Sexual Traditions And Rituals Of The Peoples Of The World - Alternative View

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Sexual Traditions And Rituals Of The Peoples Of The World - Alternative View
Sexual Traditions And Rituals Of The Peoples Of The World - Alternative View

Video: Sexual Traditions And Rituals Of The Peoples Of The World - Alternative View

Video: Sexual Traditions And Rituals Of The Peoples Of The World - Alternative View
Video: Weird Sexual Rituals Followed Around The World 2024, September

As strange as it may sound, but if you look into the history and traditions of many nations, it becomes clear that sex is directly related to mysticism, religion and magic. The historian James Fraser also spoke about this in his book "The Study of Magic and Religion", where more than a thousand sexual rituals of the peoples of the world were described, so they will be discussed below. Of course, we will not describe all the thousand traditions, but will focus only on the most interesting ones.

Sperm cult

This was practiced by the ancient Germans, in many tribes on the wedding night the girl had to drink the sperm of her fiance, however, this is not particularly shocking. But the fact is that in some tribes a young bride had to drink this life-giving drink of all her husband's older relatives, as if the girl would indulge in the wisdom and strength of new relatives. An unusual ritual associated with the male seed still exists in Nepal. The girls there believe that if the chosen one has too bitter sperm, the child will be born ugly, and the guy is refused.

In general, in ancient times, many mystical and healing properties were indulged in the male seed. For example, it is believed that the Egyptian queen Cleopatra, in order to stay young, drank a cup of sperm every day, which was filled with a hundred young soldiers.


Many peoples believed and still believe that the venom of some insects can be sexually arousing. However, there is some truth in this. For example, in Korea, it was believed that the best way to increase a man's arousal was by biting a wasp into the root of his penis. And women in some tribes of Micronesia excite the clitoris with the help of ants. The sexual traditions of some African tribes are also associated with ants: partners substitute their buttocks under their stinging bites, they are sure that this is exciting. Some tribes in eastern Bolivia have gone even further, where bedbugs are swallowed to excite.

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In many Arab countries, the custom of solemn deprivation of virginity is still preserved, when the hymen is torn with the finger of the right hand, wrapped in a white cloth, which should be dyed red. The husband does this, with all the guests during the wedding ritual.

But in some tribes of equatorial Africa, girls are sent into the jungle so that a male gorilla plays the role of the first man. If a girl could not attract an animal, no one would marry her: they say, who needs one that even the gorilla did not bite!

Among the wild peoples on the island of Sumatra, the father had to deflow the bride, who was helped by all male relatives, so several dozen men could gather at the bed of the unfortunate woman.

In India, girls were deprived of their virginity by specially trained people for money. The blood that the girl lost during the process was collected and then used as a love spell.

In Papua New Guinea, the right to deprive a girl of her innocence belongs exclusively to the chief priest. And after the wedding, the groom was obliged to offer the newly made bride to "try" his friends.

However, in some African tribes they do exactly the opposite, the girls' vagina is sewn up at an early age, and it is “opened” only before the wedding at a special council of tribal elders.

In the 19th century in Europe, when sex before marriage became almost the norm, it became popular to feign virginity, moreover, this art was passed from mothers to daughters. The girls simulated bleeding with a fish bubble or a sponge soaked in blood.


Not all peoples considered virginity to be a great value, but many people did the opposite. For example, among the Tibetans it was considered a great disgrace to marry a virgin. And on the island of Mangaya in Oceania, the girl's parents approve of her many sexual partners. It is believed that this is how she can choose the best groom. Moreover, after the age of fourteen, if a girl keeps away from male society, then her parents forcefully drive men through her bed, even group violence is not prohibited.

On the Marquesas and Balearic Islands, during the wedding ceremony, all the invited men line up in a chain, dancing, taking turns to have sexual intercourse with the bride.

In Kamchatka for many centuries it was considered a great honor if a guest entered into an intimate relationship with the wife of the owner of the house. Moreover, if as a result of such contact a child appeared, the event was celebrated, and the father became the second husband. With the advent of Soviet power, this tradition was banned.

The Slavs were also very fond of having many partners, this was not considered a sin before the advent of Christianity. In those days, sex was considered just a fun pastime, young people loved to get together for group lovemaking. There was another unusual tradition in Russia. Since girls in those days were married at the age of 12-14, compassionate mothers, in order to protect their girls from fatal outcomes, were present with the young on their wedding night, often they themselves took part in this matter. And then, continuing to carefully protect the health of their daughters, for another two years, mothers had the right to be present at the bed of the young.

But in India there is a temple of Soundatti, where for hundreds of years dozens or even hundreds of young men and women gather on holidays to arrange sexual orgies. This sexual ritual is dedicated to the goddess Yellama.
