Is Kailash Peak A Nuclear Reactor? - Alternative View

Is Kailash Peak A Nuclear Reactor? - Alternative View
Is Kailash Peak A Nuclear Reactor? - Alternative View

Video: Is Kailash Peak A Nuclear Reactor? - Alternative View

Video: Is Kailash Peak A Nuclear Reactor? - Alternative View
Video: Mount Kailash is ancient Nuclear Reactor 2024, September

Mount Kailash, also called the "axis of the world", "world column" and "mount of the swastika", is one of the most mysterious and sacred places on the planet.

The peak rises to 6,714 meters and lower than the surrounding Himalayan Range, but its uniqueness lies not in its height, but in its strange shape and radioactive radiation from the pyramids towards it. There are two lakes at the foot of the summit. Manasarovar is one of the few freshwater lakes at this height. It has a round shape similar to the sun and was considered sacred by the ancient inhabitants of the area. A little lower is the Raksha Tal lake, salty and sickle-shaped. Both lakes symbolize the sun and the moon, and therefore positive and negative energies, as well as heaven and the underworld.

Despite the fact that all Hindus visiting Kailash dive into Lake Manasarovar, approaching Raksha Tal is prohibited. It is believed that Ravana - the famous hero of the Indian epic Ramayana - took a dip in the salt lake and anyone who touches the water will be punished with dire health problems. Ravana was the ruler of Lanka and wanted to take Mount Kailash to his kingdom. He tried to lift her, but could not.

Why would the king, who had everything in the world, want to take the mountain? Perhaps the reason is that Kailash is actually the nuclear reactor that Ravana needs. The king realized the secret of the mysterious peak and, having touched the radioactive source, decided to swim in the Raksha Tal lake. Here the legend says that whoever dives into the lake will suffer from the harmful effects of radiation.

For Tibetan Buddhists, Kailash is the refuge of the Tantric deity Demchog. Hindus see Kailash as the throne of the great god Shiva. Jains venerate the summit as the place where their prophet received enlightenment. Representatives of all three teachings visit the summit every year to pay their respects. They roam its base, but climbing to the top is prohibited. The only person who climbed to the top of Kailash is an 11th century Tibetan Buddhist named Milarepa.

The legends of this mystical kingdom have existed for hundreds of years and are of interest to philosophers, travelers, theologians and even politicians. According to some myths, this territory is inhabited by higher intelligence, strength or energy.

Detailed diagram of Kailash peak (left). The complex of pyramids around Kailash (right)
Detailed diagram of Kailash peak (left). The complex of pyramids around Kailash (right)

Detailed diagram of Kailash peak (left). The complex of pyramids around Kailash (right).

One of the interesting assumptions about the source of these strong energies is the work of Russian scientists who put forward the theory that Mount Kailash is actually a huge, human-built pyramid, which is the center of a whole artificially created complex of pyramids. This complex was the center of a global network of energy-related monuments.

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This idea is not entirely new. In the Sanskrit epic, the Ramayana mentions exactly this, and if viewed objectively, Mount Kailash looks too perfect to be a natural formation.

The claims of Russian scholars have been scoffed at in the official Chinese press, but there is no doubt that a lot of strange things are happening here, and followers of more than one religion worship and visit him every year as if they were attracted to something. A walk at the foot of Mount Kailash symbolizes the cycle of life. One circle cleanses sins, and twelve cleanses karma for all past and future lives. Spiritual enlightenment is achieved after completing 108 rounds.

If Kailash peak is really a huge pyramid, then we can really talk about a global network of energy objects that connect the entire planet. It seems that ancient civilizations knew this fact and tried to take advantage of it. But why is this knowledge forgotten? Perhaps in the future we will find out.