How To Enter The Elite In An Era Of Change - Alternative View

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How To Enter The Elite In An Era Of Change - Alternative View
How To Enter The Elite In An Era Of Change - Alternative View

Video: How To Enter The Elite In An Era Of Change - Alternative View

Video: How To Enter The Elite In An Era Of Change - Alternative View
Video: Reconstruction and 1876: Crash Course US History #22 2024, September

It is no longer a secret for anyone that the existing system of life in the world and the country will not be able to survive the impending shocks in an unchanged form. Much will go down in history, and what will remain will undergo serious changes. But, in spite of all the perturbations, one element of human society - the elite - passes from one era to another. The era of change is a cruel time, many members of the elite lose their status, but a holy place is never empty, the resulting voids are occupied with others - the most powerful ones, fully corresponding to the new realities, useful for the elite as a whole and … lucky

Recently, a friend of mine asked a particular question, which, as is often the case, pushed me towards a broader and more systematic consideration of the problem.

This article is devoted to the question of how to increase your chances of entering the elite. Let's clarify right away that we are not talking about entering Power, there are hundreds of thousands of such people in Russia, maybe a million, but about joining the elite - 3-4 thousand people with families throughout the country. When M. L. Khazin says that the doors will be open, it should not be understood that anyone can enter, almost everyone will have at least a minimal chance to enter Power, but not the elite. We will consider the entry of the elite.

New opportunities

Everyone who has read Stairway to Heaven knows that the easiest way to enter the elite is to marry a hereditary representative of the elite, or to be so talented, successful and useful that you will be seen and invited. What is required of a person to pass these paths? Talent on the verge of genius, hard work and wild luck. The checks and barriers to marrying an elite girl are as much as entering for merit. I remember that one of my former chiefs told me that his daughter grew up, went to college and a young man began to take care of her - "they've already checked him, a normal guy from a good family, let him." It was not about a wedding, a person who was not a member of the elite, but was involved in it, asked to check, and at his request the guy was checked more carefully than those entering the FSB Academy. Everything is logical.

What is changing in an era of change? On the one hand, existing social lifts and paths stop working. You can get into such an elevator and then find out that the electricity has been cut off, the elevator is not going up, but into the basement, or the cable has broken off and you are flying. You can put your whole life, and then find out that your overlords flew out of the elite, and others will not just take you, but slap you in passing, just in case. By the way, many candidates for the liberal part of the elite will soon feel this for themselves. Where are all the ministers and deputy ministers of the economic bloc or oligarchs and semi-oligarchs protected by liberals to go?

In an era of change, the doors will open for a large-scale set, and where there used to be a blank wall, suddenly there will be a staircase upstairs. Where there used to be a turnstile for units, the way will open for hundreds, though millions of them.

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Thus, for the vast majority of people, nothing will change, as if the entrance score to the institute was 20 (4 exams for fives), but suddenly it became 19.5. Those. you can pass one exam for 4, but bring a diploma that you are an Olympic medalist - half a point. But for some, that half point will be a lucky ticket. Let's talk about how to slip into this slightly wider gap, and yes, for most of the readers, this path will be as inaccessible and distant as it was before. In a stable situation, the competition for filling a vacant place in the elite is one in a million, and in an era of changes, one in a hundred thousand …

Team play

What is being in the elite, apart from access to benefits and the absence of many restrictions? This is primarily responsibility for their actions and the right to participate in determining the rules of the game, including broadcasting their thoughts and worldviews to the population. We all remember that they are striving for power in a gang, and so, in unstable conditions, they are also striving for the elite, not alone, but in a gang. The path of a genius and a lucky one has not been canceled, but when choosing between several loners and a welded, swearing-in proto-elite group, the latter has more chances. But the members of this group may individually be weaker than their competitors, but they are already a ready-made resource for the future overlord from the elite, it is not required to spend extremely limited time and resources for their integration. For the would-be elite overlord, it will be a choice between talented and promising recruits on the one hand, and a balanced, well-trained unit on the other. Whom will he take if he goes into battle in the evening?

A number of natural restrictions are imposed on the protoelite group:

  • none of the group members should be tarnished from the point of view of the elite / people of Power;
  • all members of the group should be on the same psychohistorical wavelength, i.e. there can be no liberal and conservative together;
  • the group must control unique resources and carry unique meanings;
  • members of the proto-elite group should not have significant outstanding obligations to their overlords within the power groups, i.e. be able to leave kindly at any time or already be in stock;
  • a proto-elite group must stand above several power groups;
  • the proto-elite group must be ready to provide resources for all three types of intra-elite struggle - the wars of Ares, Athena and Apollo. Nobody knows what will be needed / will hook the future suzerain.

The optimal will be the union of three people - a warrior, a merchant and a thinker - the parallel with the subjectivity of geopolitical players is direct - the sea is reflected in a drop. Under these people there should be power groups, a train, a system of attracting and maintaining, etc. In fact, we are talking about creating a vassal elite clan, which, after one or two generations of verification, if nothing extraordinary happens, will be able to become an independent elite clan / group of clans.

The structure of the protoelite group

Consider a proto-elite group planning to enter the country's elite and "take over" a region / industry. A larger scale of tasks is not available for newcomers, or we are heading into the area of anti-elites, revolutions and coups. If you start to paint at the country level, then specific people / positions will be seen through the description, which is superfluous. The world is even more fun. There are very few people in Russia who can claim personal, let alone hereditary, membership in the world elite. The scale of the personality must match the claims.

Do those wishing to join the elite understand the need to do something? Yes, just remember the catch phrase - "no matter what party we build, it still turns out the CPSU." So here too, people claiming to be a thinker create schools, warriors create unions and brotherhoods, merchants create associations. Everyone goes the beaten path, uniting with the same as him. You just need to unite with carriers of two other types of resources. We do not know what will become relevant and which type of resource will be the main one for entering the elite at the right time, and which will be a pleasant addition. Who will be called - that suzerain, the other two are his vassals. Think not possible? Who is now the suzerain of the former bosses, friends and colleagues of V. V. Putin? Roles can be reversed.

Practiced search for allies / vassals
Practiced search for allies / vassals

Practiced search for allies / vassals.

Can one person fill two or three roles? Let's imagine that a person who comes from the special services, after being fired, made a billion-dollar business. He has connections, he can ask for help, but will he be able to pick up the gun himself or punch the question through official channels? Does a successful businessman have time to develop concepts and theories, we are talking about a businessman who resolves situations for 12 hours and regularly enters new markets? We need three people, masters in their direction, who have names across the country and are able to understand the other two.

Where can you find such a dream team? And who said that it will be easy, we are now considering a strategy on top of most scenarios that will work. The future overlord and the part of the elite he represents will keep an eye on you, requests and needs will constantly change, and here it is like competition between several specialized stores and one supermarket that has everything, even a little worse. When there is no time, it is easier to buy in one place than to spend half a day.

A structure controlled by a protoelite group
A structure controlled by a protoelite group

A structure controlled by a protoelite group.

The picture above shows the completed design of the sphere of influence of the proto-elite group, ready to enter the elite. Is there time for the formation of such a structure - practically none, but if it works out - you will not have competitors.

The described model is the strongest one to which one must strive, but do not give up, if something cannot be done, competitors are even less ready.

Thus, in order to increase the chances of joining the elite, it is necessary to assemble not just a team, but a multi-layered structure based on the union of a warrior, a merchant and a thinker. Well, then, everything is obvious - we develop our structure, wrap it beautifully and present it to potential overlords with whom you are compatible in psychohistorical / ideological terms.

Also, do not forget about network connections with structures similar in ideology / meanings in other parts of the country, you never know how fate will turn out.


We have heard more than once that in the near future the paths to power and the elite will open. If it is still somehow clear with the first, then what about the elite, living according to tribal principles and whose members are 3-4 thousand throughout the country, along with their families. For the absolute majority, nothing will change in this regard, but there are a small number of talented, successful and lucky people who can enter the expanded corridor.

The greatest chances in conditions of great changes will be with people that they will build their protoelite group in advance. Ideally, if there are three of these people, and they will represent the archetypes of a warrior, a merchant and a thinker. The structure they create, in its complete form, will be able to intercept all power and control in the region / industry. Is such a structure and its resources worth a place in the elite, from the point of view of the warring elite groups?

Are there any chances for singles? The genius and the lucky - certainly, and / or in the absence of protoelite groups.

If you want to take part in this struggle, gather your protoelite groups, even if not a victory, but you have a chance to become a vassal group of the future elite. The principles of attraction will work at all levels and steps - world, country, region, city / district.

What should the majority do? Look for people who are ready to go up in new conditions, to enter their inner circle, then there is a chance to become a man of Power. And if the above-described structure of three talented people is forming in front of your gaze - be there, this is your chance.