusual Abilities - Alternative View

Video: After Being Struck By Lightning, Some People Acquire Unusual Abilities - Alternative View

Video: After Being Struck By Lightning, Some People Acquire Unusual Abilities - Alternative View
Video: Derek Amato, Sudden Musical Genius | HUMAN Limits 2024, September

From a physical point of view, lightning is an amazing, but quite common natural phenomenon. However, sometimes they become associated with such strange effects that it seems as if there is something intelligent about the lightning.

For example, they say that lightning does not strike twice in the same place. This is of course not entirely true, occasionally she can hit the same tree trunk or stone, but this happens very rarely.

Nevertheless, there are cases when certain people in an incomprehensible way attracted lightning to themselves and lightning struck them not once or twice, but many times! Moreover, there are stories when lightning in a strange way cured people from incurable ailments or endowed with unusual abilities.


62-year-old Edwin Robinson lost his sight after an accident in which, after a strong blow to the head, he stopped seeing with both eyes. Doctors made a helpless gesture, claiming that only a complex and risky operation could help the man.

But one day, Robinson was caught in a thunderstorm and was struck by lightning. It happened on June 4, 1980, 9 years after that terrible accident. Together with his wife, Robinson was at that moment in the park, and when a thunderstorm began, they began to look for shelter. When they noticed a tree by the pond, they stood under it. And then it happened what Robinson described as "the loud click of the whip." It was lightning that struck the tree and hit him too.

From the blow, the man fell facedown and was unconscious for 20 minutes. When he finally woke up, he felt a strong weakness in his body. His wife helped him to the house, where he immediately went to bed. And when he woke up, vision quickly began to return to him, immediately in two eyes. And then he also began to assure that after the lightning strike, his hearing improved significantly.


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“When my wife entered the room, I exclaimed 'I can see you! I see you! . I saw everything in the house and I could read!”- said Robinson in an interview.

Another side effect of the lightning strike for Robinson was that several years later, hair suddenly began to grow on his completely bald head.

In another case, electrician Harold Deal (1937-2017) from Missouri was returning home from work during a thunderstorm. When the man got out of the car and headed for his house, lightning struck him.

Dill did not remember at all how he ended up in his neighbor's yard after that, having flown over the fence. At the same time, his shoes were torn off and remained in his yard, and all the metal parts on his clothes (buttons and belt) completely melted. The man himself was surprisingly alive.

“I only remember how something entered me and it felt like a cotton swab was stuck into me. At the same time, I felt how something grabbed my head with force and pulled it back to the shoulder blades on my back.

At the hospital, doctors saw that a lightning strike had damaged the spine, but the damage was not severe and did not affect the ability to move. Much later, Deal noticed that he had become much more resistant to low temperatures, now he was not cold even when it was snowing!

Also, Dil's overall body temperature dropped to 35 degrees and he felt normal at this temperature.

At the same time, Dill was not just frost-resistant, he did not receive hypothermia and frostbite, when in frosts, in which people wrapped themselves in down jackets and put on hats, he walked around only in a thin sweater and without a headdress.

Deal became famous in the media after being featured in a photo of journalists, standing in the middle of snowdrifts only in a T-shirt and shorts.

Another famous photograph of him is the one where he lies naked in the ice, surrounded by penguins. "A man who is never cold!" - read the headlines of articles about him.