Lady Bluebeard: The Story Of A Monster In A Skirt That Killed Dozens Of People - Alternative View

Lady Bluebeard: The Story Of A Monster In A Skirt That Killed Dozens Of People - Alternative View
Lady Bluebeard: The Story Of A Monster In A Skirt That Killed Dozens Of People - Alternative View

Video: Lady Bluebeard: The Story Of A Monster In A Skirt That Killed Dozens Of People - Alternative View

Video: Lady Bluebeard: The Story Of A Monster In A Skirt That Killed Dozens Of People - Alternative View
Video: От идеи до эскиза! Олег Турянский. Большое интервью (English subs) 2024, July

The investigation managed to find the remains of more than 40 people, but only six were identified.

A terrible story that makes blood run cold in veins took place at the beginning of the 20th century in one of the American outbacks.

In April 1908, a farm in La Porte County, Indiana, was on fire. The bodies of 3 children and a headless female corpse were found in the burnt house.

Rings were found on the fingers of the burnt body, which led to the conclusion that this was the body of the owner of the farm - Belly Brinhild Paulsetter Ganes.


Unfortunately for Peter, the marriage was short-lived - in 1901 he died in an accident. Peter Gannes was the victim of a heavy meat grinder unexpectedly falling on him. And the "inconsolable" widow quickly consoled herself by getting a solid insurance.

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Naturally, the neighbors were whispering, Belli was involved in her husband's death, and on top of that, she was also loving. The sheriff in charge of the investigation found that the latter was not far from the truth.

Belly's 20-year-old lover Ray Lamphiar held a special place. Their relationship had lasted for several years, the young man was very attached to Bellie. But not so long ago, the widow gave Ray a resignation - a potential fiancé, a certain Andrew Hegelein, came to her.

This man arrived at the farm in January 1908, then he wrote home and … as he sank into the water. Esley Hegelein, brother of the missing man, was very worried, he wanted to find his brother by all means.

It turned out that Andrew Hegelein met Bellie through a newspaper ad. The widow wrote that she was looking for a life partner, and invited applicants to visit.

The sheriff decided to carefully study the filings of local newspapers, looking for the advertisements given to Belli, and also drew attention to her bank account, which the widow periodically replenished with very large sums, the origin of which was unknown.


He persuaded the sheriff to excavate. One can only sympathize with the poor fellows who were forced to work in such a smelly place, whose work was rewarded with a terrible find, about which all the major newspapers immediately wrote.

Human remains were removed from the pits. Initially, four bodies were discovered, in one of which Esley Heglein identified his brother.

Another belonged to Belly's adopted daughter, Jenny Olsen. Sadly, there was no question of any private school … And if so, the police decided, then the foster mother was most likely responsible for Jenny's death, spreading false rumors about the girl's departure.

A few days later, the investigation managed to find the remains of more than 40 people, but only six were identified. Many bodies have reached the stage of decomposition when it was no longer possible to identify them.

But as suggested by law enforcement officers, most of them belonged to the gentlemen who came to the hospitable widow. Soon, having already completed his mission, the man was dying either from poison or from a skillful blow with a heavy metal object.

After a second interrogation of Lamfer's lover, who by that time was already dying from tuberculosis, it was possible to find out new terrible details. Ray said that he participated in more than 20 graves, and also that many of those killed were simply given to be eaten by pigs.

In addition, an accomplice in the crimes said that before the fire, the woman was looking for a maid who would look like her. After the employee was found, Belle went to the bank and took all the savings from the accounts, and at that time the amount exceeded $ 250,000. It was not possible to detain her.