Sex Is Contraindicated For A Woman - Alternative View

Sex Is Contraindicated For A Woman - Alternative View
Sex Is Contraindicated For A Woman - Alternative View

Video: Sex Is Contraindicated For A Woman - Alternative View

Video: Sex Is Contraindicated For A Woman - Alternative View
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A resident of the American state of Texas for many years could not have vaginal sex due to a rare disease. This is reported by the Daily Mail.

Mary Staud, 25, married a 26-year-old lover in 2014. After the first wedding night, the woman realized that she could not have penetrative sex. “I never thought it was possible. It hurt so much, it felt like a brick wall inside me,”she recalls.

For several months the couple tried in vain to solve the problem on their own. Desperate, Staud went to the hospital, where she was diagnosed with vaginismus, a pathological condition in which the involuntary contraction of the pubococcygeal muscle makes any vaginal penetration impossible.

For many years the woman was ashamed of her illness. “It seemed to me that I was an inferior woman and a useless wife. I have developed a bunch of complexes on the topic of sex, - admitted Staud. "I got depressed and addicted to food and alcohol." After learning about vaginismus, she said, she developed a dislike for her own body.

“I didn't want to take care of myself anymore. I smoked, drank, overeat,”she added. Later, the American began to study methods of treating vaginismus on the Internet and bought a special device that helped her to relax her pelvic muscles. In 2018, an American woman turned to a physiotherapist for help.

The specialist taught Staud to control the pelvic floor muscles. The patient, among other things, underwent acupuncture, which proved to be the most painful and most effective form of therapy. The treatment program helped, and soon the woman was able to have sex with her husband.

Stoud noted that she did not find support and understanding from her mother. She offered her daughter "just to relax or have a glass of wine before sex," although these actions did not help the woman to overcome the disease. The American decided to share her story in the media so that others suffering from vaginismus do not feel like outcasts and are not afraid to seek help from specialists.