The Myth Of Cultural European Nations - Alternative View

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The Myth Of Cultural European Nations - Alternative View
The Myth Of Cultural European Nations - Alternative View

Video: The Myth Of Cultural European Nations - Alternative View

Video: The Myth Of Cultural European Nations - Alternative View
Video: Debating The Future of Europe: How Can Europe Achieve Social Justice? | Moderated by Ali Aslan 2024, July

Attention in this article, photographs are used and facts are given that are not recommended to be viewed and read by children, pregnant women and people with a weak nervous system.

I continue my series of articles about the true face of the West. You can, if you haven't read the previous ones yet, find them here:

The war against us will never end.

But this is ZHU ZHU for a reason.

Great Britain is an empire of bloody hypocrisy.

USA is its true face. Part one.

USA is its true face. Part two.

So who are the barbarians and savages here?

Promotional video:

Remember the saved world?

I want to continue this topic, because I find everything and find too many new facts. And it is still desirable to know them in order to understand with whom we are neighbors. With the cultured and civilized West, as they present to us, or with the rabid beast for which the seas of blood shed by it are not a reason for reflection. You know, what is most striking is that how quickly people who imagine themselves cultured and civilized turn into a moment … not even into animals, if an animal kills it only for food or protection. These same beings can calmly enjoy the torment of others.

You and I are often reproached with the Red Terror during the civil war, while for some reason the White Terror is silent. But here it is understandable that the West also took part in it. So they are silent about him. And with all these reproaches, they forget their interesting pages of history. Let's see together what they are silent about?


So - La Belle France, beautiful France. Noble musketeers, stinking kings and courtiers, fine wine…. Are they really “white and fluffy”?

Vendee Rebellion. Did not hear? As in all of France, peasant demonstrations took place in the Vendée in 1789-1792. But the uprising of 1793, which began as a jaqueria, later developed into a counter-revolutionary rebellion. Ending in the defeat of the rebels three years later, the war claimed the lives of more than 200,000 people. The Vendée, with its Celtic population, its untouched Christianity, its lack of urban culture and the closeness between nobles and peasants, represented a stark contrast to the rest of France. The Vendéans have always been devout and devoted to the royal house. Relatively little constrained by the old order and under the influence of the clergy, which was large in the region, they were extremely hostile to the Revolution. One of the reasons for the uprising is called compulsory recruitment into the revolutionary army. Having received news of the events in the Vendée,The National Convention has outlawed everyone involved in the uprising. On January 7, 1794, the Republicans seized the Isle of Noirmoutier with the help of transport ships. The royalists who were on it capitulated, but the commissioners of the Convention violated the terms of the treaty and shot up to 1,500 prisoners, after which the commander of the republican troops, General Turro, having received reinforcements, decided to finally suppress the uprising and for this he moved 12 flying detachments to Vendée (about 15 thousand people in total). known as the infernal columns, which destroyed houses, villages, forests on their way and mercilessly shot all prisoners. In response to this, the royalists did not give mercy to their opponents. On both sides, terrible atrocities were happening, but the republicans were unable to suppress the remnants of the uprising. "The Vendee must become a national cemetery"- proclaimed the brave General Tyurro, who led the "infernal columns" of punishers. The massacre lasted 18 months. Executions and guillotines (even children's guillotines were delivered from Paris) were not enough to execute the decree. The destruction of people took place, according to the revolutionaries, not fast enough. We decided: to drown. The city of Nantes, as Norman Davis writes, was "the Atlantic port of the slave trade, and therefore there was a fleet of huge floating prisons at hand." But even that fleet would quickly dry up. Therefore, they came up with the idea of bringing a barge loaded with people on a reliable rope leash at the mouth of the Loire, drowning it, then pulling it out again with ropes ashore and slightly drying it before using it again. It turned out, writes Davis, "a wonderful reusable execution device."Executions and guillotines (even children's guillotines were delivered from Paris) were not enough to execute the decree. The destruction of people took place, according to the revolutionaries, not fast enough. We decided: to drown. The city of Nantes, as Norman Davis writes, was "the Atlantic port of the slave trade, and therefore there was a fleet of huge floating prisons at hand." But even that fleet would quickly dry up. Therefore, they came up with the idea of bringing a barge loaded with people on a reliable rope leash at the mouth of the Loire, drowning it, then pulling it out again with ropes ashore and slightly drying it before using it again. It turned out, writes Davis, "a wonderful reusable execution device."Executions and guillotines (even children's guillotines were delivered from Paris) were not enough to execute the decree. The destruction of people took place, according to the revolutionaries, not fast enough. We decided: to drown. The city of Nantes, as Norman Davis writes, was "the Atlantic port of the slave trade, and therefore there was a fleet of huge floating prisons at hand." But even that fleet would quickly dry up. Therefore, they came up with the idea of bringing a barge loaded with people on a reliable rope leash at the mouth of the Loire, drowning it, then pulling it out again with ropes ashore and slightly drying it before using it again. It turned out, writes Davis, "a wonderful reusable execution device."drown. The city of Nantes, as Norman Davis writes, was "the Atlantic port of the slave trade, and therefore there was a fleet of huge floating prisons at hand." But even that fleet would quickly dry up. Therefore, they came up with the idea of bringing a barge loaded with people on a reliable rope leash at the mouth of the Loire, drowning it, then pulling it out again with ropes ashore and slightly drying it before using it again. It turned out, writes Davis, "a wonderful reusable execution device."drown. The city of Nantes, as Norman Davis writes, was "the Atlantic port of the slave trade, and therefore there was a fleet of huge floating prisons at hand." But even that fleet would quickly dry up. Therefore, they came up with the idea of taking out a barge loaded with people on a reliable rope leash at the mouth of the Loire, drowning it, then pulling it back to the shore with ropes and drying it slightly before using it again. It turned out, writes Davis, "a wonderful reusable execution device."writes Davis, "A wonderful reusable execution device."writes Davis, "A wonderful reusable execution device."

It was not enough for revolutionary entertainers to simply kill people. They took delight in ripping off their clothes and tying them in pairs before being loaded onto barges. Pregnant women were tied naked face to face with old men, boys with old women, priests with girls, this was called "republican weddings."

So that those hiding in the forests would not survive, but would die of hunger, cattle were slaughtered, crops and houses were burned. Jacobin General Westermann wrote with enthusiasm to Paris:

Whole departments were depopulated, according to various estimates, from 400 thousand to a million people were exterminated.

How do you like it? Culturally? In a European way? Move on. War of 1812. We are now presenting her through films - everything is decorous, noble. But in fact, the French on our territory frolic just like the Nazis in the forties of the 20th century.

So they despised us. Monasteries were destroyed, monuments of architecture were blown up. The altars of Moscow churches were deliberately turned into stables and latrines. With a cruel death, they killed priests who did not give out church relics, raped nuns, and used ancient icons to light stoves. At the same time, the soldiers knew for sure that they had come to a barbaric, wild country. Napoleon ordered, when delivering food to the Kremlin, instead of horses to use for this Russian of both sexes.

Evgeny Tarle Russian and Soviet historian

Napoleon's army nowhere decisively, even in Egypt, even in Syria, behaved so unbridled, did not kill and torture the population so brazenly and cruelly as in Russia. Numerous Moscow monasteries were ravaged by her daughter. The soldiers tore off the silver frames from the icons, collected the icon lamps and crosses. For ease of observation, they blew up the Church of St. John the Baptist, which stood next to the Novodevichy Convent. In the Vysokopetrovsky monastery, the invaders set up a slaughterhouse, and the cathedral church was turned into a butcher's shop. The entire monastery churchyard was covered with caked blood, and in the cathedral, pieces of meat and the entrails of animals hung on chandeliers and nails driven into the iconostasis. In the Andronievsky, Pokrovsky, Znamensky monasteries, French soldiers stabbed icons with wood, the faces of the saints were used as targets for shooting. In the Miracle Monastery, the French,putting on mitres and the vestments of the clergy on themselves and on their horses, they rode and laughed a lot. In the Danilov Monastery, the shrine of Prince Daniel was stripped off and the clothes from the thrones were stripped. In the Mozhaisky Luzhetsky Monastery, the icon of St. John the Baptist kept here has traces of a knife - the French used it as a cutting board, chopped meat on it. Hieromonk of the Znamensky Monastery Pavel and the priest of the St. George Monastery Ioann Alekseev were killed. The priest of the Forty Saints Church, Peter Velmyaninov, was beaten with rifle butts, stabbed with bayonets and sabers for not giving them the keys to the church. The monks of the Novospassky monastery buried the priest, but the French then dug up his grave three times: when they saw fresh earth, they thought that they had buried a treasure in this place. In the Epiphany monastery, the treasurer of the monastery of Aaron was dragged by the French by the hair,pulled out a beard and then carried loads on it, harnessing it to a cart. A cultured nation has come to "familiarize the barbarians" with the achievements of civilization. The methods did not change - robbery, murder, violence.

Clear? Cruel out of necessity. This is European civilization.

Move on. Everyone knows about such a country - Algeria? So there our lovely monsieur, too, turned to the full breadth of the European soul. In 1830, the Europeans invaded Algeria, and already in 1834 - Paris officially announced its capture and annexation of the territory. For over 100 years, Algeria becomes part of the French Republic. Local residents, a country that proclaimed the slogan “Freedom. Equality. Brotherhood,”she announced as second-class people. May 8, 1945 in the city of Setif began an uprising of the Algerians against the arbitrariness of the colonists. The last straw for the start of the uprising was the murder of a young man by police for carrying the Algerian flag. The French authorities used machine guns and artillery. According to various sources, up to 45 thousand people died, the French lost about a thousand. The uprising was suppressed. In 1949, France signed the IV Geneva Convention, which,in particular, calls for adherence to the norms of humanism in relation to prisoners of war and the civilian population. But this did not in any way affect the number of crimes against humanity. In 1954, a full-scale war of independence began. In fact, it turned into a genocide of the Muslim population, which France never recognized.

The French in Algeria
The French in Algeria

The French in Algeria.

The French in Algeria
The French in Algeria

The French in Algeria.

Here are just some of the facts of those years: 9 out of 10 Arab women prisoners were abused during the Algerian War - mass rape was a common practice of French troops, especially in rural areas. No one dared to object or protest among the soldiers, women were considered part of the soldier's trophy received during the operation. The disaffected could even be accused of supporting the Algerian National Liberation Front. Torture and bullying became commonplace in the Algerian tragedy: people were forced to dig their own graves, into which they were thrown and buried up to their necks, leaving them to die of thirst. They were beaten with rifle butts, trained dogs were set on them, their bodies were fed to dogs, an electric current was passed through the most sensitive points of the body, forced to sit on glass fragments,forcefully filled their bodies with water until their belly swelled, and then jumped on them so that water began to come out of the mouth, ears, nose, pulled out nails with hot tongs, burned eyelashes, removed scalps, rolled on a carpet consisting of thorns, tore the body, tying one piece to the tree and the other to the car.

* Humane * treatment of the local population
* Humane * treatment of the local population

* Humane * treatment of the local population.

Others were forced to carry heavy loads, to sweep the road with their tongues, harnessed to carts instead of horses, forced to throw hay into the air and then collect it, run around the house for 10 hours, people were forced to erect walls, destroy them, build again. Such tortures were used against the local population, which it is simply indecent to mention, since this is an open abomination. To teach the art of torture and extermination of the population, the French even founded a special school, which began its work in May 1958. Ordinary soldiers did not lag behind the professional executioners. Here is a quote from the memoirs of one of the soldiers who tortured women:

* Humane * treatment of the local population
* Humane * treatment of the local population

* Humane * treatment of the local population.

On March 19, 1962, the war was over. The Evian Accords were signed: Algeria finally gained independence at a very high price. Over 8 years of conflict, 1.5 million civilians died, the country lost 15% of its population

How did it all begin? Before colonization by France, Algeria was a fairly strong state and controlled most of the Mediterranean basin until the defeat, which the Ottoman fleet suffered in 1827. In 1830, a huge military expedition was equipped by the French under the command of General Burmont. Before taking action, they made an appeal to the Algerian population. The text of the appeal sounded like this:

Nevertheless, immediately after entering the territory of Algeria, the French began to commit crimes.

* Humane * treatment of the local population
* Humane * treatment of the local population

* Humane * treatment of the local population.

For example, the employees of the colonial French troops competed among themselves who would collect the most severed ears or limbs of the local population in order to receive a reward. The reports sent by representatives of the French special services to Paris at the time stated:

French officers did everything in their power to exterminate as much of the indigenous population as possible, to erase its national identity by ruthlessly exterminating the population. The male part of the population was exterminated, and women and children were loaded onto ships and taken to the Polynesian Islands. All who did not show obedience and dog loyalty were exterminated. Counting the victims of the massacre alone, the French found one thousand three hundred killed, and there were no wounded for the simple reason that no one was left alive. This is evidenced by the words of one of the French officers of Montianak. On November 26, 1830, in the Algerian city of Blida, the French staged an unprecedented massacre against the civilian population. They did not spare anyone, neither the elderly, nor the old women, nor women, nor even babies. French officer Troller,who organized this massacre, showed extraordinary talent in this bloody matter and turned the city into a cemetery in just a few hours. The streets of the "dead" city were strewn with corpses, and no one could count how many people were killed then.

* Humane * treatment of the local population
* Humane * treatment of the local population

* Humane * treatment of the local population.

Major Montagnac, who commanded the French units in the area of the city of Skikda in 1843, admits that the Arabs were beheaded, believing that the Arabs should be killed after reaching the age of fifteen. In other words: "We must kill everyone who does not agree to crawl like dogs at our feet." In addition, this commander "became famous" for the murders of the civilian population, even when the resistance ceased, preferring the beheading to prison confinement. Montagnac's favorite strategy of struggle was the total extermination of the population, be it men, women or children. This is evidenced by an excerpt from his letter to one of his friends:

In his book "Letters of a Soldier" Montagnac describes the atrocities of the French in one of the battles: "We managed to count one thousand three hundred women and children killed, with the exception of the wounded, which were not there for the reason that we did not leave the wounded."

* Humane * treatment of the local population
* Humane * treatment of the local population

* Humane * treatment of the local population.


As for those members of the tribe who managed to escape death in the "Montagnac oven" and who were outside the territory of the Beni Sabih tribe, Colonel Banropar took care of them, who managed to collect them, chained in shackles, within a year since the death of their relatives, in another cave. Then he ordered to brick up all available exits so that no one could escape from this mass grave.

And please tell me how they differ from the Nazis?

There were also French colonial units - Moroccan gumiers. They are still very well remembered in Italy.



Even if they were under the operational control of the Anglo-American command, their officers were French. And this is what these "liberators" are famous for:

Historians testify that after the battle, the Moroccan gumiers committed brutal pogroms in the surrounding villages. All girls and women were raped, and teenage boys were not saved. Records of the 71st German division record 600 rapes of women in the small town of Spigno in just three days. More than 800 men were killed while trying to save their relatives, girlfriends or neighbors. The pastor of the town of Esperia tried in vain to save three women from the violence of Moroccan soldiers - the gumiers tied the priest and raped him all night, after which he soon died. The Moroccans also plundered and took away everything of any value. Moroccans chose the most beautiful girls for gang rape. To each of them, queues of gumiers were lined up, wanting to have fun, while other soldiers held the unfortunate. So,two young sisters, 18 and 15 years old, were raped by more than 200 gumiers each. The younger sister died from her injuries and breaks, the older one lost her mind and was kept in a psychiatric hospital for 53 years until her death. In Sicily, the gumiers raped everyone they could capture. The atrocities that the Moroccan gumiers committed for several months in Italy received the name from Italian historians marocchinate is derived from the name of the rapists' home country.

On October 15, 2011, Emiliano Ciotti, President of the National Association of Marocchinate Victims, made an assessment of the scale of the incident:

And how do you like this portrait of "beautiful France"?

Do you know that in Vietnam, as part of the Foreign Legion, a lot of punitive forces from the SS, ROA and other Nazi rabble fought? France welcomed them all with pleasure. It was here that the skills of the former SSE members who fought on the Eastern Front, knew what dense forests were, knew what guerrilla warfare was, and did not know pity for the local aborigines came in handy.

The most interesting thing is that France is not going to repent for any of these crimes.

Let's move on to other civilized Europeans.


In just 21 years after the landing of Columbus on the islands of the Caribbean, the largest of them, present-day Haiti and the Dominican Republic, lost almost all of its indigenous population - about 8 million people killed, died from disease, hunger, and slave labor.

This is how it was BEFORE the arrival of the Spaniards:

Columbus, seeing all this, wrote in his diary:

On the basis of modern data, we can say that when on October 12, 1492, Christopher Columbus descended on one of the islands of the continent, soon called the "New World," its population ranged from 100 to 145 million people. Two centuries later, it dropped by 90%. To date, the most "fortunate" of the peoples of both Americas that once existed have retained no more than 5% of their former population. So in Hispaniola, where about 8 million Tainos flourished until 1492, by 1570 there were only two miserable villages of the indigenous inhabitants of the island, about which 80 years ago Columbus wrote that "there are no better and more affectionate people in the world."

From 1519 to 1594, the population in Central Mexico, the most populous region of the American continent, fell by 95%, from 25 million to barely 1 million 300 thousand people. In the 60 years since the arrival of the Spaniards, the population of Western Nicaragua has declined by 99%, from more than 1 million to less than 10 thousand people. In Western and Central Honduras, 95% of the indigenous people were killed in half a century. In Cordoba, near the Gulf of Mexico, 97% in a little more than a century. In the neighboring province of Jalapa, 97% of the population was also destroyed: from 180 thousand in 1520 to 5 thousand in 1626. By the end of the 16th century, about 200 thousand Spaniards moved to Mexico, Central America and further south. By the same time, from 60 to 80 million of the indigenous people of these regions were destroyed.

Columbus ordered all residents over the age of 14 to hand over to the Spaniards a thimble of gold dust or 25 pounds of cotton every three months (in areas where gold was not available). Those who fulfilled this quota were hung around their necks with a copper token indicating the date of receipt of the last tribute. The token gave its owner the right to three months of life. Those caught without this token or with an expired one were cut off the hands of both hands, hung them around the victim's neck and sent her to die in their village. During the governorship of Columbus, up to 10 thousand Indians were killed in this way in Hispaniola alone. It was almost impossible to meet the established quota.

The Spaniards brought to the Caribbean a large consignment of Mastiffs and Greyhounds, trained to kill people and eat their entrails. The Spaniards began to feed their dogs with human flesh. Living children were considered a special delicacy. The colonialists allowed dogs to gnaw them alive, often in the presence of their parents. In the Caribbean, there was a chain of "butcher shops" where the bodies of the Indians were sold as dog food.

And here's how it was all justified:

And notice all this long before Hitler. And the methods, and the words are the same.

Let's go further and touch on the Spanish Civil War of 1936-1939. (they reproach us as our civilian).

Republicans killed or executed about 50 thousand supporters and sympathizers of the Francoists. The Francoists killed three times as many people. The number of 150,000 killed does not include victims of deliberate bombing and shelling of residential areas in Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia and other cities. The Franco women were first raped and then shot. After the capture of any city or village, the troops, supposedly carrying "law and order", received two hours for robbery and violence.

Whitaker has witnessed other war crimes. He left descriptions of the killing of 200 wounded in a hospital in Toledo. Whitaker also described the Badajoz bullfighting carnage in August 1936. When Whitaker asked General Juan Yague if it was true that he had killed four thousand people in the arena, the general boastfully replied:

The general did not leave the arena for a whole day. Within 24 hours, he commanded the execution of more than 2,000 people. In Triana, a working-class district of Seville, in the early days of the rebellion, the Phalangists killed about 6,000 people.

Counting the victims of the Franco regime could begin only after the death of the dictator in 1975 and has not been completed to this day. In 2002, construction workers in Toledo stumbled upon a mass grave in the backyard of a cemetery house. It turned out that the remains of people who disappeared in September 1936 were buried there. Not only soldiers, but civilians, women and children lay in the graves.

Children killed by the Francoists
Children killed by the Francoists

Children killed by the Francoists.

Everything is cultural and European, isn't it?

Already on July 13, 1941, the first echelon with Spanish volunteers went to Germany, where they were collected in Bavaria in a training camp. The backbone of the "Blue Division" was made up of the phalangists and career soldiers of the Francoist army who went through the civil war in Spain. These were ideological fascists who had experience in fighting, they participated in punitive operations against the "Reds" in their homeland. As Soviet historians testify, the Spanish volunteers were distinguished by atrocities against the local population and brutal torture applied to prisoners. For example, during the liberation of the village of Dubrovka in the Novgorod region from the invaders, the Red Army found the corpses of Russian soldiers brutally tortured by the Spanish Blue Division: “Both corpses were scalped, the facial bones of one of the corpses were shattered, fingernails were torn off,hands are sooty and have burn marks. Each corpse has one eye gouged out and ears cut off. All these atrocities were perpetrated by the thugs of the Spanish "Blue Division", the Izvestia newspaper reported from the front.


What was the difference between the "hot Finnish guys"? Well, read:

“If we love our country, we need to learn to hate its enemies … Therefore, in the name of our honor and freedom, let our motto sound:“Hatred and love! Death of "russi" (Finnish contemptuous name for Russians), be they red or white! " Or: “Russia has always been and will forever remain the enemy of humanity and humane development. Was there ever any benefit from the existence of the Russian people for humanity? Not!"

From Finnish newspapers of the time

On April 29, 1918, the city of Vyborg was captured by units of Finnish nationalists. The massacre in the city continued until June 16. Entering Vyborg, the members of the "Guard Corps" and the huntsmen grabbed all the Russians who came across them on the streets: officers, officials, gymnasium students … They were led to the Friedrichgam Gate, behind which death awaited the captured.



The witness of the tragedy Katonsky told the following:



Father Mikhail Uspensky, archpriest of the Vyborg Cathedral





The attorney from the city of Vaasa Josta Breklund, who personally participated in the execution





Suojeluskuntalaisen newspaper 1921

These are the European orders.

And here is how they behaved fighting on the side of Hitler … It is better not to read the impressionable.

From a report on the atrocities of the White Finns in the temporarily occupied territory of the USSR, sent to the head of GlavPURKKA A. S. Shcherbakov by his deputy I. V. Shikin (Moscow, July 28, 1944)

On June 28, 1944, the Finns attacked a group of wounded Red Army soldiers near the village of Tosku-Selga. They stabbed them in the face with a knife, smashed their heads with rifle butts and axes and thus killed 71 wounded Red Army soldiers. So, the guard of Lieutenant Sych has a skull split in two and gouged out his eyes, the guard of Private Knyazev has five bayonet wounds on his face, Guard Sergeant Artyomov has his face cut with a razor, his arms are twisted back, one wounded was doused with gasoline and burned (the corpse cannot be identified).

On July 4, 1944, the corpse of a senior sergeant was lying next to the trench in the defense sector, which was recaptured by our soldiers. The instrument of their atrocity - a large Finnish knife - was left by the Finns stuck in the chest of a Soviet soldier. The senior sergeant's hands were stained with blood, and the position of the corpse proved that the bandits had thrust the senior sergeant's hands into his slit throat. According to the found Red Army book, it was established that it was Senior Sergeant Boyko. Not far from Boyko were the bodies of other soldiers. The Finns cut off the ear of one fighter, they hollowed out a huge hole in the forehead of another, and gouged out the eyes of the third.

On June 20, 1944, when the 7th company of the 3rd battalion of the 1046th battalion of the Finnish defense was occupied, the head of an unknown Soviet soldier was found in the Finnish trench, in front of the entrance to the dugout of the command post, put on a stake driven in front of the door of a mined dugout.

The newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda" dated August 11, 1944 published a letter from Senior Lieutenant V. Andreev:

The captured corporal of the 4th company of the 25th battalion of the 15th Finnish infantry division of Kauko Johannes Haikisuo testified on 6 July 1944:

August Lappeteleinen, sergeant of the medical service of the 7th company of the 30th regiment of the 7th infantry division of the Finnish army made the following statement to the command of the Red Army:

Soldier of the 101st Finnish Infantry Regiment Aarie Ensio Moilanen testified during interrogation:

Murdered women
Murdered women

Murdered women.

Captured Finnish soldier of the 13th company of the 20th infantry brigade Toivo Arvid Laine showed:


From the evening message on August 5, 1941

From the evening message on January 3, 1942.

From the evening message on October 7, 1942.

The Finns are photographing the skin taken from the LIVE Red Army soldier
The Finns are photographing the skin taken from the LIVE Red Army soldier

The Finns are photographing the skin taken from the LIVE Red Army soldier.

From the morning message on October 9, 1942


October 26, 1941.

We, the undersigned, servicemen of the 26th joint venture: military assistant of the 2nd battalion Fedor Fedoseevich Karataev, foreman Karabanin Pavel Mikhailovich, Red Army men: Viktor Ivanovich Konovalov and Nikolai Zinovievich Korolev, of this date we have drawn up a real act of the following:

When our unit entered the village. Stolbovaya Gora, Medvezhyegorsk district, Karelo-Finnish SSR, which was recaptured from the Finns, we found in one of the peasants' yards the corpse of a Red Army soldier of the 7th company of the 24th joint venture Zubekhin Nikolai, brutally tortured and robbed by Finnish knackers. The Red Army man had his eyes gouged out, his lips were cut out. The Finns took off Zubekhin's shoes. They took all the documents. The corpse was buried by us in the village. Stolbovaya Gora, Medvezhyegorsk region, K-F SSR. We confirm the correctness of the above with signatures.



November 20, 1941.

We, the undersigned, confirm that the Red Army soldier Sataev was seriously wounded in the battle on November 13, 1941. They did not have time to evacuate him to the rear. The raging Finnish fascists mutilated a seriously wounded Red Army soldier. During a personal examination of Sataev's corpse, we found that his eyes were gouged out, his lips were cut off, his tongue was torn out, his chest was cut with knives.

What is the present act drawn up.

The commander of the 9th rifle company Lieutenant Fedorkovich, the political instructor of the company Danidochkin, the commander of the 2nd platoon of the 9th company, junior lieutenant Pantyutin, the Red Army soldier Borisenko.


November 20, 1941.

We, the undersigned, the commander of the 9th rifle company, Lieutenant Fedorkovich, the political instructor of the 9th company, Danilochkin, and the medical officer of the 9th company, Spirkin, drew up a real act stating that during the battle on November 13, 1941, the Red Army soldier Grebennikov was seriously wounded in the leg. It was not possible to evacuate Grebennikov to the rear. The Finnish monsters decided to take out their bestial malice on the captured Red Army soldier. The Finns tortured the fighter.

So, his ear was cut off, his eyes were gouged out, the fingers on his right hand were cut off, his throat was cut and several severe wounds were inflicted on his chest.



We, the undersigned, political instructor Zektser, instructor Sokko R. A. and V. A. Ulitovsky, drew up a real act stating that on November 25, 1941, at 48 kilometers in the Kestengsky direction, during the retreat of the enemy, we found the corpse of a Red Army soldier, liquid that has corroded all the skin and clothing of the Red Army soldier. The soldier's face is turned into a solid mass of meat.

November 29, 1941


The Finns pose with a frozen Red Army prisoner
The Finns pose with a frozen Red Army prisoner

The Finns pose with a frozen Red Army prisoner.


February 1, 1942.

We, the undersigned, having examined the corpses of fighters brutally tortured by the Finns, Comrades. Malkov and Tochilin, we state the following:

On the skull of Comrade. Tochilin, there is a cut wound in the occipital bone. In the area of both mastoid processes, there are extensive cut wounds. There is a lacerated knife wound in the region of the left clavicle. There is also a laceration on the upper one-third of the shoulder.

Corpse skull comrade Malkov is crushed by a blunt weapon. In the supraorbital and infraorbital areas, there are sharp hemorrhages and abrasions as a result of blows with a blunt instrument. On the right, in the chest area, there is a torn wound with torn edges. The body of the corpse was burned to char. On various parts of the body, the skin is cut in strips of various sizes.

What is the present act drawn up.

Chief of the medical service, military doctor Khaimovich, technician-quartermaster of the 1st rank Mikey, military doctor Makienko, Red Army soldier Chileev, Red Army soldier Parkov.


February 20, 1942

We, the undersigned, military doctors of the 3rd rank Golynsky and Padaryan, junior political instructor Bestolov, foreman Bochkarev, orderly Zhukov, Red Army soldier Bosenko, military assistant Ryabov, having examined the corpses of the Red Navy men brutally tortured by Finnish bandits, TT. Ziva and Kuleshov and the Red Army men Baranov and Krivulin, we state the following:

1. The sailor Kuleshov has his right ear cut off, in the face area there are traces of blows with a butt and a number of bayonet wounds, his right leg is twisted in the knee and hip joints, there are bayonet wounds.

2. The Red Navy man Ziva burned the skin of his face, his mustache and beard were burned, there was a large bruise in the area of the right eye, there was a wound inflicted with a cold weapon on the left temple, in the area of the chest there was a wound with a cut out piece of rib 3-4 cm.

3. The Red Army soldier Krivulin has a wound inflicted with a cold weapon in the area of the carotid artery, the carotid artery was opened, on the right side of the clavicle there is also a wound inflicted with a cold weapon, there is damage to large blood vessels and a fracture of the clavicle, a number of wounds on the right shoulder, the upper eyelid of the left eye is cut out, the eye is damaged.

4. Red Army soldier Baranov suffered 6 bayonet wounds in the chest, cruciform wounds on both heels.


March 14, 1942. Military investigator of the military prosecutor's office 10 GSP junior military lawyer Stepachenko, military commissar of the 35 GSP battalion commissar Bankovsky, representative of the Political Department senior battalion commissar Pegoev, senior political instructor Serdyukov, military doctor Kravchuk, Red Army guards Filin, this number made a real act in the guards that in the area 8th Rifle Company, on the eastern bank of the Zapadnaya Litsa River, the corpse of a Red Army soldier was found brutally tortured by fascist bandits from the 6th Mountain Jaeger German Division. It was not possible to establish the surname of the Red Army man due to the absence of any documents.

The corpse lay in a dugout on a bunk, mined. Upon examination of the corpse of the Red Army soldier, it was established that the Red Army soldier was captured wounded in the right shoulder and right ankle joint. There are no traces of medical assistance. The wounded Red Army soldier was subjected to monstrous, brutal torture, the Red Army soldier's eyes were gouged out with a bayonet, there are 3 bayonet wounds on his face, burns to the body with a hot iron in the chin area, in the chest area there are 4 penetrating bayonet wounds, his chest is dented, ribs are broken, there is a huge hemorrhage skin, in the abdomen, 3 piercing bayonet wounds, a large hemorrhage in the muscles and subcutaneous fat layer. All over the body there are traces of beating with a blunt object. The left shoulder joint was severed with a sharp object, both hands were burned, the left hand was severed, the penis was severed,the left thigh is cut and the knee joint is cut, the left lower leg is also cut and cut. We have photographed the corpse of a Red Army soldier who was brutally tortured by German bandits.



About the atrocities of the Nazis against wounded soldiers and commanders of the Red Army, committed from March 28 to 30, 1942.

A commission consisting of senior political instructor D. S. Pichugin, Red Army men I. A. Akulin and M. M. Sha-dura, sergeant Tovarkovsky and corporal Ivanov established:

1. The Nazis gouged out the eyes of the murdered junior sergeant Dmitry Ivanovich Veselkov.

2. The nose of the Red Army soldier Kovalev Vasily Sergeevich was cut off.

3. Red Army soldier Timofey Ivanovich Ulyashev cut his throat with a knife.

These and other testimonies are in the book “The Monstrous Atrocities of the Finnish-Fascist Invaders on the Territory of the Karelian-Finnish SSR. Collection of documents and materials. Sulimin S., Truskinov I., Shitov Nikolay Fedorovich.

I don't even know what to call these creatures that committed such atrocities. I just can't find the words.

By the way, look at what kind of commemorative coin they issued not so long ago. It depicts Vyborg, the execution of the Russians
By the way, look at what kind of commemorative coin they issued not so long ago. It depicts Vyborg, the execution of the Russians

By the way, look at what kind of commemorative coin they issued not so long ago. It depicts Vyborg, the execution of the Russians.


Hungary together with Germany attacks the USSR on June 22, 1941. The motto of the Hungarian Royal Army was:

The brutal Magyars did not stand on ceremony with the civilian population and prisoners.

From reports to the command of the Soviet army.

Hungarians on the Eastern Front
Hungarians on the Eastern Front

Hungarians on the Eastern Front.

Hungarians on the Eastern Front
Hungarians on the Eastern Front

Hungarians on the Eastern Front.

Collective farmer E. Vedeshina

A resident of the village of Karpilovka R. S. Troy

Quote from the diary of Honved Ferenc Boldijar (company 46 / 1.2., Field mail 115/20):

Hungarians on the Eastern Front
Hungarians on the Eastern Front

Hungarians on the Eastern Front.

The facts of such atrocities can be listed for a very long time, it is a pity that few people know about them, or they prefer to forget. You can normally perceive a soldier who honestly fought with you on the battlefield, but such creatures who enjoy the suffering of defenseless people cannot be called human.


We will not delve into the depths of the centuries, relations between Poland and Russia have been rather complicated from time immemorial. Let's start from the moment when Poland was given independence.

On August 29, 1918, the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR issued a decree renouncing the treaties concluded by the Russian Empire with Austria and Prussia, including those concerning the partition of Poland as contradicting the "principle of self-determination of nations and the revolutionary legal consciousness of the Russian people." On October 6, 1918, an independent state was proclaimed by the Regency Council of Poland. And immediately Poland begins to promote the idea of recreating the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth from the Black to the Baltic Seas. On December 19, 1918, the Polish army occupies Vilna. On January 6, 1919, the first clash of Polish troops with soldiers of the Red Army takes place. Moscow proposes negotiations on the settlement of the border issue, but Warsaw refuses them. The Soviet-Polish war flared up, during which, thanks to the "genius" of Tukhachevsky, the Battle of Warsaw was lost. As a result of the defeat at Warsaw, the Soviet troops of the Western Front suffered heavy losses. On March 18, 1921, in Riga between Poland on the one hand and the RSFSR (whose delegation also represented the Byelorussian SSR) and the Ukrainian SSR, on the other, the Riga Peace Treaty was signed, which brought the final line under the Soviet-Polish war. As a result, Western Belarus and Western Ukraine retreat to Poland. More than 146 thousand Red Army soldiers were captured by the Poles. Of these, 65,000 returned home. This is how a typical Polish concentration camp is described by a member of the International Committee of the Red Cross.the Riga Peace Treaty was signed, drawing the final line under the Soviet-Polish war. As a result, Western Belarus and Western Ukraine retreat to Poland. More than 146 thousand Red Army soldiers were captured by the Poles. Of these, 65,000 returned home. This is how a typical Polish concentration camp is described by a member of the International Committee of the Red Cross.the Riga Peace Treaty was signed, drawing the final line under the Soviet-Polish war. As a result, Western Belarus and Western Ukraine retreat to Poland. More than 146 thousand Red Army soldiers were captured by the Poles. Of these, 65,000 returned home. This is how a typical Polish concentration camp is described by a member of the International Committee of the Red Cross.

Polish concentration camp
Polish concentration camp

Polish concentration camp.

The brave Polish cavalrymen were very fond of organizing competitions in felling, putting defenseless prisoners on the parade ground and competing to see who would best cut the Russian. European entertainment, nothing to say.

Poland begins to pursue a policy of "pacification of seedlings". This is a policy of gradual polonization of Western Ukraine and Belarus. Ban on Ukrainian and Belarusian languages, ethnic cleansing. The slogan “Poland for Poles” sounds at the official level. (Well, how did they differ from the Germanic Nazis?)

Then 1944. Liberation of Poland from the Nazis. And here are the facts:

From the special message of the 2nd section of the 4th Directorate of the NKGB of the USSR, May 10, 1944:

Head of the Political Directorate of the 3rd Belorussian Front

In the rear of the 1st Byelorussian Front, the NKVD bodies for the period from July 22 to November 22 recorded 11 terrorist attacks in which nine people were killed and wounded. General Telegin reports at the end of November about 50 terrorist attacks in which 56 servicemen were injured.

The deputy commissar of defense, General of the Army Bulganin, in a memo to Stalin, gives general statistics: as a result of the actions of the Polish reactionaries from August 1 to November 25, 1944, 184 soldiers and officers were killed, 78 were wounded.

On May 16, 1945, three Red Army soldiers were taken prisoner, whose bodies were found two days later. The enclosed forensic medical examination reports conclude that the soldiers were subjected to "long, inhuman brutal torture and torture, after which they were shot at point-blank range with firearms."

On May 22, 30 AK fighters attacked the airfield, the bandits killed three pilots and burned them. According to Smersh, from September 1944 to May 1945, underground terrorists committed 127 terrorist attacks in Poland in which 136 people were injured.

Here are some more Europeans.


Hitler agreed to annex Bessarabia, Bukovina and the interfluve of the Dniester and the Southern Bug to Romania. These territories came under the control of the Romanian authorities, on them the Bukovina governorate (under the direction of Rioshyanu), the Bessarabian governorate (governor - K. Voiculescu) and Transnistria (G. Aleksianu became the governor) were established. Chernivtsi became the capital of the Bukovina governorate, Chisinau in Bessarabia, and Tiraspol, and then Odessa, in Transnistria. Antonescu demanded that the local authorities behave as if "the power of Romania was established in this territory for two million years." The population of the occupied territories was divided into three categories - ethnic Romanians, national minorities and Jews, who received identity cards of different colors (Romanians - white, national minorities - yellow, Jews - green).

From the interrogation protocol of June 29, 1943, Serebryanskaya Maria Tikhonovna:

From the minutes of the commission to investigate the atrocities of the Romanian occupiers:

And this list of crimes of enlightened Europeans is endless. It is simply impossible to cite all the facts and memories, because if you only list all the cases, you will have to write many books. One article cannot fit. And it’s terrible to reread it all. This is a true portrait of the West, not the pretty picture that is shown on TV. This is the real face.

Western civilization is a maddened monster. And it is no coincidence that National Socialism is a product of the West. All Western civilization is built on Nazism and blood. Both atrocities and ethnic extermination are their inventions. And do not be confused by the fact that they are now promoting tolerance and racial equality. This is just another mask that will be removed quickly if necessary. And pay attention - they only increase the policy of Russophobia and "dehumanization" of Russians. Draw conclusions.