Caucasians Of Ancient Egypt - Alternative View

Caucasians Of Ancient Egypt - Alternative View
Caucasians Of Ancient Egypt - Alternative View

Recently, more and more information has appeared that in ancient times a white race of Caucasians lived in Egypt, in which the Indo-European culture of the Aryan-Protoruses is clearly guessed. Exactly the same that existed in the Middle East long before the arrival of the first Protosemites from the Arabian Desert. Some of these sources have already been mentioned earlier. But today I would like to acquaint readers with fragments of an article by Mikhail Diunov entitled "The racial-cognitive history of civilizations: Ancient Egypt."

And this is what he writes there:

Those interested can find and read this article in full. For us, the main thing is important: traces of the ancient civilization of "white gods" were found in Ancient Egypt. And it seems that this very fact is carefully hidden from us by the falsifiers of history, especially by American historians and archaeologists who have entered into an agreement with the Egyptian authorities. And it is for this reason that only American archaeologists received "carte blanche" for archaeological excavations on the territory of modern Egypt, and all newly discovered ancient tombs and temples with images of white people are initially classified, and then "restored" by replacing images of white people with remake under the "classic" images known from history textbooks. For example, Russian archaeologists Elena and Igor Kachalov accidentally witnessed such "restoration" works.

But why all this is necessary for the falsifiers of history and the parasitic satanic forces of the "world elite" standing behind them? It is unlikely that someone is still not able to realize the fact that for a hundred years a real genetic war has been going on against the white race, the reasons for which have already been said more than once. And this is clearly seen, for example, in the change in the percentage of people of the white race in relation to the rest of humanity, which has happened over the past hundred years. It was for this that two bloody world wars were organized, many revolutions and coups, as well as the current invasion of refugees from Africa and the Middle East, who flooded many countries with an indigenous white population, to which the degradative "values" of modern Western civilization were imposed.

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